Advanced Vocab Words - Set 5 Flashcards
Learn to understand and effectively use 100 advanced vocabulary words. Improve your test scores, or simply be more articulate in your daily life. Each word is used in context in a sample sentence and includes synonyms and a pronunciation guide.
v. to deliberately obscure, to make confusing, to bewilder
The governor obfuscated the issue with big words and numbers.
n. enthusiastic praise
That country’s national anthem is an encomium to the heroes of a war long past.
n. loud sustained noise, confusing or tumultuous sound
During the concert, Jill couldn’t hear Rick over the din of the loudspeakers.
(n. al-oi; v. al-oi)
n. a mixture of superior and inferior ingredients
v. to debase by mixing with something inferior
The heroism one sees nowadays is often alloyed with some degree of self-interest.
n. the skill or practice of fighting with fists; boxing
Mike Tyson is known throughout the world for his pugilism.
n. self-righteousness, pretended piety, insincere holiness
His sanctimony was laughable, since we all knew he was one of the worst offenders.
adj. full of sinister influence, pernicious, ominous
The basilisk’s baleful glare is lethal.
v. to set apart as holy, to sanctify
The site for the church was hallowed in a special ceremony.
adj. apparent
adj. pretended
The oil spill was the ostensible result of lax safety regulations.
n. a comfortable job requiring little work
Carolyn’s position in the office is a sinecure; she does nothing all day yet she draws the same salary as everyone else.
n. a male servant, servile follower, toady
Lori’s boyfriend becomes a lackey during her shopping trips.
v. to set right, to remedy
n. compensation or restitution for a wrong
The peaceful petitioning for redress of wrongs is a right enshrined in our country’s founding document.
adj. oily, greasy
adj. characterized by insincere earnestness
The king had the unctuous toady removed from his palace.
adj. impudent
adj. thorough, utter, complete
Though the professor is considered one of the greats of his discipline, lately his lectures have verged on arrant nonsense.
v. to boast or brag about
Chris, though usually very modest, will readily vaunt his achievements in a job interview.
n. a show or pretense
n. artificial behavior to impress others
That American doctor’s affectation of a British accent has drawn much criticism.
n. the study of postage stamps
His grandfather is obsessed with philately and has even made several overseas pen pals in order to study their countries’ postage.
adj. in agreement with accepted principles
adj. authorized, accepted
The canonical Mozart sonatas were consulted in order to compare them to the newly-discovered manuscript attributed to him.
n. the smallest possible part or fraction
The bank robber did not have a whit of self-respect.
n. a shoulder ornament, esp. a strap on military uniforms
The veteran’s uniform was adorned by a pair of impressive epaulets.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to deliberately obscure, to make confusing, to bewilder
synonyms: baffle, muddle, confound, cloud, confuse, bewilder
The lawyer tried to obfuscate the facts to confuse the jury.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. enthusiastic praise
synonyms: tribute, laudation, praise, commendation, accolade, honor
The author received an encomium from critics praising her latest novel.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. loud, sustained noise, confusing or tumultuous sound
synonyms: buzz, clamor, commotion, racket, uproar, cacophony
The din of the crowd made it difficult to hear the speaker.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a mixture of superior and inferior ingredients
v. to debase by mixing with something inferior
(n. al-oi; v. al-oi)
synonyms: blend, combination; debase, devalue, mixture, compound
Bronze is an alloy made from copper and tin.
The decision to alloy the pure metal with cheaper materials diminished its quality.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the skill or practice of fighting with fists; boxing
synonyms: battle, sparring, duel, boxing, fisticuffs
His passion for pugilism led him to become a champion boxer.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. self-righteousness, pretended piety, insincere holiness
synonyms: smug, hypocritical, preachy, pharisaical, moralizing
Her sanctimony was evident as she criticized others while ignoring her own faults.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. full of sinister influence, pernicious, ominous
synonyms: menacing, evil, malicious, threatening
The baleful glare from the villain sent shivers down the hero’s spine.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to set apart as holy, to sanctify
synonyms: bless, consecrate, sanctify, venerate
The community came together to hallow the new memorial.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. apparent
synonyms: exhibited, likely, manifest, seeming, purported
The ostensible reason for his visit was to check on her, but he had another agenda.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a comfortable job requiring little work
synonyms: easy work, position of ease, cushy job
After years of hard work, he finally landed a sinecure that allowed him to relax.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a male servant, servile follower, toady
synonyms: servant, butler, subordinate, sycophant, minion
He was treated like a lackey, always expected to run errands for his boss.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to set right, to remedy
n. compensation or restitution for a wrong
synonyms: help, compensate; justice, rectify, remedy
She sought to redress the imbalance by addressing the unfair policies.
