True or False: The FPCON level system is a progressive system designed to shape the AT operational environment in terms of threat integration, resource allocation, and operational continuity.
When a change in FPCON is directed (increased or decreased), voice and message attainment reports will be made via ___________ for the FP chain of command.
Tactical Control (TACON)
The goal of a RAM program is to deter, detect, and ___________ terrorist attacks.
What watch stander is generally not considered elements of the NSF?
Officer of the Deck (OOD)
On an installation, who is responsible for overseeing all waterfront security operations?
Antiterrorism Tactical Watch Officer (ATTWO)
Who is the primary liaison between the installation and afloat units, and will have direct communications with afloat watch standers.
Chief of the Guard (COG)
How is a Security Alert Initiated?
Three Whistle Blasts
Within the _____________ zone, active and passive security measures are employed to identify, detect, classify, and assess possible threats.
What zone contains a standoff zone past the ECP where the cover sentry, manning a CSW from a covered position, engages a person who has gained unauthorized entry?
The general configuration for a six-man reaction force, consists of the following positions except:
Front man
Within the ____________, key personnel throughout the command staff and subordinate commanders use the working group format to assist in developing and refining terrorism TAs and to coordinate and disseminate threat warnings, reports, and summaries throughout the command.
Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG)
The Threat Working Group (TWG) should meet how often?
An AT Executive Committee (ATEC) should meet how often?
What is not a component of an In-port Security Plan?
When in the continental United States, who is the ship’s point of contact for all security measures?
Installation Antiterrorism Officer
True or False: Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE) does not apply to air and maritime homeland defense missions conducted within U.S. territory or territorial seas, unless otherwise directed by the SECDEF.
True or False: U.S forces will comply with the Law of Armed Conflict during military operations involving armed conflict, no matter how the conflict may be characterized under international law, and will comply with the principles and spirit of the Law of Armed Conflict during all other operations.
True or False: U.S. forces assigned to the operational control (OPCON) or tactical control (TACON) of a multinational force will follow the Rules of Engagement (ROE) of the multinational force for mission accomplishment, if authorized by SecDef order.
Protecting assets vital to national security consists of which of the following?
Theft or sabotage of assets vital to national security
Who does the shipboard Antiterrorism Tactical Watch Officer (ATTWO) report to when tactically employing command assets to defend the unit against terrorist attacks when in port?
Command Duty Officer (CDO)
Who does the Chief Master-at-Arms (CMAA) report to while on a ship?
Executive Officer (XO)
True or False: There are two component parts of the ceremony of at sea disposition: civilian and military?
For at sea disposition, the casketed remains are covered with the national ensign facing which way?
Union placed at the head and over the left shoulder
Who is responsible for a ship’s General Visiting Bill?
Executive Officer (XO)
What message is used to report incidents that are of national-level interest to the National Military Command Center (NMCC)?
What message is used to provide the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and other naval commander’s notification of incidents that are of high Navy, as opposed to national-level, interest?