Afrocentrism and Do the Right Thing PART 5 Flashcards
Owns and operates the local pizzeria; his negative response to Buggin Out’s idea concerning the Wall of Fame constitutes a clash between the hierarchical controlling power and the spiritual power of the black community
A blatant racist who idolizes a few token celebrities like Prince and Eddie Murphy; Sal’s older son
Sal’s younger son;is friends with Mookie
A white yuppie who steps on Buggin Out’s shoes
During the first hydrant scene, a man in a car who is not allowed to pass without getting wet
The 2 Police Officers
Regulators who monitor and control community behavior
Is the agent for community message; is the force behind the film’s title and theme Do the Right Thing; incites a riot with a garbage can; is irresponsible as a father and boyfriend; works as a pizza delivery boy
Buggin Out
The self styled political spokesperson who challenges the eurocentric hierarchy when he demands the inclusion of African Americans on the pizzeria Wall of Fame; the most notorious caller in the film, the community instigator whose goal is to awaken people to the hierarchy that oppresses them
Mother Sister
A prominent female spiritual agent who says ‘We’re still standing” at the end of the film, which can be read as a continuation of the cycle of oppression and resistance
Da Mayor
A community sage whose phrase ‘Always do the right thing” explicitly identifies the film’s theme
Radio Raheem
A radio blasting,tough looking, and seemingly fierce character who is a power symbol for the black community in the film; his boxing match between love and hate illustrates the ambiguity of emphasizing commonalities rather than differences; his killing is a symbolic attempt to kill the community’s spirit; a young sage with a transcendent, spiritual status; is respected by the community, and allowed to pass through the hydrant water w/out getting wet`
Mister Senor Love Daddy
The radio station announcer; the most consistent of the various callers in the film who encourages harmony and unity in the community;also known as the arbitrator; he links community calls with community responses through his empowered voice located in the center of the community
Sweet Dick Willie
One of 3 corner men who uses the strategy of indirection ( saying one thing and meaning another or using evasive language before making a point a form of signifying) who also uses vituperation (heaping insults) (another form of signifying) on Mike Tyson and M.L
One of the 3 corner men, along with Sweet Dick Willie and Coconut Sid
Coconut Sid
One of the 3 corner men, along with Sweet Dick Willie and M.L, says what a waste about the police as they drive by