Adult Medical Directives - 2023 Flashcards
Ornge Transport Medicine
What is the SBARR patch format?
- The problem and the reason I am calling the physcian
- A brief clinical summary
- My assessment of the problem
- What do I want to do?
- Acknowledge the information given
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What is an intubation attempt?
Insertion of a laryngoscope or flexible scope into the mouth, past the lips, for the purpose of pass an endotracheal tube.
First Pass success is not disqualified by necessary adjustments to the glottic view (ie 30 second drills) or the depth of the endotracheal tube.
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What are the organizational goals for intubation?
- Successful intubation on the first attempt
- No desaturation (SpO2 < 90%)
- No hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg)(MAP< 65 mmHg)
- No other airway complications
- Vomiting/Aspiration
- Hypoventilation
- Airway trauma caused by intubator
- Misplacement of tracheal tube
- Bradycardia
- Cardiac arrest
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Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI)
An advanced airway procedure involving the near simultaneous administration of a potent sedative followed by a neuromuscular blocking agent, allowing airway manipulation and endotracheeal intubattion.
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Describe Preintubation Positioning.
- Ear to sternal notch (sniffing position)
- Head of bed up 30 degrees
- Head of patient up to head of bed
- Reverse trendeleburg in
- High BMI
- Late Pregnancy
- Spinal immobilization
- 360 degree access to patient
- Head at or just above belt/belly level
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Post Intubation Checklist
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Stepwise approach to preoxygenation strategies
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E-V-L-I approach
Epiglottoscopy - follow tongue to the epiglottis.
Valleculoscopy - placing the tip of the blade in the epiglottis and engaging the hypoepiglottic ligament to lift the epiglottis.
Laryngoscopy - manipulating the thyroid cartilage and head lift to bring the volcal cords into better view.
Intubation, with bugie and endotracheal tube delivery.
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30 Second Drills
- NECK - External Laryngeal manipulation of the thyroid cartilage
- HEAD - Extra head lift - right hand under the occiput lifting the patient’s head
- HANDS - Extra head lift - both hands lifting the laryngoscope blade
- SCOOP - Lift epiglottis with laryngoscope blade tip
- PULL BACK - Obtain a purposeful grade II view with VL to decrease delivery angle of the endotracheal tube
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Distal Hold up
30 - 40 cm
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What is the critical saturation threshold
Saturations </= 92%
Should ventilate patient with optimized bag valve mask as necessary to re-oxygenate to over 95%
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What is optimized bag valve mask ventilation?
- 2 person BVM, two thumbs down face mask seal, pulling face into mask
- Jaw thrust
- BVM with flush rate oxygen + Nasal oxygen 15 LPM
- Oropharyngeal and two nasopharyngeal airways
- PEEP valve and waveform capnography
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Universal Airway Algorithm.
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What is the directive for Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Spray for Intubation?
10 mg/spray on the pharynx, hyopharynx
Max cumulative dose of 5mg/kg or 400 mg
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What is the directive for Ketamine (Ketalar) for Intubation?
Induction dose
- 0.5 - 2 mg/kg IV over 30 seconds
- Use 0.5 mg/kg in patient exhibiting signs of shock (Shock Index > 0.8)
Reduced titration dose
- 10 - 30 mg IV q 60 seconds
- Goal 2 mg/kg within 5 minutes
- Used for crashing pre-arrest patient, poor cardiovascular reserve or potential difficult airway for awake intubation
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HR/Systolic Blood Pressure
Normal SI 0.5 - 0.7
SI of 0.8 or greater predicator for decompensation following RSI.
What is the directive for Midazolam (Versed) for Intubation?
Induction dose
- 0.1 mg/kg IV (to a max of 8 mg)
- Contraindicated if MAP < 80
Reduced titration dose
- 1 -2 mg every 3 - 5 minutes (to a Max of 8 mg)
- Potentially difficult airway in awake intubations
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What is the directive for Etomidate (Amidate) for Intubation?
0.2 - 0.3 mg/kg IV
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What is the directive for Propofol (Diprivan) for Intubation?
1.0 - 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
Contraindicated if MAP < 100
- Respiratory apnea and hypotension may occur with rapid induction
- Avoid in elderly or hypovolemia or poor cardiovascular reserve
- Phenylephrine should be used to support BP if hypotension occurs
- Should be avoided in hypotension with head injury
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What is the directive for Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Intubation?