The company offered a redress to customers affected by the faulty product.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. oily, greasy
adj. characterized by insincere earnestness
synonyms: fatty, slick; lying, untruthful, smooth, ingratiating
The chef used unctuous olive oil to enhance the flavor of the dish.
His unctuous compliments made her suspicious of his true intentions.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. impudent
adj. thorough, utter, complete
synonyms: shameless; brazen, blatant, notorious
His arrant disregard for the rules resulted in severe consequences.
The arrant nonsense in his speech frustrated the audience.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to boast, to brag
synonyms: flaunt, gloat, show off, proclaim
She loved to vaunt her accomplishments at every opportunity.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a show or pretense
n. artificial behavior to impress others
synonyms: pretend, artificiality, pretense, facade
Her British accent was an affectation she adopted to appear more sophisticated.
The writer’s affectation for using complicated words made his work less accessible.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the study of postage stamps
synonyms: study of stamps, stamp collecting, philatelic study
Her passion for philately led her to collect rare stamps from around the world.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. in agreement with accepted principles
adj. authorized, accepted
synonyms: orthodox, standard, approved, recognized
The canonical texts of the religion are studied by scholars worldwide.
Her research follows canonical methods recognized by the scientific community.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the smallest possible part or fraction
synonyms: atom, crumb, grain, iota, bit, fragment
There wasn’t a whit of evidence to support his claims.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a shoulder ornament, esp. a strap on military uniforms
synonyms: military decoration, service stripe, shoulder piece, insignia
The soldier’s uniform was adorned with gold epaulets indicating his rank.
n. a splendid, striking array
n. the complete armory of a warrior
n. a shining protective array
A porcupine’s panoply of quills is quite a protective arsenal.
n. a temple dedicated to the gods
n. all the gods of a people
n. a group of famous persons
The Greek pantheon includes Zeus and his consort, Hera.
v. to coax or influence with flattery
Steve blandished her into going out with him.
adj. admitting of no contradiction; putting an end to further debate; haughty; imperious
He ended the discussion with a peremptory wave of his hand.
n. a beginner or novice in any kind of skill
The hapless tyro tripped over the ropes on his way into the boxing ring.
adj. malodorous, stinky
The fetid green substance had taken over the entire fridge.
n. fertility, fruitfulness
An artist’s period of fecundity can come at any time of her life.
adj. thin, pure, refined
The rarefied air of higher altitudes makes it very difficult to climb Mt. Everest.
n. enjoyment
They played wiffleball for the delectation of it, not for the competition.
adj. prone to changing often
Suzanne was a fickle friend who could not be relied upon.
n. devotion to obligations or loyalties
n. the accuracy of a reproduced sound or image
Kevin’s parents were proud of him for his fidelity to the family business.
n. the act of separating into parts
The controversial legislation led to the fission of the administration.
v. to become tired or weak
v. to droop or limp
The runner’s enthusiasm flagged when she realized she still had many miles ahead of her.
adj. healthy-looking
adj. ornate or flowery
The author’s florid prose did not impress the critics, who found her work pretentious.
v. to refrain from doing something
Although I know Adam likes to crack jokes, I would have liked him to forbear silliness in such a serious situation.
v. to deal with ahead of time; to prevent
The mayor called the police before the protest even began in order to forestall rioting.
v. to shrink with fear
The puppy quailed at my angry tone.
adj. straightforward
One should be forthright and honest with the authorities so as not to seem suspicious.
n. an event that happens by chance without a known cause
n. luck
By sheer fortuity, Linda was assigned to the same homeroom as her twin brother.
v. to speak carefully; to euphemize
Don’t mince words with me; just say what you need to say!
