African Art Exam 1 Flashcards
Egypt XXV Dynasty
- part of the last dynasty for the third intermediate period
- unification of Egypt and Kush making it the largest Egyptian empire since the new kingdom
- The dynasty lasted from 767 to 656 BC
- Kashta, the Kushite king, claimed the title of pharaoh once he took control
- With Nubian rulers in Egypt they accomplished stability, cultural renaissance, and military defense
- Piye becomes the first pharaoh of the 25th dynasty
- Piye conquers Memphis and the Delta
- Piye rebuilt the Jebel Barkal
- Shabaqa, 1st Kushite pharaoh, made diplomatic relations with Assyrian kings
- Shabaqa saved the story about Egypt’s beginnings, the creation story
- Kushite regalia, they wore the royal skullcap which was connected to kingship
- Kushite ruler would wear 2 uraei to represent the king of Egypt and Kush
- Shebitqo almost lost the empire to the Assyrians
- Taharqa is often mentioned in the bible as the savior of Hebrew people (Isaiah 37:8-9)
- Taharqa inscribed his name on a rock pinnacle of Gebel Barkal(sacred mountain)
- Tanwetamani reclaimed Egypt after Taharqa left and ruled for 7rs before being defeated by the Assyrians
Rulers and Buildings at Meroe
- buildings were built far out in the desert away from the nile
- had 223 pyramids that is twice the number in Egypt all have been looted
- largest complex is Naqa and Musawwaret-es-sufra
- king Arnekhamani built the lion temple at Musawwaret-es-sufra
- Naqa is important pilgrimage site and huge palace
- Naqa depicts Queen Amanitore and King Natakamani since they built it
- Naqa has 3 structures: lion temple, temple of amun, kiosk
- The kiosk at Naqa had greek corinthian columns and roman arches
- Queens were depicted as large and powerful covered in jewelry and fringed robes
- Queen Amanitore was the true royal that ruled Naqa
- Natakamani had to be depicted with Amanitore and he was not buried in the royal tomb
- Had depictions of elephants at the great enclosure to represent power and authority
- Qore Amanitore ruled alone until 31 AD
- Amanisheketo was Qore and Kandake/ ruler and queen
Christian Painting in Ethiopia
- art has origins in byzantine art
- Had a Covenant of Mary due to her sacrifices
- Depicts Mary with black skin
- Garima gospels which has 3 manuscripts made by Saint Abba Garima
- 15th century there was a emergence of regional styles since monks were traveling to different monasteries
- In King David enthroned as an ethiopian monarch, he is depicted in ethiopian clothes and like a nobility
- Our lady Mary w/ son and archangels has western influences which makes it less geometric and figures look more european
- Lasta, Lalibela is associated with the scribe Baselyos; geometric style
- the gondarene style pre dominates and is widely copied and regional styles flourish
- second gondarene style was mostly influenced by western paintings and has 3d shading and highlights
- 19th century the ethiopian empire broke apart were different warlords ruled known as the era of princes
- the 2nd gondarene style became more secular in the 19th century
- 2nd gondarene style had depiction of everyday subject matter
- healing scrolls: blue for baptism, red blood of jc, white purity; mix ancient abstract symbols w/ christ iconography
- hand cross is distinctive to ethiopia; demons are captured w/in the cross
Partition of Africa
Sarah Baartman
a black woman who was the epitome of racist colonial exploitation, using her body shape(highly curvy) as a “spectacle of entertainment” against her will
a spanish town that was bomb by German and italian air force
scientist who studies the evolution and prehistory of humans
- Louis and Mary Leaky
- Diane Fosse
- Jane Goodall
- Birue Galdikas
individuals from the middle east and north aftrica region. Groups would be the Kushites, Semitic, Omotic, and the ancient Egyptians
plateau between two rivers; located in algeria
Tenere Desert
located in Niger; has the largest rock art petroglyph of a giraffe carving made by the Tenere people
land of the bow; term the Egyptians used during the kerma period
George Reisner
Egyptologist who lef the 1st expeditions in Nubia; laid foundations of nubian studies; believed that nubians were just copying egyptian culture
elite military force;
Amenemhet III
12th dynasty egyptian ruler that conducted military campaigns, expanded existing forts and built new fortresses in nubia;
large buildings/ruins; the most important structure that is a holy site/temple
- made from mud brick
Tomb of Huy
Had representation of nubians; Huy was the govenor of Nubia under King Tut’s rule; also called Overseer of the Southern Lands and the King’s Son of Kush
Jebel Barkal
important religious temple complex that was rebuilt by Piye
Aminirdas I
Kashta’s daughter; God’s wife of Amun which is the position of female high priest: Kushite rule strengthens women’s authority
