Affective disorders- depression and bipolar, post-natal depression and puerperal psychosis Flashcards
What is the prevalence of depression?
The average lifetime prevalence estimate was 14.6% for adults in high-income countries.
The average 12-month prevalence estimate was 5.5% for adults in high-income countries.
The average age of onset was 25.7 years in adults in high-income countries.
The female-male ratio was about 2:1.
What is the presentation of depression, including ICD-10 diagnostic criteria?
From ICD-10:
In typical mild, moderate, or severe depressive episodes:
* Core symptoms: Low mood, anhedonia, low energy
Other symptoms:
* Capacity for enjoyment, interest, and concentration is reduced
* Marked tiredness after even minimum effort is common.
* Sleep is usually disturbed
* Appetite diminished.
* Self-esteem and self-confidence reduced
* Some ideas of guilt or worthlessness are often present.
* Somatic symptoms - weight loss, depression worse in morning, loss of libido, agitation, loss of appetite, EMW, marked psychomotor retardation.
What is required for diagnosis of depression?
Symptoms must be present every day or** nearly every day** for** over 2 weeks **
Must represent a change in personality without use of alcohol/drugs, underlying medical disorder or berevement
At least 2 core symptoms - low mood, anhedonia, low energy
PLUS 2 or more typical symptoms (sleep, appetite, conc etc)
Distinguish between Dx of mild, moderate and severe depression
Mild = 2 core symptoms + 2 other symptoms (able to function)
Moderate = 2 core and 3 or 4 other symptoms
Severe = 3 core + at least 4 other symptoms
What are the somatic symptoms of depression? BB LEC
Loss of libido, weight changes, appetite changes, early morning waking, diurnal variation of mood (depression can be worse in mornings), psychomotor agitation/retardation.
What are cognitive symptoms of depression? BB LEC
Low self esteem
Guilt / self blame
Hypochondrical thoughts
Poor conc/inattention - may be described as memory loss
Suicidal thoughts
What is psychotic depression?
Presence of severe depression (3 core and 4+ other symptoms) with psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and/or delusions.
In a history for depression, what two ‘depression identification questions’ do you need to ask?
What should you if answer to these qu is yes?
During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?
If answer is yes - need a more in depth assessment, so ask all qu (e.g. sleep, appetite, EMW, loss of libido, weight loss, guilt, conc etc)
What should you ask in Hx of pt with depression. Name at least 5!
(this answer wil be long)
- **The symptoms **- onset, duration, pattern(diurnal?) severity, impact on daily life, including impact on carer duties (if relevant) and children (?safeguarding concern)
- Current lifestyle - diet, physical activity, sleep, alcohol, substance misuse.
- **PMH **- of depression or self harm. Previous suicide attempts
- **Co-existing MH conditions **(current symptoms or past Hx) - mood elevation, psychotic, psychotic depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTSD, eating disorders, schizophrenia
- **Learning disabilities or cog impairment **(if relevant) - dementia, traumatic brain injurt, parkinsons
- RFs for depression - FHx of depression, suicide, self harm, chronic physical health condition, history of domestic violence.
- Current and previous supportive relationships - partner, family, friends, carers, other organisatiosn (eg samaritans, crisis)
- **Recent or past stressful or traumatic events **- eg job loss, relationship breakdown, divorce, debt, housing, immigration, social isolation.
forensic/criminal Hx - DSH and suicide - thoughts, ideas, plans, intent for DSH or suicide, and protective factors.
- DHx - current meds, previous treatment for depression - did it work? Allergies
How is depression investiagted?
- Take Hx and assess risk !!
- Consider using questionasire - PHQ9, HAD (7 qu on anxiety, 7 on depression)
- Rule out other causes for presentation - TFTs for hypothyroidism, FBC for anaemia, B12 and folate deficiencies, bone profile for hypocalcaemia
How is depression managed?
Mild - General advice - sleep hygiene, exercise, support groups, relaxation, socialising, healthy lifestyle (food chpices, alcohol intake reduced, sleep routine). CBT in group or individualised, self help guides. Consider starting antidepressants if they have a PMHx of moderate to severe depression
Moderate - indivdial CBT (high intensity psychological interventions) and antidepressants - SSRIs recommended as 1st line.
Severe - need rapid specialist mental health assessment with consideration of inpatient admission (using MHA if necessary). Antidepressants, ECT. rTMS, IV ketamine
How long should antidepressants be used for depression? How does this differ to SSRis taken for anxiety?
Should be taken for 6m in depression.
For anxiety, need to be taken for 1yr.
What treatment options are available for depression?
Self help, lifestyle changes, CBT, antidepressants, combo therapy (antidepressant and CBT), interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, counselling
What are the causes of depression?
Likely due to interaction between biological, psychological and social factors.
Biological - FHx/ genetic, structural brain changes e.g. ventricular enlargement. Brain illness = parkinsons or dementia. Physical illness such as cancer, hypothyroid. Imbalance of 5-HT and NA in the brain and spinal cord (monoamine hypotehseis).
