African American factors Flashcards
Supreme Court political progress
- Smith v. Allright 1944 beginning the dismantling of Jim Crow in the voting system
- This is one case, mostly inaction
Supreme Court political regress /hinderance
- Throughout the 19th Century attacked and upheld the destruction of AA political rights
- US v. Reese 1975 attacked the 14th Amendment 1968 as not guaranteeing voting rights
- Williams v. Mississippi 1898 opened the floodgates to states putting in place voting tests and poll taxes to exclude AA
- This lead to the cementing of a system which prevented southern AA from voting until 1965
Can only be countered by other factors
Supreme Court economic progress
- Giggs v. Duke Power Company 1971, lead to 300,000 businesses being bound by percentage quotas of AAs
- Lack of engagement with economic issues, over focus on desegregation in this period of progress
Supreme Court social progress
- Played a huge part in desegregation
- Brown v. Board of Education 1954 leading to the desegregation of schooling
- Swan v. Board of Education 1971 upholding bussing to desegregate schooling
- Action only happened after the 1950s
Supreme Court social regress/hinderance
- The Civil Rights Cases 1883 degrade the Civil Rights Act of 1875 taking away rights against discrimination in services
- Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 setting the separate but equal ruling which would effect AA for the next half a century
- Miliken v. Bradley 1975 undermined desegregation
- Freedman v. Pitts 1992 furthering this
- They did make a switch to being very progressional in the 1950s
Congress and president political progress
- Firstly with the 14th and 15th amendments, 1868 and 1870, it made all AAs citizens and gave them the right to vote, some 700,000 were enrolled with 22 representatives
- Then, to end the discrimination of voting it passed the Voting Rights Act 1965, increasing nationwide AA voting from 25% to 50%, and in the most discriminated areas like Mississippi it increased from 7% to 67%
- Huge lack of continuity with general disinterest throughout the period
Congress and president political regress/hinderance
- Complete lack of engagement on lead to the erosion of AA voting rights, Mississippi were allowed to rewrite their constitution disenfranchising AA with poll tests to decrease their voting statistics from 67% to 5.7%
- Counter with other factors
Congress and the president economic progress
- The original emancipation proclamation 1865 allowed slaves to buy land, build businesses as free men
- The Affirmative Action of Nixon 1969 held 300,000 businesses to minority percentage quotas
- Lack of engagement of a defacto level, sharecropping being allowed to dominate with its unfair 90% profit contracts lasting 50 years
Congress and the president economic regress/ hinderance
- Lack of engagement on a defacto level, after the Freedman’s Bureaus collapse in 1872 there was next to no policies which directly helped African Americans until affirmative action
- AA thus were disproportionately in the lower economic classes
- Counter with others
Congress and the president social progress
- With the Civil Rights Acts of 1875 and 1964 discrimination due to race was outlawed
- The very fact that there needed to be two acts suggests the effectiveness of the first
- The inaction of congress and the president allowed Jim Crow laws to segregate american society
Congress and the president social regress/hinderance
- The inaction of congress and the president allowed Jim Crow laws to segregate american society
- This inaction allowed the Supreme Court to pass the Civil Rights Cases and Plessy v. Fergusson, legally cementing Jim Crow and giving complete power over the lives of AA to an un democratically elected body
- counter with other factors
Civil Rights movement of inclusivity political progress
- SCLC and King marching 600 people on Selma were they were violently attacked by police, pushing forward the Voting Rights Act 1965
- This lead to the number of AA in public office in 1992 to increase to 8,000 from only 100 in 1964
- Voting statistics nationwide increasing from 25% to 50%
Counter with other factors
Civil Rights movement of inclusivity social progress
- A constant battle
- Ida B Well’s antilynching campaign in 1884
- The NAACP founded 1909 pushed cases to elevate discrimination through the supreme court, for example Thurgood Marshall’s role in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education
Civil Rights movement of inclusivity economic progress
- With the driving of acts like the Civil Rights Act 1964 economic benefits came as discrimination in employment did not occur on such a widespread level again
- Ultimately it was the ignore of these economic issues which caused the masses to fall out of love with Civil Rights movement for inclusivity causing the rise of Black Power
Black nationalism economic progress
- Booker T Washington set up the Tuskegee Institute in 1881 , this was a move to develop the AA community in segregation from the white establishment
- Black Panthers established in 1966 helped economic development with community projects, just a example of a much wider movement
- How productive this was on a greater scale can be questioned
Black nationalism social regress/hinderance
- The isolationist policies of many black nationalist groups served to widen divisions between black and white America
- The Black Panthers with their militancy created a sense of fear which drove greater segregation
- The extent to which this was an issue can be questioned
- The fear is not symptomatic of Black Nationalism but the reaction to it by white dominated media
The economy economic regress/ hinderance
- Depressions hit AA the hardest as they disproportionately made up the lower classes
- In the great depression AA unemployment was at 50% as opposed to 25% of whites, this trend of AA unemployment being twice the average continued throughout the period
- In some ghettos unemployment could rise to 70%
- There was no general trend of hinderance of regression
- AA economic situation rose and fell with the economy they were just hit hardest by the falls
White opposition groups economic regress/ hinderance
- Groups like the KKK targeted AA who were starting business and economically developing in order to assert and maintain white supremacy
- This was widespread with 155 unpunished lynchings in 1892 alone
- Widespread throughout the period as well the KKK being prevalent from their establishment in 1866 after varying degrees of prevalence until their collapse in 1944
- The White Citizen’s council keeping up the legacy established in 1954
- Certainly significant in popular opinion however as a direct obstacle little could be achieved after the anti lynching bill of 1937