SELECT DISTINCT(to_char(payment_date, ‘MONTH’)) FROM payment
Extracts the distinct payments months that were tracked in payment table. to_char function extracts the month from payment_date
SELECT COUNT((to_char(payment_date, 'DAY'))), (to_char(payment_date, 'DAY')) AS payment_day FROM payment GROUP BY (to_char(payment_date, 'DAY'))
my alternate way of finding number of payments grouped day of week
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM payment WHERE EXTRACT (DOW FROM payment_date) = 1
another way to get the totals for monday. DOW is day of week and Sunday is where index starts. Monday = 1.
SELECT length(first_name) FROM customer
provides # of characters for each first name
SELECT first_name |’ ‘| last_name FROM customer
concatenates first name and last name
SELECT SUBSTRING(first_name from 1 for 1) || ‘.’ || last_name || ‘’ AS full_name FROM customer
my way to make a first letter of name and last name email
SELECT LOWER(LEFT(first_name, 1)) || ‘.’ || LOWER(last_name) || ‘’ AS full_name FROM customer
different way to get a first name, last email
SELECT title, rental_rate FROM film
WHERE rental_rate >
(SELECT AVG(rental_rate) FROM film)
returns list of films that have a rental rate greater than the average rental rate for all films (subquery)
SELECT student, grade FROM test_scores WHERE student IN (SELECT student FROM honor_roll_table)
a subquery can operate on a seperate table. In this case subquery is operating on honor_roll_table. IN functions is used when multiple results are returned. (ie multiple students vs. one average score)
SELECT film_id, title FROM film WHERE film_id IN (SELECT inventory.film_id FROM rental INNER JOIN inventory ON inventory.inventory_id = rental.inventory_id WHERE return_date BETWEEN '2005-05-29' AND '2005-05-30')
use the rental table to get a condition on return date. Then utilize inventory table to connect film_id because rental table and inventory table both have an inventory id. Then pull titles from film table.
Think of ‘IN’ function here as an opportunity to pull everything that matches a subquery. all the film_id is film table that match film_id in another query
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customer as C WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM payment as p WHERE p.customer_id = c.customer_id AND amount > 11)
Returns first name and last name from customer table where a row exists for the subquery within it. So any row for amount greater than 11. Highlighting the EXISTS function.
SELECT f1.title, f2.title, f1.length FROM film AS f1 INNER JOIN film as f2 ON f1.film_id != f2.film_id AND f1.length = f2.length
this is a self join of the film table. Trying to match films with different titles but the same lengths. That does not equal portion of this is crucial otherwise you just match films together.