Aengus / Eldorado study cards Flashcards
literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
rhyme scheme
the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse.
the emotional undertone that an author conveys in a work
Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words in succession whose purpose is to provide an audible pulse that gives a piece of writing a lulling, lyrical, and/or emotive effect.
Assonance is the repetition of the vowel sound across words within the lines of the poem creating internal rhymes
A resemblance in sound between two words, or an initial rhyme (see also Alliteration)
repeating words, phrases, lines, or stanzas
Two reasons why poets rhyme
Rhyme creates an echo in the poem, which can leave a lasting effect on the audience. A poet can use rhyme in their work to evoke emotions from their audience. Rhyme tends to be predictable but pleasurable. As such, it can create suspense or dramatic tension.
eyesight, seeing into the future, dreams
Why do you think the poet repeats these words?
The poet repeats these words to symbolize the importance of the sentences.
How do the rhyme and sound devices help to create the mood?
The rhyme and sound helps to create mood by giving it a somber feel since it symbolizes how long Eldorado has been looking for the love of his life.
How does the structure contribute to the poet’s meaning?
The structure gives the poem a song like quality which connects it to the title
What is the main idea?
The main idea is that Eldorado has spent so much time looking for someone that it has given his life a purpose.