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a splendid, striking array
n. the complete armory of a warrior
n. a shining protective array
synonyms: display, arrangement; armaments, array, equipment, ensemble
The museum featured a panoply of historical artifacts from various cultures.
The knight’s panoply included an impressive array of armor and weapons.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a temple dedicated to the gods
n. all the gods of a people
n. a group of famous persons
synonyms: house of worship, sanctuary, deities, divine assembly
The ancient Greeks built a pantheon to honor their gods.
The artist’s work has earned her a place in the pantheon of contemporary greats.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to coax or influence with flattery
synonyms: charm, flatter, cajole, sweet-talk
He tried to blandish his way into a better deal with flattery.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. admitting of no contradiction; putting an end to further debate; haughty; imperious
synonyms: opinionated, absolute, assertive, dictatorial, commanding
Her peremptory tone left no room for discussion.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a beginner or novice in any kind of skill
synonyms: beginner, rookie, neophyte, fledgling
As a tyro in the field, he was eager to learn from his peers.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. malodorous, stinky
synonyms: corrupt, gross, rancid, foul-smelling
The fetid odor from the garbage made the area unbearable.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. fertility, fruitfulness
synonyms: abundance, productivity, richness, yield
The fecundity of the land resulted in a bountiful harvest.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. thin, pure, refined
synonyms: thin, refined, elevated, esoteric
The rarefied air at high altitudes can be challenging for climbers.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. enjoyment
synonyms: delight, elation, pleasure, satisfaction
She read the novel with great delectation, savoring each chapter.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. prone to changing often
synonyms: inconstant, unpredictable, capricious, changeable
His fickle nature made it hard to rely on his commitments.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. devotion to obligations or loyalties
n. the accuracy of a reproduced sound or image
synonyms: allegiance, faith, loyalty, constancy
Her fidelity to her friends was unwavering, always standing by them in tough times.
The fidelity of the sound system ensured that every note was reproduced accurately.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the act of separating into parts
synonyms: division, severance, parting, splitting, fragmentation
The fission of the atom released a significant amount of energy.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to become tired or weak
v. to droop or limp
synonyms: droop, fade, wane, weaken, sink, decline
After hours of studying, he began to flag, struggling to keep his eyes open.
The flowers started to flag in the heat without enough water.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. healthy-looking
adj. ornate or flowery
synonyms: pretty, fancy; extravagant, ornamental, flamboyant, showy
The patient had a florid complexion, indicating good health.
The artist’s florid style was characterized by intricate designs and vibrant colors.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to refrain from doing something
synonyms: avoid, constrain, forgo, withhold, abstain
He decided to forbear from commenting on the sensitive issue.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to deal with ahead of time; to prevent
synonyms: intercept, anticipate, prevent, avert, preempt
They tried to forestall problems by addressing them early.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to shrink with fear
synonyms: recoil, cower, tremble, flinch
She began to quail at the thought of public speaking.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. straightforward
synonyms: honest, frank, direct, candid
His forthright manner made him a trusted advisor.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. an event that happens by chance without a known cause
n. luck
synonyms: accident; good fortune, coincidence, serendipity
The discovery of the rare artifact was a remarkable fortuity during the excavation.
Winning the lottery was a stroke of fortuity that changed his life.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to speak carefully; to euphemize
synonyms: soften, tone down, diminish, moderate
He chose to mince his words when discussing the sensitive topic.
adj. felt in one’s stomach
adj. emotional, rather than intellectual
Jeb’s visceral response to his mother’s racist ramblings was visible to all of us.
n. a room or dining area where meals are served
The students milled about the entrance to the refectory, counting down the seconds until supper would be served.
adj. frenzied or frantic
Frenetic screams filled the room as people tried to get out before the fire spread.
adj. immeasurably small
The proportion of truly selfless people in this world is surely infinitesimal .
adj. cheerfully optimistic; a blood-red color
Samantha had a sanguine attitude towards life that enriched those around her.
adj. secretive, sly
At the party, Julia cast furtive glances around the room to make sure her elder sister was not around to send her back home.
