AF Mishap Prevention Program Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program?
To minimize the loss of Air Force resources and protect Air Force personnel from death injuries or occupational illnesses by managing risks on and off duty.
What is a systematic approach to managing safety in the Air Force?
The Air Force Safety Management System - It includes the necessary organization and procedures for safety in the Air Force.
What is AFSEC’s vision?
To be a world leader in safety management by focusing on three priorities: compliance, risk reduction, and continuous improvement.
What does the mishap prevention program address?
- Methods to target groups at increased risk for mishaps, injury, or illness.
- Processes for tracking and trending hazards and incidents.
- Funding for safety programs.
- Metrics for measuring effectiveness, safety goals, objectives, and milestones.
- Methods to identify and disseminate safety best practices benchmarks, etcetera.
What minimum guidance is necessary to provide a safe and healthful workplace for all Airmen?
AFOSH guidance.
Who can supplement AFOSH guidance when additional or more stringent safety criteria is required?
AFOSH includes guidance from which sources?
- Regulatory Federal Standards.
- AF published guidance.
- TOs and manufacturers’ guidance.
- Joint-Use Workplaces.
- Variances and Exemptions.
What will an affected work center process when it is impractical or impossible to meet CFR or AFOSH requirements due to operation needs?
A variance or exemption.
What is a variance?
Temporary relief from a requirement with the understanding that permanent control measures are planned and will be in place within five years.
What is an exemption?
Permanent relief from a requirement with proof that the applicant can protect the employee with substantiate proposed methods, equipment, or facilities as well or better than AFOSH guidance.
Who may grant variances or exemptions from AFOSH and enviornmental guidance?
- AF Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC).
- AF Medical (AFMED)
Note: Only OSHA can approve exemptions and waivers for OSHA requirements.
Who reviews variance and exemptions before they are sent to AFSEC?
Who maintains a master file of approved variances and exemptions?
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA, or DRU, or the installation OSM.