1 - 2 mcgs/kg IV/IO
MAP > 80
Reduced titration dose
- 25 - 50 mcg IV q 3 - 5 min
- Elderly
- Decreased LOC
- Maximally sympathetically stimulated and poor cardiovascular reserve
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What is the directive for Succinycholine (Anectine) for Intubation?
1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
2.0 mg/kg (Shock Index > 0.8)
Contraindicated With:
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Hyperkalemia (known or concern)
- Myopathies/Muscular dystrophies
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis
- Guillian-Barre Syndrome, botulism
- Burns > 2nd degree over 10% BSA > 24 hours until healed
- Stroke with hemiparesis, spinal cord injury > 72 hours until 6 months post injury
- Severe intra-abdominal sepsis > 72 hours until resolution
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What is the directive for Rocuronium (Zemuron) for Intubation?
1.2 mg/kg IV/IO
1.5 mg/kg IV/IO (Shock Index > 0.8)
Rocuronium is the preferred paralytic in the majority of patients.
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What is the directive for Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)?
Treatment of Hypotension associated with Sedation
MAP < 65
MAP < 80 (high ICP, Ischemic stroke or spinal cord injury)
100 micrograms IV/IO q 3 minutes prn
Max 3 doses (300 micrograms)
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Transport of Tracheostomy Patient
Major issues
Tracheostomy > 7 days
Sutured in place 2 sutures per side
Trach Secured with tie around neck
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Emergency Tracheostomy Tube Reinsertion
If cannot re-insert existing tracheosotomy tube or re-insert an alternate tracheostomy tube. Place cuffed ETT 6.0 or smaller over bougie through the patient stoma site.
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Emergency Tracheostomy Tube Reinsertion
Risk Assessment
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What are the documented Risk Factors for Severe Asthma?
- Increased use of puffers
- Steroids
- Prior intubations
- Previous ICU adminissions
- Tiring
- Silent chest
- Poor pulmonary functon tests or concerning blood gas
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What are the markers for deterioration for Severe Asthma?
- Rising carbon dioxide levels (including normalization in a previously hypocapnic patient)
- Exhaustion
- Mental status depression
- Hemodynamic instability and refractory hypoxaemia
These markers aid in the decision to intubate the patient.
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What are the ventilation strategies for Asthma?
- Prolongation of the I:E ratio (extending E time and shortening I time)
- Using adequate sedation and analgesia
- Tidal volumes of 5 - 6 ml/kg Ideal Body Weight
- RR 8 - 12 breaths/min
- PEEP 5 cm H2O
- pH above 7.25
- Pplat < 30 if possible
- Ventilation strategies should focus on minimizing gas trapping
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Dynamic hyperinflation
Intubated Asthmatic
Compress the chest and allow for exhalation of Auto-PEEP in the case of hypotension, shock and PEA. Pneumothoraces should also be considered.
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What is the directive for Salbutamol (Ventolin) MIDI
100 microgram/puff
8 puffs
(4 breaths or 45 seconds between each administration)
may reapeat x 3 q 5 - 15 minutes prn
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What is the directive for Salbutamol (Ventolin) Nebulized?
Nebule ( 2.5 mg/2.5 mL)
5 mg q 5 - 15 minutes x 3 prn
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What is the directive for Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent) MDI?
(20 microgram/puff)
5 puffs
(4 breaths or 45 seconds between each administration)
may repeat x 3 every 15 minutes prn
Max 3 doses
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What is the contraindication to the administration of Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent)
Allergy to peanuts
What is the directive for Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent) Nebulized?
(250 microgram/ML)
500 micrograms q 15 minutes x 3 prn
Max 3 doses
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For Severe Bronchoconstriction/Asthma Exacerbation
What is the directive for Epinephrine (Adrenalin) IM?
0.01 mg/kg IM (1:1000)
Max 0.5 mg IM
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For Severe Bronchoconstriction/Asthma Exacerbation
what is the directive for Epinephrine IV?
Mandatory Patch
0.05 - 0.5 micrograms/kg/min IV/IO
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For Severe Bronchoconstriction/Asthma Exacerbation
What is the directive for Steroids?
Methylprednisolone 125 mg IV/IO
Dexamethasone 8 mg IM/IV/IO
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For Severe Bronchoconstriction/Asthma Exacerbation
What is the directive for Magnesium Sulfate?
Max 2 g (4mL)/100 mL
IV/IO over 15 minutes
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What are the indications for a Needle Decompression?