n. a false statement; slander, aspersion
The desperate candidate abandoned reasoned arguments and resorted to calumnies against the front-runner.
adj. everyday, commonplace, habitual
Joe’s small, quotidian pleasures seemed more substantial than Mattias’s high-profile jet-setting.
adj. causing sexual desire, bawdy
Many parents were unhappy with the magazine’s salacious material.
v. to beg persistently
Kate importuned her father every day to teach her how to sail.
adj. able to withstand attack
The fortress was surrounded by a moat so as to make it impregnable.
adj. mad, crazy
adj. foolish
The daft man was walking about the room conversing with himself.
adj. deeply earnest, grave
adj. of a very serious nature; gloomy
Carter’s solemn voice made his family suspect that a tragedy had occurred.
adj. spontaneously done without preparation
During a lull in the live broadcast, the host began an impromptu dance number with some of the contestants.
adj. improperly disrespectful
The girl was forced to apologize in front of the class for her impudent attitude towards her teachers.
v. to adorn, usually in a poorly conceived or tasteless manner
Paula was bedizened with gaudy decorations.
v. to make angry
The class’s behavior incensed the teacher to the point that she gave them all extra homework.
n. a conscious decision or the capability of choosing
n. willingness
Though his friends had egged him on, it was determined that Pat stole the sunglasses of his own volition.
v. to plug
v. to drive in or down by a series of blows
They tamped down the soil around the base of the new sapling.
v. to make hard, strong or obdurate
v. to fill with determination
John realized that he would lose the chess match and steeled himself for disappointment.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. felt in one’s stomach
adj. emotional, rather than intellectual
synonyms: habitual, instinctive, inherent; affective, gut-level, intuitive
His visceral reaction to the news was evident as he clutched his stomach in shock.
She had a visceral response to the film that left her in tears.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a room or dining area where meals are served
synonyms: chamber, dining hall, cafeteria, mess hall
The students gathered in the refectory for their lunchtime meal.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. frenzied or frantic
synonyms: anxious, hysterical, rattled, chaotic, wild
The frenetic pace of the city made it hard to relax.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. immeasurably small
synonyms: little, synonyms: little, microscopic, minuscule, tiny
The scientist measured the infinitesimal particles with great precision.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. cheerfully optimistic
synonyms: happy, cheerful, hopeful, buoyant
Despite the challenges ahead, she remained sanguine about the future.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. secretive, sly
synonyms: sneaky, stealthy, covert, surreptitious
She cast a furtive glance at the hidden documents on the table.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a false statement; slander, aspersion
synonyms: misrepresentations, slanderous, defamation, libel
The politician’s career was ruined by a calumny that spread quickly through the media.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. everyday, commonplace, habitual
synonyms: ordinary, trivial, mundane, routine
Her quotidian routine included a morning jog and a cup of coffee.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. causing sexual desire, bawdy
synonyms: erotic, lecherous, raunchy, lascivious, risqué
The novel was criticized for its salacious content that appealed to base desires.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to beg persistently
synonyms: demand, appeal, plead, beseech
He would importune his friends for favors whenever he needed help.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. able to withstand attack
synonyms: impenetrable, unassailable, invulnerable, secure
The fortress was built to be impregnable, with walls that could withstand any assault.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. mad, crazy
adj. foolish
synonyms: absurd, insane, silly, nonsensical
His daft idea to swim in the icy lake in winter raised eyebrows.
Deciding to invest all his savings in a single stock was a daft move.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. deeply earnest, grave
adj. of a very serious nature; gloomy
synonyms: quiet, serious, grave, somber, earnest, thoughtful
The solemn ceremony honored those who had sacrificed their lives.
His solemn expression indicated he understood the seriousness of the situation.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. spontaneously done without preparation
synonyms: improvised, unrehearsed, spontaneous, extemporaneous, off-the-cuff
The impromptu speech he gave was surprisingly well-received.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. improperly disrespectful
synonyms: cocky, insolent, overbearing, brazen, audacious
His impudent remarks during the meeting shocked everyone.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to adorn, usually in a poorly conceived or tasteless manner
synonyms: clothe, embellish, garnish, dress up, decorate
She chose to bedizen herself in bright colors and flashy accessories.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make angry
synonyms: fire up, enrage, infuriate, provoke
The rude comment served to incense her, making her visibly upset.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a conscious decision or the capability of choosing
n. willingness
synonyms: choice, option, preference, determination, resolve
He made the decision of his own volition, choosing to pursue a different career path.
