Advanced Visualizations Mod 4 Flashcards
What are some of the functions of the trendline command?
- Allows you to overlay a computed moving average on a chart
- Trendline computes the moving averages of a field
example: trendline (field) [AS newfield]
How many trendtypes are there?
- sma = simple moving average
- ema = exponential moving average
- wma = weighted moving average
What must be defined in order for the trendline command to work properly?
The period which to compute the trend
The period must be an integer between?
2 and 10,000
sma2(sales) is valid
sma(sales) would fail
When would you want to use the iplocation command?
To look up and add location information to an event
What information does the iplocation command include?
City, country, region, latitude and longitude
Is all the information available for all the IP address ranges?
What will automatically define the default lat and lon fields required by the geostats command?
The iplocation command
When would you want to use the geostats command?
To compute statistical functions and render as cluster map
What are some of the components fo the geostats command?
[stats-agg-term]* [by-clause]
What does the data for the geostats command have to include?
Latitude and Longitude values
When would you want to change the latfield and longfield in the geostats command?
If they differ from the default lat and lon fields
What are some of the ways you can control the column count when using the geostats command?
- On a global level, use the globallimt argument
- On a local level, depending on where your focus is (i.e., where you’ve zoomed in), use the locallimit argument
What is a Choropleth Map?
It uses shading to show relative metrics, such as sales, network intruders, etc. for predefined geographic regions
You need one of these in order to define regional boundaries?
- KML (keyhole Markup Language) file
- KMZ (compressed Keyhole Markup Language) file
Splunk ships with two things to help define geographic regions, what are they?
- geo_us_states, United States
- geo_countries, countries of the World
Single value visualizations formatting can set color using UI or with?
The gauge command
When editing a single value visualizations what can you add to the timechart command?
A sparkline and a trend
What is a sparkline and what is it designed to do?
A sparkline is an inline chart and designed to display time-based trends associated with the primary key
What is a trend and where does it appear on a single value?
Shows the direction in which values are moving and it appears on the right of the single value
What is something you can do from the Format Options?
Automatically total every column
What are some of the downfalls when using the Format Options?
- Cannot indicate which column to total; all columns are always totaled
- Cannot add labels
Using what tab in the Format Options can you use to add the percentages?
The summary tab
What could you also use to get the totals other than the Format Options?
You can use the addtotals command
What does the addtotals command do?
- Compute the sum of all or selected numeric fields for each column and place the total in the last row
- Compute the sum of all or selected numeric fields for each row and place the total in the last column
What some examples of the addtotals command syntax?
addtotals: [row=bool] [fieldname=field] [col=bool] [labelfield=field] label=string] field-list
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
row=true/false (default=true) “row option
A column is created that contains numeric totals for each tow
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
col=true/false (default=false) “column option”
A row is created that contains numeric totals for each column
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
fieldname=field (default=Total) “row option”
Defines a string used to create a field name for the totals column
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
label=string (default=Total) “column option”
Defines a string used to name the totals row
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
labelfield=fieldname “column option”
Defines where the label string is placed. (Generally, you should make this the first column)
This pertains to addtotals command syntax
field-list=one or more numeric fields
(default: all numeric fields) “general options”
Defines the numeric fields to be totaled
When using the addtotals command what is the argument that adds the total of the row?
The argument is row=t (this is the default). row=t counts the fields in each row under a column named “Total Per Product”
When using the addtotals command what is the argument that adds the total of the columns?
The argument is col=t. col=t counts the fields in each row in a row named “Total Per Country”