Adverse Drug Reactions Flashcards
Drug dosages should be decreased for:
ages under 6 and over 65
If you have lean body weight, you can tolerate ____ dosages of drugs before overdose due to _____. If you are adipose/obese, you can tolerate _____ dosages of drugs before overdose due to _____.
greater blood volume
lower blood volume
Patients with CHF show blood levels ___ those of healthy patients at the same dosage. Why?
- decreased blood volume
- diminished hepatic blood flow
If you have a pulmonary disease with CO2 retention, what happens?
Inc. CO2 causes respiratory acidosis, and respiratory acidosis lowers seizure levels for LAs.
Effects of atypical pseuodocholinesterase metabolism:
- decreased metabolism of ester anesthetics and succinylocholine
- leads to overdose, prolonged actions
If your patient is stressed, their convulsive threshold is_____.
An apprehensive patient would perceive ____ as ____, so the dentist would give additional anesthesia leading to a potential ______.
perceive pressure as
If a LA has a higher level of protein binding, they will have ____absorption into blood leading to ____ activity and ____safety. An example of a LA with these characteristics is _____.
slower absorption
prolonged activity
increased safety
The greater the degree of vasodilation, the more _______ the absorption.
more rapid
What determines dosage blood level?
mg of drug given, not concentration of the drug.
The larger the dose, the _______ ___ ____ of blood level of the drug.
the larger the dose, the higher the peak
A LA should be injected _______ because a _____ intravascular injection will lead to _______ levels and _____ effects.
should be injected slowly
because a rapid injection will lead to
high blood levels with overdose effects
The ______ the vascularity of an injection site, the more _____ the drug is absorbed into circulation. The mouth is highly vascular which is why we use ______.
If your liver has decreased function, which LA should you limit?
Give me three options for topicals:
- 5% lidocaine
- dentipatch
- benzocaine- poorly absorbed with lower H2O solubility
If you inject intravascularly, you will see:
- rapid onset of signs/symptoms
- unconsciousness and seizures within minutes
If you overdose an injection, you will see signs and symptoms appear within ______ for LAs without vasoconstrictors, and within _______ for LAs with vasoconstrictors.
5-10 minutes LAs w/out vasoconstrictors and
30 minutes LAs w/ vasoconstrictors
A mild overdose signs and symptoms may not occur for 90 minutes.
Signs of minimal to moderate blood levels:
- Apprehension or excitedness (polar opposites, ok)
- Talkativeness, slurred speech, stutter
- Confusion
- Muscle twitching, tremor
- nystagmus (eye twitching)
- Increase HR, BP, respiratory rate
Symptoms of minimal to moderate blood levels:
- Headache, lightheaded, dizzy
- blurred vision, ringing in ears, numb tongue
- flushed or chilled; drowsy
Three signs/symptoms of moderate to high blood levels:
- Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
- CNS depression after convulsions
- Decreased HR, BP, respiratory rate
An overdose of ______ or ______ may appear initially as _______ and _______ before unconsciousness or seizure activity.
overdose of lidocaine or mepivicaine may appear initially as drowsiness and nystagmus
_____ depression occurs before _____ depression
CNS depression occurs before CVS depression
Your patient has a mild overdose. What four diagnostic cues tell you they have a mild overdose? What steps do you take to manage it?
- talkative
- increased anxiety
- facial muscle twitching
- increased BP, HR, respiratory rate
P: comfortable position and reassure patient (LOL I did this to you.)
CAB: not a concern
D: administer oxygen, monitor vitals
Administer anticonvulsant IV midazolam or diazepam
Activate EMS
If a patient has rapid onset, what is their discharge procedure?
Recovery as needed, but can continue with treatment. Patient can leave unescorted, but evaluate by physician if there are questions.
If a patient has delayed onset, what is their discharge procedure?
Recovery as needed, but patient needs to be escorted to hospital for physician evaluation.
Your patient has a severe overdose with a RAPID onset. What diagnostic cues can tell you they have a severe overdose?
- Symptoms appear during injection or seconds after completion.
- Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
- Loss of consciousness