Psychological - personality traits, neuroticism (where you get autonomic hyperarousal, mood lability, negative biases in attention and processing), childhood experiences, view of yourself and the world
Social - life events that are disruptive, stress associated w/ poor social environment and social isolation, lower social class, work, housing, finances, relationships, support.
Prognosis of depression?
Depressive episodes last 3-6m with treatments, and people usually recover within 12m
80% of pts will have further depressive episode
10% will have severe unremitting depression
How does presentation of depression differ in children and the elderly?
**In children **- similar - a sad or irritable mood, anhedonia, decreased capacity to have fun, decreased self-esteem, sleep disturbance, social withdrawal or impaired social relationships, and impaired school performance.
In elderly - may only present with physical symptoms or a deterioration in cognitive functioning
What are the differentials for depression?
Psychological disorders:
* Bipolar - where depression is first episode/pt has not disclosed manic episode/hypomania.
* Schizophrenia
* Anorexia nervosa, bulimia
* Anxiety - GAD, PTSD, Phobia based, Adjustment disorder
* Premenstural syndrome –> relate to Repro
Neurological condition:
* Dementia
* MS
* Parkinsons
Physical illness
* hypothyroid
* anaemia
* sleep disorder - OSA
Medication side effects
* methydopa
* beta blockers
* hormonal contraceptives
* PPIs
* gabapentin
* opioids
* isotretinoin –> relate to Derm
* substance misuse
What is the prevalence of bipolar disorder?
Epidemiology of bipolar:
1. What is median age of onset?
2. Male to female ratio?
Median age = 25
Describe Bipolar affective disorder, including ICD-10 diagnostic criteria
- A disorder characterised by two or more episodes.
- The patient’s mood and activity levels are significantly disturbed → some occasions of an elevation of mood and increased energy and activity (hypomania or mania) and on others of a lowering of mood and decreased energy and activity (depression).
- Repeated episodes of hypomania or mania only are classified as bipolar.
What is the presentation of hypomania? (ICD-10 +BB)
Usually have 4 -5 of these symptoms
* Persistent mild elevation, expansive or irritable mood.
* Increased energy and activity
* Increased self esteem
* Increased sociability, talkativeness, over-familiarity
* Increased sex drive,
* Decreased need for sleep
* Difficulty on focusing on one task alone
* (Symptoms are present but not to the extent that they lead to severe disruption of work or result in social rejection)
* The disturbances of mood and behaviour are NOT accompanied by hallucinations or delusions.
* Pt’s routine and functioning is not affected
What is the presentation of mania? (ICD-10 +BB)
Usually have all of these symptoms
* Elevated/expansive/irritable mood (1 week)
* Increased energy, activity including agitation
* Grandiosity/Increased self esteem
* Pressure of speech
* Flight of ideas/racing thoughts
* Distractible
* Reduced need for sleep
* Increased libido
* Social inhibitions lost
* Psychotic symptoms may be present - delusions and hallucinations (usually voices speaking directly to the pt)
* these symptoms mean pt’s routine and functioning is disturbed
What is cyclothymia?
Mild periods of elation/depression. (have highs and lows but not to the extremes, so can not be diagnosed with bipolar)
Has an early onset, and chronic course.
What is diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder in children and young people? (NICE)
Mania MUST be present
Euphoria MUST be present on most days, and for the most time, for at least 7 days
Irritability is NOT a core diagnostic criterion.
Causes of bipolar disorder?
Interplay between genes and environment
**Genes: **
* BPD is a heritable psych disorder.
* 1st degree relative of person w BPD have lifetime risk of developing the illness 5x more than gen pop.
* Early life stress
* Maternal death before child reaches 5
* Childhood trauma
* Childhood abuse
* Emotional neglect/abuse
* Toxoplasma gondii exposure
* Cannabis use, cocaine exposure
Describe the classification of bipolar disorder
- Bipolar I - 1 or > manic episodes or mixed episodes +/- 1 or more depressive episodes
- Bipolar II - 1 or more depressive episodes with at least 1 hypomanic episode
ICD 10 - requires at least 2 episodes, one of which MUST be a hypomanic, manic or mixed episode.
What is prognosis of bipolar disorder?
- Requires lifelong treatment and management
- Risk of recurrance after an episode is 50% in 12 months
- BPD associated with progressive deficits in cognition and functioning
- Mortality is higher for pts with BPD - higher rates of CVD and suicide
Poor prognosis is suggested by: severe episodes, early onset, cognitive deficits.
Differential diagnosis for bipolar disorder?
- Unipolar depression
- Cyclothymia
- Schizophrenia
- Mood disorder due to underlying medical condition - stroke, thyroid disese, MS
- Substance misuse - drug induced mania
- Organic brain disease - FL dementia, MS, AIDS, epilepsy, SLE, SOL
- Iatrogenic causes - antidepressants, corticosteroids, levodpa
- Metabolic disorders - B12 def, hyperthyroid, cushings, addison’s.
- Personality disorders - EUPD
- Anxiety disorders
How is bipolar investigated?
