Africa Flashcards

Forest Pygmies, Zaire. A hunter gatherer group who have lost their own language and adopted that of the nearby agriculturalist groups.

Zulu Village, Transvaal. Agriculturalists who have iron working and farming. They are typically bantu people, who migrated from the west and settled in the south.

British Empire. We exploited the natural resourcecs of Africas e.g diamonds, gold, rubber and palm oil. The narrative stressed that Africans were primitive and we needed to help them by colonising their countries.

Racism- Europeans used their own own “enlightenment” and dehumanizing Africans to justify their actions.

The brass casting looted in 1897 from Benin.

The fortress in the capital of Benin that was destroyed by the British in 1897 to avenge the death of a European merchant. It was heavily looted and ripped down.

Bantu migrations, from West to South, 400BCE-400CE

Mapangubwe - the site of a palace and many graves with gold objects

Gold traders who looted from Great Zimbabwe, believing it to be the site of King Solomons mines in the 19th century.

Great Zimbabwe - the capital of Zimbabwe, 11th-15th century. Impressive brick work. Contained soapstone pillars, pottery, glass beads, and gold which were all looted in the 19th century.

Great Zimbabwe was thought in the 19th century to have been built by the Queen of Sheeba.

Soapstone pillars from Great Zimbabwe

- Monstrance
- Made of gold Vasco de Gama collected from east African coast
Italian ornament made from imported Zimbabwean gold

Kilwa: Husuni Kubwa Palace of Hasan ibn Sulaiman, c. 1300

Gold coins of Hasan ibn Sulaiman, c. 1320 from Kilwa

Slave ship- a represntation of how packed together slaves may have been.

Slave triangle- shows how Slaves were taken from Africa to produce materials in the Carribean which were then sent to Europe. Manufactures goods were sent to Africa to trade for slaves.

- Bantu art
- Migrations
- 400BCE-400CE

- Mapungubwe
- The Kingdom of Mapungubwe (1075– 1220)
- pre-colonial state in Southern Africa located at the confluence of the Shashe and Limpopo rivers

- Kilwa
- community on an island off the southern coast of present-day Tanzania in eastern Africa

Scipio Africanus (1702 – 21 December 1720)
Grave of African Slave in Bristol Church Yard