Afrocentrism and Do the Right Thing PART 5 Flashcards
Owns and operates the local pizzeria; his negative response to Buggin Out’s idea concerning the Wall of Fame constitutes a clash between the hierarchical controlling power and the spiritual power of the black community
A blatant racist who idolizes a few token celebrities like Prince and Eddie Murphy; Sal’s older son
Sal’s younger son;is friends with Mookie
A white yuppie who steps on Buggin Out’s shoes
During the first hydrant scene, a man in a car who is not allowed to pass without getting wet
The 2 Police Officers
Regulators who monitor and control community behavior
Is the agent for community message; is the force behind the film’s title and theme Do the Right Thing; incites a riot with a garbage can; is irresponsible as a father and boyfriend; works as a pizza delivery boy
Buggin Out
The self styled political spokesperson who challenges the eurocentric hierarchy when he demands the inclusion of African Americans on the pizzeria Wall of Fame; the most notorious caller in the film, the community instigator whose goal is to awaken people to the hierarchy that oppresses them
Mother Sister
A prominent female spiritual agent who says ‘We’re still standing” at the end of the film, which can be read as a continuation of the cycle of oppression and resistance
Da Mayor
A community sage whose phrase ‘Always do the right thing” explicitly identifies the film’s theme
Radio Raheem
A radio blasting,tough looking, and seemingly fierce character who is a power symbol for the black community in the film; his boxing match between love and hate illustrates the ambiguity of emphasizing commonalities rather than differences; his killing is a symbolic attempt to kill the community’s spirit; a young sage with a transcendent, spiritual status; is respected by the community, and allowed to pass through the hydrant water w/out getting wet`
Mister Senor Love Daddy
The radio station announcer; the most consistent of the various callers in the film who encourages harmony and unity in the community;also known as the arbitrator; he links community calls with community responses through his empowered voice located in the center of the community
Sweet Dick Willie
One of 3 corner men who uses the strategy of indirection ( saying one thing and meaning another or using evasive language before making a point a form of signifying) who also uses vituperation (heaping insults) (another form of signifying) on Mike Tyson and M.L
One of the 3 corner men, along with Sweet Dick Willie and Coconut Sid
Coconut Sid
One of the 3 corner men, along with Sweet Dick Willie and M.L, says what a waste about the police as they drive by
Mookie’s sister who communicates explicitly the value of community harmony and unity
Images of King Jr and MX
The symbols of black empowerment who serve to perpetuate harmony and unity;deceased divinely inspired callers and spiritual agents who nommo continues to be heard in the community; their voices can be heard through the words of Smiley and Buggin Out
Serves as a reminder of community responsibility as he carries and tries to sell images of the past
Mookie’s girl friend and the mother of his son
Korean Grocer and wife
Run a successful business in the black community; one of the corner men can’t figure out why the koreans are successful in that community,while the blacks are not
Punchy; Ahmad, Cee, Ella
Function like a Greek chorus; they attest to the truth of the word the caller espouses in several scenes
The boombox
The symbolic representation of the community voice
The radio station, symbolizes the traditional community value of communal love