Ae Qs Flashcards
Who lives/utilizes the platform where?
AEs–actions feed, interactive reports (opps)
BDRs–actions feed, interactive reports
CS–actions feed, interactive reports
Execs–interactive and reports
What’s CAC and how do we do it?
Customer acquisition cost, and no. Most of the finance data lives outside of SF and that’s why we can’t do it.
How hefty is your implementation?
That can either mean from a bandwidth perspective or a technical on? Its usually 8ish weeks, with some leeway. What are the factors?
Implementations take resources. We can also have a call with an implementation lead here, to talk you through it if you’d like
How are we different from gates in SF
sometimes they are error prone if you are trying to go back and forth and that’s frustrating. Or for things like close date is in the past, you could create an exception report, but then someone’s looking at that every day and are you reps using it? Plus, ours is real time data, where as exception support might be once a day.
Our data lake
We are now a data lake architecture, the AWS. So the data isn’t silod its all floating together. Which means we can handle two SF instances at one org. Look across objects, leads, opps, etc.
In Sf, you know what answer you want, then you build your way there–won’t be storing data you don’t need at the moment
Data lakes store all the data and all the changes, so when you come back with a new question, you have the data to get the answer, there’s no need for more data.
Our ASM story
100 activities, 5 meetings=winning deal. Mile markers–decision maker involved by 3rd meeting, 2 meetings occur with 3rd scheduled within first 15 days. These are our key inflection points. We use this to coach by reviewing the deals that are forecasted but only has 50 touches, is this going to win? Lets talk about it, should it be in commit?
Elevator pitch
we are a revenue intelligence platform working across marketing, sale and CS, from data capture, to guided selling, to forecasting, to exec and management reporting that most know us for.
We have a lot of pieces so we can probably solve what you are looking for.
How do I make dashboards and reports
we have a bunch of these dashboards pre-built with the most common metrics and views of the data. But this is a very flexible platform. Basically any way you want to depict the data and how you have things arranged in SF is what is important. If you have some super specific reports you are looking to see, we can set up some time with a SE to go through those examples. Report and dashboard training is all part of onboarding and continued success with our CSM team.
How though–go to pipeline, pick a report, edit, toggle things on and off and update in real time, add or subtract, add to dashboard
Why do we have CI?
Sales managers don’t have time to listen to every call and audit them,
Ties nicely with forecast and funnel reviews to go one step deeper into the information.
How do we help with coaching in CI
how do we focus our time? Go to on demand screen. Use this left hand navigator. See a specific customer, team member, a topic like a competitor, see how far in the sales process they are. You can save these searches to see all calls in that saved search.
CI–us vs. chorus
chorus is hard to find a snippet, we can click and drag and hit share. Chorus doesn’t have other languages or accents–unreadable.
We don’t have individual coaching stats (employee score card), like how I compare to others in the team YET. It’ll be in the platform so individuals will have a dashboard with this data in there, next to pipeline progression say.
We make data actionable
They don’t have reporting
better than gong at putting data in SF
CI–us vs. gong
has more features than us, but we the essentials like recordings, sharability, track themes/key words, transcriptions. Ours isn’t silod. The data should be in all other parts of the business. We use the CI to feed into our machine learning and reports across all the functions
BAA we don’t–means you are hippa compliant which is for conversational important.
They do POCs
They have activity data, email data, conversational data,
Silod data–they put the information in a custom object, but its not usable.
We have a broader scope–so we have all the overlays, the full picture.
Ci–call scoring
Not like, yes that was 98% of a good call–but we can pull these engagement metrics. Like talk time, speed, etc.
What is something chorus can do that we can’t?
creating a new topic is a support request not like chorus where you can easily make it yourself. We’’ll have it soon.
Is our data good enough?
how many customers do you have?
true, reporting is only as good as the data. 1. We have API connections to give you a fuller data set Initially. We’ll be pulling 15 months of data to populate that. But we make sure you keep data clean going forward because its never a 1 time thing. There’s always more to do.
How has this changed workflows?
same workflow but data is automatically captured, biggest change is for updating notes and opps, shifted the dynamic of a deal review. Old world, 10 mins on why things are going well and they’re placed correctly. Now, director has all the info so doesn’t need an update but gives coaching and assistance.