Her volition to help others was evident in her volunteer work.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to plug
v. to drive in or down by a series of blows
synonyms: fill, jam; ram, butt, drive, pack, compress
She used a tool to tamp the soil around the newly planted flowers.
He had to tamp the stakes firmly into the ground to secure the tent.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make hard, strong or obdurate
v. to fill with determination
synonyms: harden, toughen; brace, embolden, fortify, prepare
He had to steel himself for the difficult conversation ahead.
She steeled herself against doubt and pushed forward with her goals.
adj. delicate, insubstantial, flimsy
The gossamer kite broke in two at the first gust of wind.
adj. hostile, unfriendly
The Antarctic is inimical to life.
adj. boastful of one’s accomplishments or accolades; vain
Dave’s vainglorious attitude unfortunately overshadowed his considerable accomplishments.
n. an outcast; a rejected or despised person
Alex left the party feeling like a pariah.
adj. impossible to remove or to forget
The memory of that day had become indelible in his mind.
adj. complex, intricate, labyrinthine
The byzantine rules of the card game confused everyone.
v. to attack verbally, to deprecate
The protesters were inveighing against government policies.
n. slight infraction of rules, a minor sin
As a society, we tend to take our politicians to task over peccadilloes while overlooking the failings of our political system as a whole.
n. a formal and elaborate public compliment; praise, laudation
The mayor extended a panegyric to all of the citizens who were fighting overseas.
v. to drink deeply; to intoxicate oneself with great enjoyment
He quaffed the pint in a three hearty gulps.
adj. not fully formed
An inchoate sense of duty is no substitute for a sober assessment of the hardships that lie ahead if you decide to follow your husband to his remote post.
(n., ess-ey; v., ess-ey)
n. an attempt or trial
v. to test, try, experiment, investigate
My frequent essays at piano playing have only met with failure.
adj. quick to understand or perceptive
adj. clearly expressed; decisive
The boy’s incisive mind allowed him to excel in all of his classes.
adj. unable to be corrected or reformed
Incorrigible juvenile offenders are sent to a special program within the prison.
v. to teach by frequent repetition
Throughout the year, the faculty is expected to inculcate the essentials of fire safety in the students.
adj. originating in a certain place
The Aborigines are a people indigenous to Australia.
adj. extremely poor
The organization’s mission was to provide educational resources to indigent women in various countries.
adj. habitually lazy
adj. causing little or no pain
The company’s owner decided to fire the most indolent workers first.
adj. fragrant, suggestive, or evocative
The fraternity house was redolent of stale beer and day-old pizza
adj. looking to the future
adj. frugal
The young couple’s provident financial planning was an asset to them later in life.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. delicate, insubstantial, flimsy
synonyms: thin, delicate, light, fragile, airy, ethereal
The gossamer fabric of her dress fluttered in the breeze.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. hostile, unfriendly
synonyms: antagonistic, harmful, adverse, detrimental
The inimical comments from the critics hurt the artist deeply.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. boastful of one’s accomplishments or accolades; vain
synonyms: immodest, self-absorbed, conceited, narcissistic
His vainglorious speech about his achievements bored the audience.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. an outcast; a rejected or despised person
synonyms: vagabond, persona non grata, leper, outlier
After the scandal, he became a pariah in his community.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. impossible to remove or to forget
synonyms: enduring, lasting, unforgettable, permanent, ineradicable
The indelible memories of her childhood shaped who she became.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. labyrinthine, complex. intricate
synonyms: convoluted, elaborate, complicated, tortuous
The byzantine regulations made it difficult for small businesses to operate.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to attack verbally, deprecate
synonyms: remonstrate, lambaste, berate, rail against
He began to inveigh against the new policies during the meeting.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. slight infraction of rules, a minor sin
synonyms: faux pas, misdemeanor, vice, infraction, error
His peccadillo of forgetting to RSVP was forgiven by his friends.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a formal and elaborate public compliment; praise, laudation
synonyms: flattery, compliment, credit, tribute, eulogy
The mayor delivered a panegyric in honor of the retiring teacher.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to drink deeply; to intoxicate oneself with great enjoyment
synonyms: guzzle, swig, imbibe, sip
After a long day, he would quaff a cold beer on the porch.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. not fully formed
synonyms: undeveloped, beginning, elementary, nascent, rudimentary
The inchoate idea needed more development before it could be presented.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. an attempt or trial
v. to test, try, experiment, investigate
(n., ess-ey, v., ess-ey)
synonyms: experiment, endeavor, attempt, trial, examination, assessment
His first essay at painting was filled with bold colors and energy.
