Advanced Dermatology Flashcards
Mild acne should be treated by:
Moderate acne should be treated by:
mild = Pharmacist moderate = GP.
NICE guidance on Eczema treatment. For CLEAR eczema:
NICE guidance on Eczema treatment for MILD eczema
Mild topical corticosteroids
NICE guidance on Eczema treatment for MODERATE eczema
Topical corticosteroids
Topical calcineurin inhibitors
NICE guidance on Eczema treatment SEVER asthma
Emollients Topical corticosteroids Topical tarcrolimus Phototherapy Bandages Systemic therapy
How to detect a difference between viral and bacterial infection of acne:
VIral fluid is clear
Bacterial fluid is white-yellow ish
Viral and bacterial needs to be referred.
What is Psoriasis?
chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting 2-3% of population UK.
Occurs commonly in SECOND and SIXTH decade of life
Can be a long life condition.
What are the four major clinical types of Psoriasis?
1) chronic plaque psoriasis (most common 80%)
2) Guttate psoriasis - acute form
3) Pustular psoriasis
4) Erythrodermic psoriasis
How does chronic plaque psoriasis look?
Well-defined thickened red symmetrical plaques Silvery scales Itching can occur in 50% scalp involved in 80% nail involved in 50%
What is the aetiology and pathophysiology of chronic plaque psoriasis?
There is a genetic predeposition Environmental factors also involved Complex immunnological basis Epidermal turnover increases Epidermal thickness increases Thick keratin scale = silvery scales.
What are exacerbating factors of pasoriasis?
Drugs- lithium, ACE inhibitors, ANtimalarials, NSAIDs, Beta blockers
Sunlight (although UV is sometimes used to treat psoriasis
Hormonal chnages
Physiological stress
What is Guttate Psoriasis?
Acute form of psoriasis that occurs more often in children and young adults
Wide spread small scaly lesions
Commonly follows a streptoccocal throat infection
Will clear after 8 weeks of topical therapy
Can develop into chronic psoriasis.
WHat is pustular psoriasis?
Localised: begins eith white pustules, develops into a brown/yeollw pusutles on soles of palm or feet
Generalised: Pustuels develpos on inflammed skin
AN acute onset requires hospital admission
What is Eryhtrodermic psoriasis:
REd inflammed skin covering whole body. Scaling Skin is hot to touch Patient has a chill Precipitated by oral or potent topical steroid withdrawal REquires hospital admission.
WHich two types of psoriasis requires hospital admissions?
acute Pustular psoriasis
Erythrodermic psoriasis.
Possible topical treatments NICE guidance on Eczema treatment:
Emollients Topical corticosteroids Topical Vit D and analogues COal Tar - anti scaling properties often used on scalp Salicylic acid combined with coal tar Ditranol
Possible systemic treatments of psoriasis:
Oral retinoid
TNF-alpha inhibitors
WHat is the other possible treament of psoriasis?
Whta is Hyperhidrosis?
Excessive sweating from the eccrine sweat gland
Has a significant impact on quality of life
What is the treametn for hyperhidrosis?
There is only limited simple treatment options.
-Alumminium chloride hexhydrate - powder that blocks the sweat duct
other treatments are avaialbele but would need outpatient sappointment,
Drug induced rashes:
Nearly all drugs can either cause or exacerbate skin rashes. Frequrently:
- antibiotics
- sulphnamides
- Thiazides
- Barbiturates
- Anticonvulsants
- Salicylates
- Gold