Advanced Unit 2 Flashcards
Quite frankly
Açık söylemek gerekirse
As far as i concerned
Beni ilgilendirdiği kadarıyla
To my knowledge
Bildiğime göre
İf you want my honest opinion
Açık fikrimi söylememi istersen
From what i can gather
Toplayabildiğim kadarıyla
Play devil’s advocate
Give a very negative opinion about smone or smth
Şeytanın avukatlığını yapmak
Speak my mind
Say what you really belive
Dobra dobra söylemek
Sit on the fence
Kararsız kalmak
Beat about the bush
Talk a lot but avoid directly reach the most important topic
Lafı uzatmak
find our feet
Become familiar with a new situation or experience (duruma uyum sağlamak)
Take advantage of opportunities
Use the chance you get
A problem that prevents or delays progress
On a steep learning curve
İn a position in wich you quickly have to learn smt difficult
Learning the ropes
Temel noktaları öğrenme
Narrow minded
Eski kafalı