AE - quiz 3 Flashcards
medial boundary of the cubital fossa
pronator teres
cubital fossa superior boundary
imaginary line connecting medial and lateral epicondyle
lateral border of the cubital fossa
floor of the cubital fossa
roof of the cubital fossa
deep fascia reinforced by bicipital aponeurosis, subcutaneous tissue and skin
4 major contents of the cubital fossa
terminal part of the brachial artery and the terminal branches
deep accompanying veins of the arteries
biceps brachii tendon
median nerve
proximal lateral bone of the carpal tunnel
proximal medial bone of the carpal tunnel
distal medial bone of the carpal tunnel
hook of the hamate
distal lateral bone of the carpal tunnel
contents of the carpal tunnel
flexor digitorum profundus (four tendons)
flexor digitorum superficialis (four tendons)
flexor pollicis longus (1 tendon)
tunnel of guyon bones
hook of the hamate
contents of tunnel of guyon
ulnar nerve and artery