Advantages of DL Flashcards
What are the 4 advantages of DL?
- saves time and money
- can be made very quickly in emergency situations
- allows expert knowledge 2 b involved
- focuses on details, parl. can focus on bigger policies
What is DL?
laws are created by bodies and orgs. other than the gov.
How does DL save time and money ?
local auth, busin. & corps. given power to create laws rather than parl.
saves time for parl. w/out PLM
Why is the efficiency of DL an advantage & example ?
allows parl. to focus on bigger issues
most DL v straightforward, short process e.g. Local Gov. Pension Scheme Reg allows SIs to quickly update regs.
How does DL have a fast response in emergency situations ?
reduces the effect of the situation
allows PLM to be avoided, takes 9 mnths
Why is DL having a fat response in emergency situations an advantage and example ?
Food Protection (Emerg. Provisions) Order an OiC became law within 2 hours
Health Protection (Covid) Regs. 2020 - 1 week clear advantage
How does DL allow expert knowledge involvement ?
usually to local councils and orgs. as would be impossible for gov. to know all the issues in small areas & how to deal with them
How is allowing expert knowledge involvement an advantage ?
local authorities can use Local Gov. Act 1972 to introduce laws like street drinkin
Railways Act 1993- by train companies to manage them
How does DL allow park. to focus on broader policies and example ?
parl. have big workload, better to create Acts as r wide policies and allow others to add details - Road traffic Act 1988 - motocyclist and helmets
How is allowing parl. to focus on broader policies an advantage ?
allows parl. to save time and results in more accurate, useable, effective legislation