She decided to essay a new approach to solving the problem.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. quick to understand or perceptive
adj. clearly expressed; decisive
synonyms: intelligent, quick; clear-cut, shrewd, sharp
Her incisive comments during the discussion highlighted her deep understanding of the topic.
The CEO’s incisive speech laid out the company’s vision with clarity.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. unable to be corrected or reformed
synonyms: rebellious, disobedient, incurable, irredeemable, hopeless
His incorrigible behavior in school led to multiple suspensions.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to teach by frequent repetition
synonyms: communicate, drill, instill, impart, indoctrinate
The teacher aimed to inculcate good study habits in her students.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. originating in a certain place
synonyms: native, inborn, aboriginal, local, endemic
The indigenous cultures of the region have rich traditions and histories.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. extremely poor
synonyms: destitute, impoverished, needy, penniless
The charity provides support for indigent families in the community.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. habitually lazy
adj. causing little or no pain
synonyms: idle, lazy; insensitive, slothful, lethargic
His indolent attitude made it difficult for him to meet deadlines.
The indolent tumor was discovered during a routine check-up.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. fragrant, suggestive or evocative
synonyms: aromatic, imbued with, scented, perfumed
The garden was redolent with the scent of blooming flowers.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. looking to the future
adj. frugal
synonyms: cautious, prepared; thrifty, prudent, foresighted
Her provident nature led her to save money for emergencies.
The provident shopper always looked for the best deals.
adj. troublesome, unruly, adverse, or indecent
This is not the first time I have noted untoward similarities between those two students’ papers.
n. a song or expression of joy or praise
After their country won the World Cup, the band wrote a paean to the national team that became a Top 20 hit.
n. the act of defamation or maligning; a derogatory remark
The aspersions cast by his political opponent took weeks to eradicate.
adj. easy to understand
adj. transparent (permitting light to pass through)
adj. having a clear mind
The artist was unable to express his abstract ideas in a lucid manner.
adj. emitting light; bright
adj. enlightening
My friend raves about this “luminous” collection of poems, though I didn’t think it was particularly insightful.
adj. growing in extreme abundance
adj. luxurious and complexly detailed
Anne’s luxuriant garden was considered the nicest in the neighborhood.
adj. wishing evil on others
The malevolent old woman was always trying to make her neighbors miserable.
n. a list of the people aboard a ship or plane
adj. clearly apparent
v. to exhibit a quality
Linda’s laziness was manifest in the messy state of her apartment.
adj. artificial or affected
The pretentious socialite had a mannered way of speaking that did not impress many of her peers.
n. a covering or concealing object
n. a symbol of power or duty
Amid the spate of resignations at town hall, the untested woman was forced to accept the mantle of leadership as the town’s youngest mayor ever.
v. to make imperfect
n. a mark that damages the appearance of something
Although entertaining and well-written, the screenplay was marred by its dependence on stereotypes instead of well-developed characters.
n. one who demands strict adherence to rules
The nanny was hired for the unruly children because of her reputation as a martinet who would be sure to keep them in line.
n. a place in which something originates or develops
This computer program is the matrix for the movie’s digital art.
n. a board used by artists to mix paint colors
n. a range of colors
The poor artist managed to make an interesting piece with a palette of only black and white.
n. a standard example
n. a pattern or model
He used the Civil War as a historical paradigm to support his point.