- Severe respiratory distress in the setting of chest trauma with hemodynamic compromise
- Traumatic VSAs
- Severe hemodynamic compromise during positive pressure ventilation particularly in trauma or asthma or COPD patients
- Chest trauma, Severe Asthma or COPD and one or more of the following:
- Decreased/absent breath sounds
- Altered LOC
- Cyanosis
- Hyper resonance on the affected side
- Tracheal shift (late sign)
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Tension Pneumothorax
Differential diagnosis to consider
- Mainstem intubation
- Pleural effusion
- Hemothorax
- Consolidated pneumonia
- Autopeep
- Dynamic hyperinflation
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What is the directive for maintenance of Chest Tubes
- If the patient’s chest tube was maintained by suction at the sending facility, the Paramedic may maintain to suction to no greater than -20 cm H2O.
- If the patient’s chest tube was maintained by gravity drainage, the Paramedic may maintain by gravity drainage to underwater seal or to suction as per patient presentation.
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What scenario’s are mechanical ventilation indicated in?
- Hypoxemic respiratory failure
- Hypercapnic respiratory failure
- Mixed hypoxemic/hypercapneic respiratory failure
- Transport of a patient intubated for other reasons
- Airway protection for primary neurological issues
- Excessive secretions
- Shock
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By what mechanisms is mechanical ventilation harmful to patients with acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS?
- Volutrauma (excess tidal volumes- ideal target 6 mL/kg ideal body weight to avoid alveolar distention)
- Atelectrauma (recurrent opening and closing of alveoli - ideal target of maintaining an “open” lung using (PEEP)
- Biotrauma (release of local and systemic inflammatory cytokine/mediators form lungs due to volutrauma, barotrauma and atelectrauma)
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How is appropriate endotracheal tube placement confirmed prior to departing the sending facility?
Clinical Practice Guideline
- If available a chest x-ray should be viewed prior to departing the sending facility. Alternatively confirmation of appropriate ETT position can be obtained through discussion with the sending physcian or review of a final report from a radiologist.
- Should the clinical situation warrant in the judgement of the Ornge crew and TMP, clinical confirmation of ETT position without radiological confirmation may be sufficient when delays in transport to definitive care place the patient at greater risk.
- Coninuous ETCO2 monitoring should be performed to idenifty inadvertent ETT dislodgement.
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In cases of anticipated potential difficulty in reintubation after potential ETT dislodgement what should be considered?
Clinical Practice Guideline
- Ongoing neuromuscular blockade in addition to heavy sedation
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What is the purpose of clamping the ETT?
- Prior to any intentional disconnection from the ventilator the ETT can be clamped to prevent lung-de-recruitment.
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When is pressure support ventilation indicated?
- Patient with spontaneous respiratory effort not requiring high levels of mechanical ventilation support should be ventilated using pressure support ventilation.
- PSV has been shown to decrease sedation requirements
- PSV should not be set < 8 cm H2O
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When is AC with pressure control, or volume control indicated?
Clinical Practice Guideline
Patients requiring higher levels of mechanical ventilation support due to severe respiratory failure, patients without adequate drive to breath and patients who require control of ETCO2 for non-respiratory reasons.
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Initial Inspired Oxygen Concentration
Clinical Practice Guideline
- Determined by matching the sending hospital settings or starting at 100% oxygen and titrating down based on oxygen saturation readings.
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What target range should oxygen saturation routinely be maintained at?
- 92 - 96%
High FIO2 > 0.8 may be associated with increased risk of lung injury due to worsening of lung inflammation.
High FIO2 > 0.8 causes nitrogen washout and alveolar micro-atelectasis.
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In what settings can Hyperoxia be harmful?
- Acute neurological injury
- Stroke
- Post-cardiac arrest
- Myocardial infarction
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What are the concerns with High FIO2 > 0.8
Clinical Practice Guideline
- Increased risk of lung injury due to worsening of lung inflammation
- May cause washout of nitrogen and subsequent alveolar microatelectasis
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Mechanical Ventilation
Pplat minus PEEP
Keep Less than 15 cm H20
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“Permissive Hypoxemia”
Clinical Practice Guideline
- In patients with severe hypoxic respiratory failure, lower O2 saturation target may be tolerated
- ( > 88% “Permissive hypoxemia”)
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What patients should permissive hypoxemia be avoided in?
