adult sentencing (p.1 s.b) Flashcards
what is retribution?
•under s10 criminal justice act 2003
punishment inflicted on the offenders as vengeance for a criminal act
“an eye for an eye”
what is deterrence?
•under s57 sentencing act
preventing the commission of future crimes - the idea that an unpleasant punishment will put someone off the idea of committing a crime
what are the two types of deterrence?
•general- harsh punishment with aims of preventing future crimes
•individual- harsh punishment directed at the offender
what is rehabilitation?
•under rehabilitation of offenders act 1974
the idea of reforming the offender so they are less likely to commit offences in the future
what are individualised sentences?
a sentence that is designed to the specific needs of the offender
what is reparation?
gives the victim the opportunity to tell the offender how the crime has impacted them
kurt zouma
(form of rehabilitation)
•sentenced 180 hours of community service and banned from keeping cats for 5 years
carla foster
(form of deterrence)
•jailed over 28 months, with 14 months of custody
•for taking abortion pills beyond the legal 24 weeks
•the judge recognised her remorse but upheld the law to prevent from others from doing the same
kieran usher
(a form of punishment)
•first person convicted due to the summer riots
harpers law
(a form of deterrence)
•introduces mandatory life sentences for anyone convicted of unlawfully killing an emergency worker while on duty whilst carrying out another crime
retribution advantages
•justice is served
•prevents vigilantes- people taking the law into their own hands
•sends a clear message to society
retribution disadvantages
•arguably two wrongs don’t make a right
•what happens when an offender goes back to society?
deterrence advantages
•helps society by preventing re-offending
•short, sharp shock can instil fear in offender which can lead to reformed behaviour
deterrence disadvantages
•no guarantee it will work
•assumes that an offender will stop to think of the consequences when committing the crime
rehabilitation advantages
•recognises that there are causes of crimes
•allows for second chances
•saves tax payers money
rehabilitation disadvantages
•no guarantee it will work
•seen as a soft option by some