Advanced Vocaublary- 3 Flashcards
Mislead // misleading
Yanlis yonlendirmek, yaniltmak:: yanlis yonlendirici, yaniltici
Istek, irade, vasiyet
For the sake of ….
Hatrina, ugruna
For the sake of GOD–> allah askina
(have) to do with ….->
Birseylerle alakasi/ilgisi olmak
It has nothing to do with this –> bununla hic alakasi yok.
It has a lot to do with this–> cok alakasi var
It has much/little to do with this.
Insist on :: persist in // insistinct :: persistent
Israrci olmak, israr etmek, direnmek, sebat etmek
1- sinav yapmak
2- muayene etmek
3- incelemek
Harekat tarzi, siyaset, politika
Perish :: perishable
Helak olmak , kolay bozulur/dayaniksiz
Sufficient :: adequate :: enough X unsufficient :: inadequate :: not enough
Yeterli X yetersiz
Expense :: expenditure :: spending
Harcama, gider, masraf
Effect :: impact :: influence (on)
Ignore / ignorant / ignorance
Gormezden gelmek, onemsememek , aldirmamak
2- cahil, bilgisiz / habersiz
3- cahillik, bilgisizlik, cehalet
Fight against ignorance –> cehaletle mucadele
Put on
Kilo almak , giymek, takmak, surmek
More often than not. :: Usually
Sik sik, cogu kez, cogu durumda