Africa since 1945 Flashcards
What inspired African decolonization?
Asian independence movements, such as India.
Who was Kwame Nkrumah?
Leader of the Convention People’s Party. Independence 1957. Coup in 1966 to gain independence. The Gold Coast became Ghana. There wasn’t a significant Euro population there.
Why was Nkrumah overthrown?
Talked about a United States of Africa, didn’t want neocolonialism. Started a marketing board (you can only sell to one buyer). It was unpopular.
When did Nigeria gain Independence?
How many coups d’états by 2006 in Africa?
Who was Julius Nyerere?
President of Tanzania 1966-85. RETIRED
Why did Nyerere fail?
His socialism was forced. He started villagization that made people go back to farming. Switched from subsistence to cash crop, food needed to be imported
Outline Congo independence
Pressure from the UN in the 1950s
Belgian crackdown on independence movement
Hasty withdrawal starting in 1959.
Negotiations for handover in Jan 1960 -independent by June
Why did the country quickly fall to dictatorship?
Only 12 university grads in the whole country. Violence broke out.
Who was Patrice Lumumba?
First Prime Minister of Congo. Accepted aid from USSR.. Split with Mobutu led to his capture and execution, possibly with US help.
Who was Joseph Mobutu?
US backed dictator of Zaire from 1966-97. Got Cold War aid from US. One of the world’s richest men.
What was the Mau Mau Rebellion?
1950s Kenyan group that terrorized the country with massacres and savagery. The British put them down via divide and conquer - turn members against their own. British leave in 1963 and turn country over to loyalists
Outline economy after 1960.
2-3% GNP growth each year. Some manufacturing.
Lacked diversity - exports from farms and mines. Lots of debt from IMF.
Why were Angola and Mozambique colonies for so long?
They had a large settler population that was established for hundreds of years. They were poor, so neocolonial option not good.
How did black Africans view the Central African Union?
As moderated white supremacy.
Who was Ian Smith
Declared Unilateral Independence from Britain for Rhodesia. Banned ZANU and ZAPU parties.
What percent of Rhodesia was white?
Who is Robert Mugabe
President of Zimbabwe. Tried reconciliation with whites at first, but then blamed whites for problems.
When was the Afrikaaner Nationalist Party elected?
What was Petty Apartheid?
Intermarriage outlawed, ID cards for blacks or you go to jail. Black were being educated to be servants, they thought. Were like guest workers in own country.
What was Grand Apartheid?
10 Bantu Homelands where blacks live. 13% of the land for 75% of the population. The land was shit. Blacks had to leave their zones to find work.
When was the ANC founded and who inspired it
1912, the INC
What did the ANC propose with Freedom Charter?
A constitution, non-violent methods.
When was sharpville, what happened
- A Massacre of 69 protesters among several thousand who were against the Pass Laws.
When was the ANC outlawed and Mandela imprisoned?
1964, then ANC becomes insurgency
What were the Soweto Uprisings?
1976 Protests by South African students against Language Laws that would make Afrikaans the language used. Thousands killed.
Outline ANC insurgency
Bases in Zambia, Angola, Tanzania. Revitalized by 1976 exiles. Infiltrate SA and make townships ungovernable
What reforms steps did President Botha (SA) make towards Apartheid?
Got rid of pass books 1983, Invited Mandela for tea 1989
What did President DeKlerk do to end Apartheid?
In Feb 1990 he frees Mandela, legalized all parties. General election in April 1994 elect Mandela (94-99)
Origins of Rwanda genocide
Former Belgian Colony - use ID cards to identify Hutu and Tutsi
Bantu Hutu majority, but Belgians used Tutsi minority to run the country.
Hutu social revolution in 1959 hands the country to Hutu majority.
What happened leading up to the Rwandan Genocide?
There were killings of Hutu in nearby Burundi by the Tutsi majority there (1990), but Tutsi are a minority in Rwanda. Hutu exiles from Burundi live in Rwanda.
Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Force invade Northern Rwanda Oct. 1990.
First Hutu President in Burundi is assassinated Oct. 1993
President of Rwanda - Habyarimana was assassinated when a rocket shot down his plane. Hutu use this as a pretext to begin killing Tutsi.
Outline Rwandan Genocide
Well-prepared plan. Hutu eliminate Hutu moderates first by checking ID cards
Call Tutsi cockroaches.
Most people killed with machetes - 700,000
UN troops had been reduced.
RPF invasion in July stopped the killed, 2 million Hutu flee to Congo.