- Pregnancy
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
Consider reducing cabin altitude in patients with refactory hypoxemia as tolerated by operational constraints
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Clinical Practice Guideline
- All intubated patients should have a PEEP of at least 5 cm H2O to compensate for loss of physiologic PEEP
- Patients with ARDS and FiO2 > 0.6 should receive PEEP higher than 5 cm H20 to support improved lung recruitment
- Patients with ARDS as FiO2 is increased, PEEP should also be increased to improve lung recruitment using the ARDsnet table
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I:E Ratio
Clinical Practice Guideline
- 1:2 - 1:3 for patients with minimal lung pathology
- Consider adjusting the I:E ratio by increasing inspiratory time as another strategy to increase mean airway pressure and therefore oxygenation (typically 1:1.5 or in extreme situations 1:1)
- Inverse ratio ventilation (I time > E time) presents significant challenges in terms of ventilation and hemodynamics, and should only be done after careful discussion with the TMP
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Recruitment Maneuver
Clinical Practice Guideline
- Patients with ARDS and high FiO2 requirements and/or difficulty achieving oxygenation targets
- 40 cm H2O pressure delivered for 40 seconds as tolerated by hemodynamics and oxygenation
- Ideally performed at the sending hospital before placing patient on a transport ventilator
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Target End Tidal CO2
Clinical Practice Guideline
- Default 35 - 45 mm Hg
- Increased ICP but no signs of herniation 33 - 38 mm Hg
- Life threatening high intracranial pressure or herniation 30 - 35 mm Hg
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Extreme bicarbonate levels should prompt an adjustment ETCO2 target to avoid causing extreme arterial pH through excessive hyper/hypoventilation.
What bicarbonate levels should be targeted?
- HCO3 > 35 should warrant a higher ETCO2 target
- HCO3 < 15 should warrant a lower ETCO2 target
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Plateau Pressures should not exceed what level?
- > 30 cmH2O should be avoided whenever possible
- To reduce the risk of barotrauma (Ventilator induced lung injury, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum)
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What should be done with patients with poor respiratory system compliance which prevents achieving a target tidal volume without exceeding a plateau pressure of 30 cm H2O?
TMP should order a strategy of permissive hypercapnea with a target pH > 7.2 - 7.25 and adjusted higher ETCO2 target depending on baseline serum bicarbonate (i.e., ETCO2 50 - 60) achieved with tidal volumes of 4 - 6 ml/kg IBW
Tidal volume should never be set below 4 ml/kg
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What reversible factors should be considered for intubated patients with higher driving pressure requirements?
- Bronchodilators for higher airway resistance in patients with asthma/COPD
- Main-stem bronchus intubation
- Kinked ET or patient chewing on the ETT
- Suctioning of the ETT in case of excessive secretions
- Decompression of a new pneumothorax
- Diuresis in the setting of pulmonary edema
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What are the indications for initiating Mechanical Ventilation?
- Need for mechanical ventilation
- Hypoxemic respiratory failure
- Hypercapnic respiratory failure
- Mixed hypoxemic hypercapnic respiratory failure
- ET airway managment for transport
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CCPs may initiate and maintain mechanical ventilation without patching based on what criteria?
- Patients who are intubated and ventilated for airway protection
- Patients with mild to moderate respiratory failure that do not require high levels of mechanical ventialtion support.
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CCPs are not required to patch for ventilated patients if they can achieve the following ventilation goals:
- Sp02 94 - 98% (88 - 92% if known CO2 retainer and this is a target Sa02 at the sending facility)
- ETCO2 35 - 45 ( or 33 - 38 if increased ICP)
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CCPs are not required to patch for mechanical ventilation if they can maintain the following safety parameters:
- Vt 6 - 8 ml/kg IBW (target Vt must be calculated and documented in ePCR)
- Frequency of 10 - 20 breaths per minute
- FI02 0.6 or less
- PEEP range 5 - 10
- Peak and plateau pressure less than or equial to 30 cm H20
- I:E ratio range 1:1.5 - 3.0
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Contraindications to CCP initiation and maintenance of mechanical ventilation without patch include:
- Sending facility ventilation parameters outside of safety parameters
- Exception: if FI02 is higher than 0.6, CCP medics may attempt a brief weaning trial
- Use of oxygen adjuncts ie heliox, nitric oxide, flolan, prone positioning
- Serum bicarbonate < 15 or > 35 (need to clarify pH/ETCO2 target with TMP)
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What is the acceptable range for Cuff pressures?
20 - 30 cmH20
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Describe the Ventilation Strategies for COPD/Asthma
- Low frequency 8 - 12 breaths/min
- I:E ratio 1:4 - 1:5
- Vt 4 - 6 mL/kg of IBW
- Sp02 91 - 94%
- Set PEEP 2 - 3 cm H20 < than autoPEEP
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Describe the Ventilation Strategies for Acute Lung Injury/ARDS
- Initial frequency 20 - 26/min
- Initial Vt 6 mL/kg (Adjust Vt based on plateau pressure)
- Start with FI02 1.0 and PEEP 5 - 8 cmH20
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What is the criteria for a recruitment maneuver?
