Aeneid Scholars Flashcards
R. Deryck Williams (1973)
“Aeneas has to be the social man”
Philip Hardie (2010)
“he is forced into a mission by circumstance beyond his control”
“Aeneas’ relationships, Virgil appears to neglect”
“Aeneas’ general concern to facilitate fate is the cornerstone of his pietas”
Two quotes by Kenneth McLeish (1972), both about Pietas
“Book 4, pietas is obscured by the character Dido”
“it is only pietas for the dead Pallas that brings Aeneas to kill Turnus”
Hans Peter Stahl
“Aeneas represents the ‘unheroic’ hero”
David Ross (2007)
“The Aeneid isn’t a poem about religion, yet fate and the gods are mentioned throughout and are always in control”
Two quotes from Colleen Reilly about women in Homeric society
“doomed to fail in a world dominated by males”
“women who step out of traditional gender roles are doomed to fail”
Catherine Edwards
“Turnus plays hector to Aeneas achilles”