Advanced patient assessment Flashcards
data gathering
- signs(objective information) what can be visualized?( color, pulse, edema)
- symptoms(subjective information) what the patient feels.(dyspnea, nausea)
general malaise
run-down feeling, nausea, weakness, fatigue(suggest possible electrolytes imbalance)
difficulty speaking, dysphagia is difficulty swallowing
level of consciousness
- lethargy: drowsy, will answer questions and follow commands but slowly.
- obtunded: difficult to arouse, needs constant stimuli to follow a simple command
diaphoresis(which is profuse sweating)
- caused by increased metabolism(pregnancy, fever, infection, anxiety)
- possible cardiac complications(heart failure or mi)
- hypoglycemia(sweating is an early sign of low blood sugar)
pitting edema
- bilateral= pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, renal insufficiency, septicemia)
- unilateral= venous extremity obstruction(tight clothing, jewelry
clubbing of digits is caused by?
chronic hypoxia, 10-15% CHD, CHF, COPD
what can cause jugular venous distention?
- fluid overload
- right heart failure
- airway pressure(peep)
- cardiac tamponade
skin colors
1.cyanosis= > 5 mg\dl of deoxygenated hgb
2. central cyanosis= bluish color of the trunk or oral mucosa(saturation <75%)
3. peripheral cyanosis= bluish or graying color of the fingers\toes.
4. jaundice= yellow coloring suggesting increased bilirubin or liver failure.
5. petechia= tiny round brown-purple spots due to bleeding under the skin(clot disorder)
thoracic\chest configuration
- barrel chest= abnormal increase of ap diameter
- pectus carinatum=outward sternal protrusion anteriorly.
- pectus excavatum=depression of all of the sternum
- kyphosis
- scoliosis
- kyphoscoliosis
breathing pattern and effort
- inhalation is active and exhalation is passive.
- diaphragm= major muscle of ventilation
- use of accessory muscle (retractions) ventilatory demands increase.
- paradoxical movement(flail chest)= multiple rib fractures.
- asymmetrical= one side rises noticeably < than the other(atelectasis, pneumothorax)
muscle conditions
1, atrophy- decreased muscle mass due to lack of use\work(neurologic, sedentary lifestyle)
2. hypertrophy(cardiomegaly)- increase in muscle mass due to increased use\work.
cough\sputumn type or color?
- streaked=infection
- pink\frothy= pulmonary edema
- bright red= tuberculosis, pleural effusion, cancer.
4.yellow\green(purulent)= pneumonia, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis. - dark green to brown with purulence= lung abscess, bronchiectasis.
- bonchorrhea= >100ml of watery secretions(common cause is chronic bronchitis
skin turgor
- pinch skin between 2 fingers and observe the time of skin to return to normal.
- decreased skin turgor may indicate dehydration
pulsus paradoxus ( pulse\bp varies with respirations)
- pressure decrease on inspiration and increase on exhalation.
- due to increased intrathoracic pressure( air trapping, cardiac tamponade)
Pulsus alternans( alternating strong\weak pulse)
caused by large pericardial effusion
tracheal deviation
- trachea goes toward the problem= atelectasis, pneumonia
- trachea goes away from the problem( pneumothorax, pleural effusion, tumor\mass)
tactile fremitus(vibrations felt on the chest)
- increase fremitus= pneumonia, lung tumor or mass, atelectasis
- decrease fremitus= mucous plug or foreign object, pneumo, pleural effusion, COPD
chest expansion
- upon full inspiration, thumbs should move 3-5cm from center
- bilateral reduction= neuromuscular diseases, COPD
- unilateral reduction= pleural effusion, pneumothorax
what are the methods of percussion?
- indirect= finger on finger
- immediate= finger on the chest
percussion types
- resonance= hollow sound(normal sound).
- flat\dull= muscle, organs, atelectasis, pleural effusion/
- tympany or hyper resonance(increased air present)= pneumothorax, emphysema, asthma
adventitious breath sounds(abnormal)
- rales\crackles= secretions or fluids in small airways
- fine\moist rales= alveolar fluid
- late inspiratory crackles= atelectasis.
- rhonchi\coarse crackles= secretions in the large airway.
- wheeze= high pitched sound caused by narrowing of airways
- stridor= high pitched sound caused by upper airway obstruction.
- pleural friction rub= creaky, leather sound.
blood clotting testing
- prothrombin time normal time= 12-15 sec, critical time= >30 sec
- partial thromboplastin time: normal time 25-39 secs, critical= >50 secs
- platelet normal count= 150,000-400,000, critical= <25,000