Africa Revision Flashcards
Where is Ghana located
West africa
What countries does Ghana border
Togo, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
Characteristics of life in rural Ghana
Huts made out of mud and hay, no electricity, poverty, aging population, nature and natural resources, farming
Water supply in Ghana challenges
The water supply isn’t clean and is contaminated with faecal matter.
How does water aid help Ghana
By providing clean water, good hygiene and decent toilets in the poorest communities in ghana
Geographical knowledge Mali
Located in west Africa bordering seven countries. Capital is Bamako. It’s in the Sahara desert in the north and south has forest
What do most people in rural Ghana eat
education system in ghana
many children face challenges like distance to schools so its harder to get to school and school cannot be afforded in some places
health services in rural ghana
health services are often limited resulting in a reliance on traditional medicine
what crops do they grow in rural ghana
maize cassava and cocoa
is ghana mainly a farming country
diseases such as salmonella are common in ghana
economic factors in rural ghana
limited economic opportunities. reliance on subsistence agriculture
water access in ghana
most water in rural ghana is very dirty with diseases such as cholera and dysentery remain prevalent in communities with poor water access
water government policies
ghanain government has recognized the need for improved water infrastructure implementing policies aimed at enhancing water acccesibility
3 diseases ghana faces
malaria, tuberculosis and HIV
why is water important in rural ghana
health, sanitation and watering crops