Advanced Networking Flashcards
Load balancing is a common method used for distributing incoming traffic among servers.
highly available and fault tolerant architecture.
important facts
when used within a VPC, ELB can act as an internal load balancer and load balance to internal EC2 instances on private subnets.
automatically stop serving traffic to an unhealthy instance.
help reduce compute power on an EC2 instance by allowing for an SSL certificate to be applied directly to the elastic load balancer.
Auto Scaling
automates the process of increasing or decreasing the number of provisioned on-demand instances available for your application.
auto scaling components
Lauch configuration;
auto scaling group
Launch Configuration
EC2 template used when the auto scaling group needs to provision an additional instance.
Auto scaling group
all the rules and settings that govern if/when an EC2 instance is automatically provisioned to terminated.
- Number of MIN and MAX allows instances
- VPC &AZa to launch instances into
- if provisioned instances should receive traffic from a ELB
- Scaling policies
- SNS notifications.
Classic vs Application ELB
classic is designed for simple balancing of traffic to multiple EC2 instances.
Classic ELB
classic is designed for simple balancing of traffic to multiple EC2 instances.
- no granular routing “rules”
- best when all instances contain the same data.
– CONTENT-BASED RULES Host based rules (based on the host field of the HTTP header) and path based rule(URL path of the HTTP header).
Support ECS Containers, HTTPS, HTTP/2, WebSockets, Access Logs, Sticky Sessions, and AWS WAF(web application firewall).
if your application is continually crashing due to high demand, you should make sure the Elastic Load Balancer has the proper scaling polices for adding new instances when needed.
False. It is auto scaling group that contains scaling policies(which dictate the cloudwatch thresholds for adding/removing instances).
What is the proper solution you should enact to prevent your application from crashing due to a sudden increase in demand?
Auto Scaling is what provides your architecture with the ability to automate the process of adding more instances to avoid crashes (if the case of sudden increase in demand). Scaling policies are PART of Auto Scaling but are not the overall solution.
Target Groups
are where we assign different sets of EC2 instances to receive traffic in an Application Load Balancer. Launch configurations and Auto Scaling groups can be used with either load balancing type, and CloudWatch events are not used in the Application Load Balancer configuration.
What best describes the purpose of an Elastic Load Balancer?
To evenly distribute traffic among multiple EC2 instances in separate Availability Zones.
Bastion Host
an EC2 instance that lives in a public subnet and is used as a "gateway" for traffic that is destined for instances that live in private subnets. "critical strong point" of the network - as all traffic must pass through it first. tight security(usually with extra 3rd party security and monitoring software installed). access point to "ssh" into an internal network without a VPN.
NAT Gateway
- -is designed to provide EC2 instances that live in a private subnet with a route to the internet.
- -prevent any hosts located outside of the VPC from initiating a connection with instances that are associated with it.
- will only allow incoming traffic through if a request for it originated from an instance in a private subnet.
- is need for private subnets communicate with the open internet.
- placing instances in a private subnet creates a higher level of security but also creates the limitation of the instances not being able to download software and software updates.
- must be created in a public Subnet
- be part of the private subnets route table.