Us Vs. Clari
- Clari is a very robust reporting tool, and as a revops platform forecasting and incorporating ML is part of our functionality, but we cover the entire GTM team from your lead gen team (conversions, activities to convert leads), sales team (activity, coaching, pipeline management, forecasting, board level reporting), to CSM team (upsell/cross-sell, churn risk)
- We report across data silos and write that data back to Salesforce so you are in control of your data and can dictate where and how you use it
- Philosophically our approach is to help you understandthe moving pieces that produce the end result to make improvements at the micro level, a groundup approach vs. a tops down result
we want to show you the data behind the CTC, if its high or low, why? If its changed why? If its low, how can we improve our chances? one contact, we don’t have a DM, etc.
Clari gets you a number but we help you impact that number
more breadth, marketing, cs etc.
we have more data
reporting is limited, its inflexible–need their team to make changes, we can let you do your own things
you want to split out ML models by teams etc.
Us vs. BI
You could probably build everything out eventually, but it takes a lot longer. Its rare to see execs really using the functionality of a BI tool or build any reports.
Us vs. Groove
We do the activity capture, but we are not a cadencing tool.
Also we include all the overlays, so not just sales reps directly
Guided selling competitor
reporting and analyitcs
How to you know where a contact is?
we match the email domain
Why do marketers love our activity capure?
Because often times those contacts aren’t in the CRM and we’ll create them
How is our activity capture different?
Ability to capture mobile data–like if you send an email from your phone vs. outreach it wouldn’t log previously.
Any overlays like CROs, SEs etc.
Object agnostic
Anything you are tracking in SF we can report on. Accross opp, objects, accounts, contacts, leads, we can bring those together. These are all the direct variables that go into the ML models.
Different from SF
we can pull mulitple sources
obvi not set up for reporting like across objects or pulling together contacts etc.
what sources?
email provider
Us for forecasting vs. SF forecasting tab
- we can allow you to have multiple values–so the rep can commit the deal at x, their manager can commit at y, and the CRO at z and categories.
can’t access these–we aren’t a dialer.
can’t use iphones or cell dials
if they push to SF, which many do, then we can pull it in that way
you can invite our CI to calls, so even if they aren’t scheduled
Go to meeting, teams, webex coming
Can you tell me what I would have closed last Q?
–know this is the Clari playbook
Not just a number, but the why behind it. We have the bottoms up not the top down.
Why do I trust your CTC
We analyze the CTC across our customer base for accuracy. for deals with >90% CTC we won 91% of them. 80-90CTC=84% closed won
why is this better than excel (forecasting)
visibility and accountability drive forecasting accuracy. knowing where every deal is you can improve coaching and step in earlier to right any wrongs or address risks before they derail deals
Where do the actions come from?
We have a bunch of OOTB–close dates in the past, zero amount, stalled opps–like this is your typical sales cycle if its 2x that we’ll push an action,
in implementation we’ll talk about the actions that are most important and put them in their
we’ll teach you how to build them out too
Platinum vs. Gold
In app chat, consulting–extra help on ML, what our clients are doing, benchmarking,
why do we want to know about the contact roles?
make sure your reps have the right person
marketing knows who to target
Transcription algorithms
All the transcirpts come from the same sources. Like Amazon, Google, FB, Microsoft. because its open source, all the transcription base code is the same
Multiple opps on an account
If the activity profile is the same and the end data (cl/cw), the score would be the same
How does the ML work
the ML looks at standard or custom fields, activity info, basic sales math like duration in stage, or close date pushes etc. analyze what the machine says has positive or negative data correlation and then we’ll add or remove those fields to make sure it fits your perspective
We’ll go back 15 months with activity data, so we’ll have all the activities as well as the opp data. We’ve found that tends to be enough because we’ve found the activity data is the most predictive
Validation rules
Translate those over to our platform. so the gates you have set will be related to an action so users are prompted to fill them out.
users get same error messages from SF form
you don’t have to maintain the rules in both but just in SF
Inline editting
we’ve gotten that feedback, but we don’t have it
how do you overcome the limit to fields you can track on the opp?
we have a lot flexibility with what we can track?
