Aeneid Lit crits Page 1 Flashcards
“fuiT, Tyrii Tenuere”(line 12)
Cacophony - aggressive, hostility towards Rome..
“Tyrii tenuere coloni,
Enjambement - “Karthago” delayed: to reinforce impact
to represent the greatest rivalry between Rome.
“Tiberinaque longe
Enjambement - emphasises the distance
“dives opum”
Tautology - emphasises ‘wealth’
Superlative - emphasises the magnitude of ‘savage’–> ‘V savage’
“quam…terris…omnibus unam”
- ‘Juno loved this one land above all others’ - favouritism
- juxtaposition between ‘omnibus -all’ and ‘unam - one’ to enhance her sense of love
To cultivate - highlights her obsession
“hic illius arma, hic currus fuit; hoc regnum dea gentibus esse,”
Anaphora - establishes listing –> help us understand how much she loves C
“iam tum tendique foveque”
- Tautology/polysyndeton forms* listing* representing Juno’s love
- “iam tum” - ‘then and now’ emphasis
“Troiano a sanguine”
reference to heredity
“Tyrias olim quae verteret arces”
Separated word order ‘Tyrias…arces’ - represents the refugees.