Advanced DC Flashcards
Fire Tetrahedron
Uninhibited Chemical Chain Reaction
Fuel (Fire)
Heat (Fire)
Firefighting Water
Oxygen (Fire)
Uninhibited Chemical Chain Reaction (Fire)
DC Central Compartment
Fire breaks out in Main Gas Turbine, what installed system(s) can be deployed?
Water Mist & CO2
Fire breaks out in Flammable Stores Locker, what installed system(s) can be deployed?
Delayed bypass is in Foul Weather Gear Locker
Fire breaks out in the Galley, what installed system(s) can be deployed?
APC (Aqueous Potassium Carbonate) will activate automatically (by a fusible link) when the temperature reaches 360°
How do you support the fire main upon reduction of pressure?
Segregate the Zebra valve (in Tillamook)
The Fire Lifecycle
•Growth- Low temperature, fire is localized in vicinity of its origin
•Rollover- Formation of flame front of burning gases across the overhead of the space
•Flashover- Sudden spread of flame to all remaining combustibles in the fire space
•Fully Developed- All combustibles in the space are burning. Burning limited only by the amount of oxygen available. Space may be too hot, require indirect attack
•Decay- Fire consumes all available fuel, combustion slows (decays) and dies out
What spaces does the MSFD pertain to?
Incinerator Room
Gen 3
Bridge Compartment
Name all re-entry requirements for an attack team into an affected machinery space
- two attack teams manned & ready
- electrical isolation ordered
- 2nd AFFF dump conducted
- Ventilation secured
- relieving attack team ready to relieve in 10min
Firefighting Operations (kit)
Access & Overhaul Kit
Ruptured Pipe (kit)
Pipe Patching Kit
Sagging bulkhead (kit)
Shoring kit
Hole in the skin below the waterline (kit)
Plugging kit
Loss of communications (kit)
Emergency Comms kit
Vari-nozzle setting for Alpha Fire
Straight/narrow (direct attack)
Vari-nozzle setting for Bravo Fire
Narrow (indirect attack)
Vari-nozzle setting for Charlie Fire
Wide (short burst/indirect attack)
Vari-nozzle setting for Delta Fire
Wide (flood immediate area surrounding fire)
S-type eductor
•1.5in fire hose supply/2.5in fire hose discharge
•able to pass small debris
•able to connect to any 1.5in fire station
•less efficient than Peri-jet
Peri-jet eductor
•2.5in fire hose supply/4in fire hose discharge
•max 530 gpm
•able to pass large debris up to 2.5in diameter
•does not have built in foot valve
•does not have strainer
Electrical Submersible Pump
•2 in fwd water mist station
•1 aft water mist station
•1 Repair 3 Annex
•two 50’ of 2.5in discharge hose
•can be run in tandem to increase lift, needs a 2.5in double female adapter
MOPP Level 0
No threat
• inspect, size, fit, issue PPE
MOPP Level 1
Attack suspected
•issue IPE
•inspect monitoring systems
•mask only
• set YOKE/GQ 3