Quality vs. net new
quality over new kpis–we don’t have revolutionary analytics here, but we give you the quality you need to trust the numbers
the earlier you know quality the faster you can correct or set the right expectations
we don’t sign these. we aren’t Hippa compliant. tends to be for the healthcare
figure out a call between them and our team to talk through their concerns
We combined content filters and hierarchy
Sf user hierarchy–based on the individual person–better for small companies and person based
User role–based on the structure you set up but you can swap people in and out–better for larger companies
Compete with
BI–recreate hierarchy for each report
SF–hierarchy can only be used on 6 reports and
Clari/forecasting–has territory hierarchy, won’t build in new ones, which we can
Do reps use dashboards?
do reps use dashboards–it depends on if you think it would be useful–we have some who use it, if you have say a rep 1:1 your manager could use it
do you think there are forms of a dashboard that reps could get value from would that be helpful,
James’ credentials
InfoSec/Identity Management
How is read only handled?
We don’t utilize a read vs. read/edit system, but admins do have control over what a user can change within the system/what they can write back to CRM.
What is the deployment fee?
The deployment fee is a 1 time fee that covers initial connection, data processing, onboarding, and training. It also allows us to assign a dedicated implementation resource to provide help and best practices as we
implement the system.
Quotas in the platform
Do you need to update quota object and also quotas in IS2–yes you do. we don’t write back to custom quota object
With IS2 you can goal on any content in the system, leads, contact, opps and apply criteria for each goal.
Goals are tied to hierarchy and to filter for content settings so easy enough to have 3 separate goals for one piece of content
Historical reporting in IS2 today
Opp view, Progression filter, go to progression at the top left–here are different stages, yellow means no progress, green did progress, red are closed lost,
no data below because this is an interactive one
we clifck on different sections to get those to drill into them
Historical reporting in IS2 today
Opp view, Progression filter, go to progression at the top left–here are different stages, yellow means no progress, green did progress, red are closed lost,
no data below because this is an interactive one
we click on different sections to get those to drill into them
Can we do this by forecast category–yes but not today
how much data do we report on?
Opp history–as much as you have
field history–SF contains 15 months
we can show you the last time fields are changed in IS2 because we are also tracking fields for things you aren’t tracking them in SF you can in IS2
Will Forecast Submission show Head of Sales forecast?
Not really. Because reps and managers commit their forecast they’d have to have done that for the CRO to see anything.
CRO could open commits, type in commit, then select all and that would add in the most up to date commit but it wouldn’t be a real time thing
You CAN however do this type of analysis in the reporting portion of IS2
Einstein activity capture
Us vs. them
Einstein holds activity data in an a AWS server and won’t write it back as standard events or tasks to SF
That matters because you can’t report on those activities from your standard SF reporting
We write it back as so you own your data–we also do the hygiene stuff
Multiple open opps–how to associate activity?
Prompt reps
If using contact roles we can use that
“I need to think about it” mid funnel
“when I hear that, usually its because I’ve missed something in our conversations”
“I need to think about it’ late funnel
“Of course, and I’m here to help you sell internally…”
Map out the buying process: whose approval is needed, what that process looks like, and what hurdles to expect. Prep your champion to get to yes.
neuro-linguistic programming. sentiment analysis for positive or negative aspects of emails or calls
very new, no one’s doing it well yet
3 components of ML
You can think of the ML consuming three different types of data. first and what we find the most predictive in our customer base is engagement on a deal. So all the total activity, the number of meetings, the number of contacts engaged, the number of emails and activity we’re getting from you both like pre meeting and in between meetings and post meeting, and we’ll use engagement to measure the health of a deal.
Next is progression characteristics–things like how old is the deal, days is the deal spent in each stage? How many times is the closing date been pushed?
And third is any static fields, whether they’re custom or standard fields from Salesforce. So on the the account or the opportunity record If. you have industry segment territory, who’s the rep? What’s the product we’re selling? Like all those, we could determine what goes into the model and then we’ll assign the associated weighting based off of your last five quarters of data. So the engagement, the progression and those static fields all get baked into this model. And the model is rerun every week to look at what that weighting should be for your business.
Where do reps spend their time?
I personally use IS2 for about 80-90% of my time–because its easier to use, its faster, it has the info I need. I only go into SF for CPQ type of stuff, making contracts etc.
We also advocate for SF being your source of truth. All data ultimately should be living there, writing back there–but in terms of where you work that’s up to you. we aren’t going to stipulate your reps solely work from IS2, we have teams who’s reps heavily leverage IS2 and others who’s reps are primarily using the forecast roll up and actions feed and that’s it.