Advanced Terms Flashcards
Web APIs
Most APIs are web APIs, which are remote APIs that use HTTP protocols to transfer data and functionality over the internet.
REST stands for Representational State Transfer, and defines functions like GET, PUT, and DELETE that clients can use to access server data.
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol, and are highly structured APIs that follow a strict protocol. They are designed for enterprise-level applications and are known for their security.
Types of APIs
There are several types of APIs, including open APIs, partner APIs, internal APIs, and composite APIs.
Single responsibility
Liskov substitution
Interface segregation
Dependency inversion
Single-responsibility principle (SRP) states that “[t]here should never be more than one reason for a class to change.” In other words, every class should have only one responsibility.
Open–closed principle (OCP) states that “[s]oftware entities … should be open for extension, but closed for modification.”
Liskov substitution principle (LSP) states that “[f]unctions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it. (Polymorphism)
Interface segregation principle (ISP) states that “[c]lients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.”
Dependency inversion principle (DIP) states to depend upon abstractions, [not] concretes.