African Drumming - Key words Flashcards
A Capella
Singing without musical accompaniment
Gradual increase in speed
The emphasis or stress placed on a particular note
A gourd-resonated xylophone
Call and response
A compositional technique, often a succession of two distinct phrases that works like a conversation in music
Cross rhythms
Two conflicting rhythms heard together
Cyclic rhythms
any compositional form characterized by the repetition, in a later movement or part of the piece, of motives, themes, or whole sections from an earlier movement in order to unify structure.
Gradual decrease in speed
Djembe drum
A rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands, originally from West Africa.
A family of cylindrical African drums.
The variation of loudness in music, how loud or soft.
A male voice which is artificially high
A record label featuring acoustic instrumental music with various ensembles of guitar, cello, flute, oboe, harp, fiddle, hammered and mountain dulcimer, banjo and mandolin.
African flute
The activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand, often to make a particular performer stand out.