Aeneid - Part 1 Flashcards
At pater Aeneas audito nomine Turni
But Father Aeneas, after hearing Turnus’ name,
deserit et muros et summas deserit arces
abandons the walls and abandons the lofty citadel too;
praecipitatque moras omnes
and he casts aside all delay,
opera omnia rumpit,
breaks off all tasks
laetitia exsultans,
exulting in joy
horrendumque intonate armis;
and he thunders terribly on his arms;
quantus Athos, aut quantus Eryx,
as great as Athos, or as great as Eryx,
aut ipse coruscis cum fremit ilicibus
or, when he roars with his quivering oaks
quantus gaudetque nivali vertice se attollens pater Appenninus ad auras.
and rejoices in lifting his snowy peak to the skies, as Father Appenninus himself.
iam vero et Rutuli certatim et Troes et omnes convertere oculos Itali,
Now indeed all eagerly turned their eyes on him - Rutulians, Trojans and Italians,
quique alta tenebant moenia
both those who were defending the lofty fortifications
quique imos pulsabant ariete muros,
and those who were striking the base of the walls with a battering ram,
armaque deposuere umeris.
and they laid down their arms from their shoulders.
stupet ipse Latinus ingentes, (…viros - next line)
Latinus himself is amazed that these huge men,
genitos diversus partibus orbis,
born in different parts of the world,
inter se coiisse viros et cernere ferro.
have met together and are fighting it out with the sword.
atque illi, ut vacuo patuerunt aequore campi,
And they, when the field has opened up into an empty space,
procursu rapido,
in a swift dash forward,
proiectis eminus hastis,
throw their spears from a distance,
invadunt Martem clipeis atque aere sonoro.
and rush into battle with shields of echoing bronze.
dat gemitum tellus;
The earth gives a groan;
tum crebros ensibus ictus congeminant:
then they redouble blow upon blow with their swords -
fors et virtus miscentur in unum.
chance and courage are mingled together.
ac velut ingenti Sila summove Taburno cum
And it is just as when in mighty Sila or on top of Taburnus
duo conversis inimica in proelia tauri frontibus incurrunt,
two bulls charge, brow to brow, in hostile combat;
pavidi cessere magistri,
the herdsmen have retreated in horror,
stat pecus omne metu mutum
the whole herd stands dumb with fear
mussantque iuvencae,
and the heifers silently wonder
quis nemori imperitet,
which one will be lord of the grove,
quem tota armenta sequantur;
which one the whole herd will follow.
ille inter sese multa vi vulnera miscent
They deal out wounds on each other with much force
cornuaque obnixi infigunt
and their horns gore as they struggle
et sanguine largo colla armosque lavant,
and they bathe their necks and shoulders in streaming blood;
gemitu nemus omne remugit:
the whole grove bellows back their lowing:
non aliter Tros Aeneas et Daunius heros concurrunt clipeis,
just so Trojan Aeneas and the Daunian hero clash with their shields,
ingens fragor aethera complet.
a huge crash fills the heavens.
Iuppiter ipse duas aequato examine lances sustinet
Jupiter himself holds up two scales in even balance
et fata imponit diversa duorum,
and places in them the different destinies of the two men:
quem damnet labor
whom the struggle dooms
et quo vergat pondere letum.
and with whose weight death sinks down.
emicat hic, impune putans,(… Turnus - next line)
At this, Turnus, thinking it safe, springs forward
et corpore toto alte sublatum consurgit in ensem et ferit:
and at full stretch rises to the sword which he has raised aloft and strikes.
exclamant Troes trepidique Latini,
The Trojans and the nervous Latins cry out,
arrectaeque amborum acies.
and the ranks of both sides are on their toes in excitement.
at perfidus ensis frangitur,
But the treacherous sword breaks,
in medioque ardentem deserit ictu,
and fails the raging Turnus in mid-stroke,
ni fuga subsitio subeat.
if flight did not come to his aid. / unless flight could come in his rescue
fugit ocior euro,
He flees swifter than the East Wind
ut capulum ignotum dextraque aspexit inermem.
when he saw the unfamiliar sword-hilt and his right arm defenceless.
fama est praecipitem,
The story is that in his haste,
cum prima in proelia iunctos conscendebat equos,
when he mounted his chariot drawn by yoked horses for the first battle,
patrio mucrone relicto,
he left behind his father’s sword,
dum trepidat,
in his excitement,
ferrum aurigae rapuisse Metisci;
and seized the sword of his charioteer, Metiscus.
idque diu, dum terga dabant palantia Teucri suffecit:
And this sufficied for a long time, as long as the Trojans turned their backs in straggling flight:
postquam arma dei ad Vulcania ventum est,
but after it came against the armour forged by the god Vulcan,
mortalis mucro,
the sword made by a man,
glacies ceu futilis,
like brittle ice,
ictu dissiluit;
shattered at the blow;
fulva resplendent fragmina harena.
the fragments gleam on the yellow sand.
ergo amens diversa fuga petit aequora Turnus,
Therefore Turnus in his flight madly seeks different parts of the plain
et nunc huc, inde huc incertos implicat orbes;
and weaves aimless circles, now in one direction, now in another;
undique enim densa Teucri inclusere corona,
for on all sides the Trojans in a closely packed ring have enclosed him,
atque hinc vasta palus, hinc ardua moania cingunt.
and on one side a vast marsh, on the other high walls hem him in.
nec minus Aeneas, (…insequitur)
No less does Aeneas pursue him,
quamquam tardata sagitta interdum genua impediunt curcumque recusant,
although his knees, slowed down by an arrow wound, at times hold him back and deny him speed,
trepidique pedem pede fervidus urget:
and he hotly presses on the heels of his panic-stricken foe:
inclusum veluti si quando flumine nactus cervum (…canis)
even as when a hunting dog, finding a stag shut in by a river
aut puniceae saeptum formidine pennae venator
or hemmed in by the fear of the crimson feathers,
cursu canis et latratibus instat;
harasses it, running and barking.
ille autem, insidiis et ripa territus alta,
The stag, however, terrified by the snare or the high bank,
mille fugit refugitque vias;
flees back and forward a thousand ways,
at vividus Umber haeret hians,
but the lively Umbrian hound sticks to it, with its mouth open,
iam iamque tenet, similisque tenenti
and at any moment catches it, or as if it catches it,
increpuit malis morsuque elusus inani est.
has snapped with its jaws and is baffled by the useless bite.
tum vero exoritur clamor,
Then indeed shouting arises,
ripaeque lacusque responsant circa
the banks and lakes around re-echo
et caelum tonat omne tumultu.
and the whole sky thunders with the uproar.
ille simul fugiens Rutulos simul increpat omnes,
Turnus, even as he flees, at the same time reproaches all the Rutulians,
nomine quemque vocans,
calling each one by name,
notumque efflagitat ensem.
and demands the sword he knows.
Aeneas mortem contra praesensque minatur exitium, si quisquam adeat
Aeneas, on the other hand, threatens death and instant destruction if anyone should approach
terretque trementes excisurum urbem minitans,
and terrifies the trembling enemy, threatening to destroy their city,
et saucius instat.
and although wounded, he presses on.
quinque orbes explent cursu totidemque retexunt huc illuc;
They complete five circles as they run and retrace as many, this way and that;
neque enim levia aut ludicra pentuntur praemia,
for it is not a trivial prize or one for sport that is sought,
sed Turni de vita at sanguine certant.
but they are competing for the life and blood of Turnus.