Adverbial Phrases of Manner Flashcards
a buen paso
at a smart pace
a caballo
on horseback
a ciegas
in the dark
a conciencia
El agua sale a chorros
The water is pouring out
a destiempo
entrar a empujones
to push one’s way in
a escondidas
secretly / clandestinely
a fuego lento
on a low flame
a hurtadillas
by stealth
al alimón
together by turns / jointly
a la carrera
at full speed
a la fuerza
by force / under obligation
a la ligera
hastily / without propert thought
a las claras
clearly (without beating about the bush)
(llorar) a lágrimas viva
to shed floods of tears
a mano
by hand
a máquina
machine-made / by machine
a matacaballo
at breakneck speed
a medias
by halves
a oscuras
in the dark
a quemarropa
a regañadientes
reluctantly / unwillingly
a sabiendas de que
fully aware that