aeneid sentence learning (lines 102-123) Flashcards
talia iactanti stridens Aquilone procella velum adversa ferit, fluctusque ad sidera tollit
while he was shouting such (words), a storm, shrieking with the North Wind, struck the sail full in front and raised the waves to the stars.
fraguntur remi, tun prora avertit et undis dat latus, insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons
the oars were broken, then the prow turned away and offered the flank to the waves, a sheer mountain of water followed in a mass
hi summo in flucto pendent;
some hang on the top of the wave;
his unda dehiscens terram inter fluctus aperit, furit aestus harenis.
to the others while a yawn wave reveals the earth among the waves, the seething sea rages with sand
tres Notus abreotas in saxa latentia torquet
the South Wind, having snatched away three, hurls (them) onto hidden rocks
(saxa vocant Itali mediis quae in fluctibus Aras, dorsum immane mari summo)
(the rocks, which the Italians call the Altars, in the middle of the waves a huge ridge on top of the sea)
tres Eurus ab alto in brevia et syrtes urget, miserabile visu, inliditque vadis atque aggere cingit harenae
three the East wind drives from the deep onto the shallows and sandbanks, wretched to behold, and dashes (them) onto the shoals and surrounds (them) with a mound of sand
unam, quae Lycios fidumque vehebat Oronten, ipsius ante oculos ingens a vertice pontus in puppim ferit
the huge sea, (falling) from its height, struck on which was carrying the Lycians and faithful Orontus on its stern before his very eyes:
excutitus pronusque magister volvitur in caput
the helmsman is shaken off and bending forward is rolled headlong
ast illam ter fluctus ibidem torquet agens circum et rapidus vorat aequore vertex
but a wave whirls the ship three times on the same spot driving (it) round and a swift whirlpool swallows (it) in the sea
apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto, arma virum tabulaeque et Troia gaza per undas
swimmers appear far apart in the enormous whirlpool, men’s weapons and planks and Trojan treasure throughout the waves.
iam validam Ilionei navem iam fortis Achatae, et qua vectus Abas, et qua grandaevus Aletes, vicit hiems
no the storm overcomes the strong ship of Ilioneus, now brave Achates’ and (the one) in which Abas was carried, and (the one) in which Aletes advanced in years (because?)
laxis laterum compagibus omnes accipiunt inimicum imbrem rimisque fatiscunt
the joints of the sides had been loosened all (the ships) let in hostile water and gapes with cracks