adj. most important
Educational reform was a paramount issue for both mayoral candidates.
v. to make dry
v. to make thirsty
The sun’s intense heat parched the ground and wilted the leaves on the trees.
adj. frugal; cheap
Her aunt was too parsimonious to chip in for the family’s annual reunion.
n. the study of disease
n. a disease’s progression or manifestation
An oncologist concerns herself with the pathology of cancer.
n. a small amount
The paucity of resources meant the film had to be made with unpaid actors and few crew members.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. troublesome, unruly, adverse, or indecent
synonyms: problematic, objectionable, inappropriate, difficult
His untoward behavior at the party caused discomfort among the guests.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a song or expression of joy or praise
synonyms: hymn, melody, ode, anthem
The choir sang a paean to celebrate the community’s achievements.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the act of defamation or maligning; derogatory remark
synonyms: abuse, belittlement, slander, disparagement
Her comments were not just criticism; they were an aspersion on his character.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. easy to understand
adj. transparent (permitting light to pass through)
adj. having a clear mind
synonyms: clearheaded, sensible, unblurred, coherent, articulate
His lucid explanation made the complex topic accessible to everyone.
After a good night’s sleep, she felt lucid and ready to tackle the day.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. emitting light; bright
adj. enlightening
synonyms: glowing, edifying, radiant, brilliant
The luminous stars filled the night sky with their glow.
The lecture was not only informative but also luminous in its insights.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. growing in extreme abundance
adj. luxurious and complexly detailed
synonyms: fertile, lush, prolific, opulent, extravagant
The luxuriant vegetation in the rainforest is home to countless species.
The garden was a luxuriant display of flowers and foliage, delighting every visitor.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. wishing evil on others
synonyms: hateful, malicious, malignant, spiteful, vindictive
His malevolent glare sent chills down her spine.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a list of the people aboard a ship or plane
adj. clearly apparent
v. to exhibit a quality
synonyms: ledger; conspicuous, unambiguous; demonstrate, show, display, reveal
The captain checked the manifest to ensure all passengers were accounted for.
Her kindness manifests in her willingness to help those in need.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. artificial or affected
synonyms: unnatural, stilted, affected, contrived
His mannered speech made him seem insincere and pretentious.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a covering or concealing object
n. a symbol of power or duty
synonyms: cloak, covering, shroud, cape
The old mantle hung above the fireplace, filled with memories.
He took on the mantle of leadership with great responsibility.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make imperfect
n. a mark that damages the appearance of something
synonyms: hurt, blemish, ruin, deface, spoil
The scratches on the surface will mar the beauty of the table.
The small mar on the painting was hardly noticeable but still bothered her.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. one who demands strict adherence to rules
synonyms: authoritarian, enforcer, disciplinarian, taskmaster
The teacher was a martinet, enforcing rules with an iron fist.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a place in which something originates or develops
synonyms: forge, source, origin, framework, environment
The matrix of the organization fosters innovation and creativity.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a board used by artists to mix paint colors
n. a range of colors
synonyms: paint board, spectrum, color range, mixing board
The artist’s palette was filled with vibrant hues.
The interior designer chose a palette of soft pastels for the room.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a standard example
n. a pattern or model
synonyms: archetype, template, model, example
The new research provides a paradigm for understanding climate change.
The shift in the company’s paradigm allowed for greater flexibility.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. most important
synonyms: principal, prominent, significant, supreme, chief
Safety is paramount in any construction project.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make dry
v. to make thirsty
synonyms: dehydrate, dry, evaporate, desiccate, wither
The hot sun will quickly parch the landscape.
The long hike through the desert began to parch his throat.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. frugal; cheap
synonyms: penurious, miserly, simple, stingy, thrifty
Her parsimonious nature made her hesitant to spend money on luxuries.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the study of disease
n. a disease’s progression or manifestation
synonyms: disease science, medicine, epidemiology
Pathology plays a crucial role in diagnosing medical conditions.
The pathology of the disease can vary significantly between patients.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a small amount
synonyms: lack, scarcity, dearth, insufficiency
There was a paucity of evidence to support his claims.