Advanced Airway Flashcards
What dissociative drug utilized in rapid sequence induction makes the patient appear awake however they are unresponsive to pain and amnestic to the procedure?
When placing a patient with COPD on a mechanical ventilator, what ventilator setting would you alter to avoid air trapping?
Inspiration/expiration (I/E) ratio. Change from the normal of 1:2 to 1:4 or 1:5
What is the difference between the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and a intubating laryngeal mask airway (LMA Fastrach)?
The patient can be intubated with an 8.0 endotracheal tube through the laryngeal mask airway Fastrach. Once intubated, the laryngeal mask airway Fastrach can be removed or remain in position
During rapid sequence induction, muscle fasciculations are observed with the use of which medications?
Depolarizing blocking agents
What has typically happened when the mechanical ventilator low pressure has alarmed?
The circuit has been disconnected
When should a surgical airway be considered?
When ventilation via the nasal or oral routes cannot be achieved, endotracheal intubation or rescue airways fail to ventilate, massive head or neck trauma, total upper airway occlusion
Describe Sellick’s maneuver.
Application of pressure on the cricoid cartilage just below the Adam’s apple to facilitate view of the vocal cords during intubation
Neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and edrophonium are medications used for what?
Reversal agents to reverse neuromuscular blockade
You have paralyzed your patient but you are unable to intubate. What must you do?
Positive pressure ventilations until the paralytic wears off and consider a rescue or surgical airway
What other type of medication should be given to a patient that receives a neuromuscular blockade agent?
What is a BAAM used for?
Beck airway airflow monitor used to assist with nasotracheal intubation in patients that are still breathing on their own
What are causes of decreased end tidal CO2?
Any condition that causes poor perfusion including obstruction, bronchospasm, pulmonary embolism, shock, and cardiac arrest
What structures are assessed during the Mallampati classification system?
Tonsillar pillars, uvula, soft and hard palates
When the laryngeal mask airway is inflated, where in the airway is the mask seated?
Where is the needle placed for retrograde intubation?
Cricothyroid membrane