El Kurru
One of the main cemeteries at Napata
father of greek history
Memphis patron god
brought the world into existence by speaking the names of every living things
god of the resurrection
Cow horns
Napata: made Piye ruler of all foreign countries
Thebes: made piye ruler of egypt
Ram head
these were servants that were brought into the afterlife with the pharaohs to complete tasks and continue to be a servant for them
650s-270 BC; uderstood as a transitional period; has 2 cemeteries El Kurru and Nuri
queen mother; sister of the King of Kush who would bear the next heir
One of the main cemeteries in Napata
Tomb of Qalhata
tombs are painted and carved w/ magical text in egyptian fashion; mother of the last kushite pharaoh of egypt
King Aspelta
inherited the throne from his mother Nasala (Mistress of Kush)
Queen Amanirenas
ruled 40-10 BC; led the nubian army in a 5yr battle against rome in 27-22 BC and negotiated peace with them
The Great Enclosure
Musawwaret-es-sufra; typical egyptian style pylon gate; built by King Arnekhamani
god that is also a great ruler/warrior/hunter; head of nubia, lion of the south, strong of arm, the lion
Queen Amanisheketo
direct successor of Amanirenas; ruled 10 BC- 1AD; her successor was Shanakdakhete; best known in the western world for the wealth that survived in her pyramid
Giuseppe Ferlini
italian treasure hunter, looted Amanisheketo pyramid in 1834; destroyed the tomb from top down
two natures; JC has two natures one that is divine and the other that is human, after incarnation and both exist in the one person of jesus
after the union of divine and human; JC possess only a single nature that was either divine or a synthesis of divine and human
St. Anthony
a copt from Thebes; world’s first monk; founder of monasticism; monastery is in alexanderia/near ancient memphis
400 AD; Empress Theodora sends missionaries to nubia converting them; Nobatia: Dyo to Mono, Makuria: Dyo to Mono, Alwa: Mono, Monophysite, Dyophysite
Kings had cults of Osiris and Isis before converting
Faras Cathedral
consisted of 169 frescoes; a basilica type church w/ east and west axis, central nave, 2 aisles, altar sanctuary
nubian govenor
Bishop Petros
under the protection of Apostle Peter in the Faras Cathedral, 21st Bishop
Solomon and Sheba
they have a son after Sheba wanted to leave and takes water from Solomon; the son takes the biblical ark of the covenant
King Ezana
made christianity the state religion; have obelisks
ancient city than ran along the red sea controlled by the Axums; important trading hub; destroyed by the Arabians w/ the fall of the Axumite kingdom in the 7th century
Debra Damo
is a flat mountain accessible only by rope; a monastery fouded by Abuna
Zagwe Dynasty
10-12 century; Queen Yudith were non christian and defeated the axumite kings,
Tufa Rock
volcanic rock that help construct 11 monolithic churches called excavations
Ahmad Ibrahim
the left handed who launched a Jihad/holy war against Christian ethiopia in 1531
capital of the reunified christian state; influence the author JRR Tolkien for the lord of the rings; has the gondarene style and there’s two types
Menilik II
defeated the italians at the Battle of Adowa for indepedence
Rock Art
is human centered based on activities
made from zinc oxides, iron oxides, kaolin/white chalk, charcoal, burnt bones
Round Head before 6k BC: featureless faces w/ round heads
Pastoral 5k BC: herding and everday life scenes; neolithic
Horse 1200s BC: influences from the Mediterranean; chariots
Camel 100s BC: camel replace the horse
Nubia Art
Neolithic art: depicts cattle and herdsman; production of pottery and textile; settled lifestyle; female fertility figures; agricultural revolution
A group: 3100-2800 BC; earliest group to settle
C group: 2000-1500 BC; reddish brown pottery w/ a black rim interior; peaceful relations; farmed along the river
Pan Grave: 2200-1700; burried in circular graves; black topped pottery
Kerma: 2000-1550 BC; first powerful state in nubia; more advanced ceramic (eggshell ware) in skill and innovation
Egypt Art
Middle Kingdom art: 2134-1786 BC; had the fierce nubian bowmen w/ distinctive people
New kingdom: 1050-1077 BC; had nubians as prisoners, servants, slaves
Ethiopia Art
Aksum: have some imagery from pre-christian gods
Lalibela: geometric style; associated w/ baselyos; abstract
Gondar: has hints of byzantine art styles; idealized naturalism, flat and frontal, evil figures in profile, strong emotions expressed, must be didactic and figurative
Nubian Art II
XXV Dynasty
Napata: had egyptian new kingdom style sculptures like the one in AMUM
Ballana: had christian frescoes in Faras; had basillica type churches, 169 frescoes
Christian: traditional subject matter like the nativity, crucifixion, the holy family, saints, angels (light bulb heads); red yellow and green are common; heavy detail on patterns in the fabric