Based on clinical picture
To confirm diagnosis - need a specialist mental health assessment - refer to Specialist mental health services
What is management for bipolar disorder?
- If presenting with severe depression, mania or are a danger to themselves or others - they need an urgent mental health assessment. Ask them to go in voluntarily, or if they refuse, can be arranged under section 2 or 3 of MHA.
Treatment is more effective earlier in the course of illness. - High intensity psychological interventions e.g Psychotherapy such as CBT, psychoeducation, IPT, mindfulness.
- Pharmacological:
-Mood stabilisers - lithium is mood stabiliser of choice (passmed). Valproate is also used.
-Antipsychotics - risperidone, olanzapine, haloperidol, quentiapine.
-For depression - fluoxetine combined with olanzapine. Or Olanzapine alone, or lamotrigine alone. - Management of mania - if on an antidepressant, consider stopping it as it may have been a contributing factor.
Lithium is used as a mood stabiliser in bipolar. What is lithium toxicity precipitated by?
Dehydration, renal failure, certain other drugs - ACEi, diuretics (esp thiazides), NSAIDs, methotrexate
What are the features of lithium toxicity?
Coarse tremor, hyperreflexia, confusion, polyuria, seizures, coma
How is lithium toxicity managed?
Volume resus w/ saline
Haemodialysis in severe cases
Prevalence of post-natal depression?
10-15% women in first 1-2months postpartum (BB lec)
RF for postnatal depression?
Previous PND
PMHx of depression or anxiety, including during pregnancy
FHx of depression
Lack of social support
Poor partner relationship / single mother
Preterm birth, infant health problems, need for NICU
Unplanned pregnancy
Not breastfeeding
Antenatal parental stress
Antenatal thyroid dysfunction
Longer time to conception
Depression in fathers
Having 2+ children
Current or past history of substance misuse
Prognosis of post-natal depression?
- If depression is untreated during pregnancy, women have a seven-fold increased risk of postpartum depression compared with women with no antenatal depressive symptoms.
- Depression occurring postnatally is often self-limiting within a few months, however about one third of women are still unwell one year after childbirth, and about 13% after 2 years.
- The risk of subsequent relapse is high, affecting around one in four women.
How is post-natal depression diagnosed?
using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - EPDS
or PHQ-9
DDx for postnatal depression?
Baby blues - low mood after childbirth
Postpartum psychosis (aka puerperal psychosis)
Bipolar disorder
Presentation of post-natal depression?
Low mood, low energy, little pleasure/interest in doing things
Tearful, guilty, irritable, tired, sleepless, changes in appetite, low libido, self blame, low concentration, anxious, hopeless, socially isolate themselves, thoughts of suicide and self harm, symptoms of psychosis.
Lasts at least 2 weeks
Struggle to look after self and baby
Management of post-natal depression?
- have a low threshold for referring to MDT in mother and baby units
- Screen for depression using EPDS
- Involve fathers - where relevant
- may need emergency admission under MHA
- refer for facilitated self help or CBT
- Short term antidepressants - theses are excreted in breast mild, so check baby for SE or advise to stop breastfeeding
- use TCA, SSRI or SNRI if woman has Hx of severe depression
Prevelance of postpartum psychosis?
Presentation of postpartum psychosis?
Onset usually within the first 2-3 weeks following birth - peak is 2 weeks pp
Prominent affective symptoms - mania or depression
rapidly fluctuating symptoms
Mood lability
Management of postpartum psychosis?
This is an emergency. Admission to hospital is usually required, ideally in a Mother & Baby Unit
Need medication to treat affective symotoms (mood stabiliser, antidepressant or ECT) and psychotic symptoms (2nd gen antipsychotic, long acting benzo) combined with therapy, reassurance and emotional support (with and for family).
Once discharged, need referral to local community mental health services and health visitors will be needed.
Prognosis for postpartum psychosis?
There is around a 25-50% risk of recurrence following future pregnancies
What is the interaction between physical and psychiatric disorders?
Physical health problems significantly increase the risk of poor mental health, and vice versa
- Chronic illness is a RF for depression.
- Certain psychiatric conditions affect physical wellbeing - e.g. pts with psychosis disorders are more likely to smoke –> increase risk of cardiac and lung health - COPD. Bipolar has a 2-3 times increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and COPD.
- psychiatric disorders can present with physical symptoms - tiredness, palpatations etc.
What is the risk of prescribing antidepressants in someone with Bipolar Affective Disorder?
Manic switch’ - i.e. the change from depression into mania
What are some triggers of a manic episode in someone with Bipolar Affective Disorde
physical illness, stressful life events, relationship breakdown, work stress, lack of sleep, stopping medication, ‘manic switch’ from antidepressants, illicit substance misuse or trauma
What 4 conditions is ECT licensed for?
Severe life threatening depression
Treatment resistant depression
Prolonged Manic episode.
Psychotic features of bipolar?
(e.g. delusions of grandeur, auditory hallucinations) helps differentiates mania from hypomania.
What type of drug is Quetiapine? List 2 common side effects of this drug?
Atypical antipyschotic
weight gain
metabolic disturbance / changes