Aestheticism and American Renaissance Flashcards

James McNeil Whistler, Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room and Rose and Silver: The Princess from the Land of Porcelain, home of Frederick R. Leyland, Liverpool, England, 1876-77. Collection of Freer Museum of Art, Smithsonian Institution.

Thomas Jeckyll and Barnard, Bishop and Barnard, sunflower andiron, brass, c. 1876. The Birkenhead Collection.

Frederick Edwin Church, Hall Court, Olana, 1886.

Lockwood de Forest, designer, “Hindoo” fireplace surround, Olana, probably made in India, 1887.

George Hunzinger, Armchair, walnut, black ash, modern upholstery, New York, ca. 1869. Collection of the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute.

George A. Schastey and Company, Worktable, amaranth, satinwood, walnut, mahogany, poplar, brass, pewter or lead, mother-of-pearl, glass, unknown colored resin, original and reproduction textiles, 1881-1882. Collection of the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute.

Herter Brothers, Cabinet, maple, oak or chestnut, stamped and gilt paper, with gilding, inlay and carved decoration, original brass pulls and key, about 1880. Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Herter Brothers, Fire Screen, gilded wood, painted and gilded wood panels, brocaded silk, embossed paper, c. 1878-80. Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Candace Wheeler, Tulip Appliqué, manufactured by Cheney Brothers, ca. 1883-86.

Dora Wheeler (Dora Wheeler Keith) (1856-1940) for Associated Artists, Penelope Unraveling Her Work at Night, silk embroidered with silk thread, 1886. Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Candace Wheeler, Honeybee, frieze and field wallpaper, 1881. Reproduction manufactured by JR Burrows & Co., Rockland, MA 2006.

Designed by Frank Shaw, Tilt-top Table, Tiffany & Company, electroplated silver over copper, mahogany, New York.

Macaroni server, silver, parcel-gilding, c. 1865.

Benn Pittman, designer; Adalaide Nourse Pitman, carver, Elizabeth Nourse, painter, Bedstead, Cincinnati, ca. 1883.

Celia Laighton Thaxter, vase with daffodil (Narcissus), earthenware, 1882. Collection of Strawberry Banke Museum.

Sara Sax (1870-1949), decorator, Rookwood Pottery, vase, 1913.

Marie Evans, decorator, Cincinnati Art Pottery, Vase, 1887.

Charles (Carl) Schmidt, decorator, Rookwood Pottery, vase, Cincinnati, c. 1902. Collection of the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art.

Herter Brothers, North-west Corner of Drawing-Room with Portions of Galland’s Fete, William H. Vanderbilt residence, 640 Fifth Avenue, NY, 1882. From Edward Strahan, Mr. Vanderbilt’s House and Collection (Boston, 1883-84). Depicts interior by Christian Herter for Herter Brothers, and decorative painting by Pierre-Victor Galland. Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Herter Brothers, Side Chair, made for the drawing room of the William H. Vanderbilt residence, 640 Fifth Avenue, gilded maple, mother-of-pearl, upholstery not original, ca. 1881-82.

Henry Hobson Richardson, Trinity Church, Boston, MA, 1872-77.

McKim, Mead and White, Inglenook, Isaac Bell House, Newport, RI, 1883.

McKim, Mead, and White, Oval Room, White House, Washington, DC, 1902.

Paulding Farnham, designer, The Adams Vase, manufactured by Tiffany & Company, gold, amethysts, quartzes, spessartites, tourmalines, fresh water pearls, and enamel, New York, 1893-95. Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Richard Morris Hunt and Jules Allard and Sons, parlor interior (Gold Room), Marble House. 1888-1892

Ogden Codman, Jr. (1863-1951), Bedroom, The Breakers. 1893

Louis Comfort Tiffany, Peacock Mosaic, Entrance Hall, Havemeyer Residence, 1892. Collection of the University of Michigan (U/M).

Samuel Colman and Louis Comfort Tiffany, Table for the Music Room, Havemeyer Residence, stained opalescent glass, 1890-1892. U/M