- Severe ARDS P/F ratio < 100; with
- Diffuse changes on CXR; with
- Decrease in lung compliance; ie elevated plateau pressure
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Criteria to abort recruitment maneuver
MAP deceases by 20% or SBP decrease to < 80 mm Hg
Spo2 decrease by 10 points from baseline
Cardiac dysrhythmias
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Calculate the following P/F ratio
PaO2 83
FIO2 45%
- Convert FIO2 into a decimal
- 83/0.45 = 184
A P/F ratio less than 300 is suggestive of Acute Lung Injury (ALI)
A P/F ratio less than 200 is suggestive of ARDS
Describe the directive for the 40/40 recruitment maneuver
- Administer 20 mL/kg bolus of Ringers Lactate for hypotension or evidence of volume depletion
- Leave patient on hospital critical care ventilator. Request RT to perform 40/40 maneuver. 40 cm H2O for 40 seconds
Abort RM if
- MAP decreases by 20% or SBP decreases to < 80 mmg
- Absolute drop in SpO2 > 10 points from baseline, or
- Appearance of cardiac dysrhythmias
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Describe the directive following a recruitment maneuver
- Clamp ETT
- Establish AC pressure control target Vt 4 - 6 mL/kg of PIBW
- Increase PEEP 2 - 4 cm H2O above pre-RM PEEP setting
- Incrementally adjust PEEP and wean FiO2 using PEEP/FiO2 ARDSnet table
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Describe Procedure for Recruitment Maneuver on Hamilton T1
Choose APRV
Turn Apnea back up rate off
Set T High for 40
Set P High for 40
Flow trigger can be set at 3
FIO2 1.0
While Ventilator is in inspiratory hold choose PCV and add increase in PEEP to maintain recruited alveoli
Hamilton Medical
What are the contraindications for NIPPV
- Active vomiting and unable to manage airway secretions
- Decreased level of consciousness
- inability to protect airway
- Repeated hemoptysis
- Cardiac arrest
- Apnea
- Upper airway obstruction
- Facial trauma
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What are the initial settings for NIPPV within the directive?
IPAP 10 cm H2O / EPAP 5 cm H2O
Max IPAP 20 cm H2O / EPAP 10 cm H2O
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Indications for HFNC
Refractory hypoxemia
Sp02 < 90%
COPD/CHF exacerbation requiring minimal amount of PEEP
Palliative respiratory support with no ETT or NIPPV in care plan
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HFNC initial Adult Settings
30 LPM and titrate flow and FIO2 for SPO2 > 94%
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Epoprostenol Sodium
Flolan and Caripul
Favourable response
> 20% improvement in PaO2 or P/F ratio, or
15% reduction in mean pulmonary artery pressure, and/or
>15% increase in cardiac output
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Epoprostenol Sodium
Acute discontinuattion
Acute discontinuation can result in rebound pulmonary vasoconstriction. Usually starts within 30 minutes of discontinuation of medication.
Epoprostenol should always be weaned slowly.
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Dosage Range
0-50 ng/kg/min (ideal body weight)
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Acute discontinuation
Causes rebound pulmonary vasoconstriction within 30 minutes of discontinuation. If weaned prior to arrival ensure patient is stable at least 30 minutes prior to transport.
Epoprostenol should always be weaned slowly to avoid rebound pulmonary vasoconstriction.
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Filters can become sticky and blocked. Filters should be changed every 2 hours to ensure consistent drug delivery and avoid auto-PEEPing.
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Bleeding due to inhibition of platelet aggregation. Avoid administration during active hemorrhage (especially pulmonary hemorrhage).
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Prone Ventilation
Severe ARDS (P:F <150), FIO2 > 0.6, and PEEP > 5 cm H2O with failed supine ventilation.
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Prone Ventilation
Rocuronium or Cisatracurium
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What is the dose of Lorazepam (Ativan) for Pre-Transfer Sedation?
1 mg PO/SL
No patch required
What is the pain directive for Toradol (Ketorolac)
- Indicated for Moderate to Severe Pain
- 30 mg IM
- No Patch required
Contraindicated in impaired renal function, active bleeding or NSAID in past 4 - 6 hours
What is the pain directive for Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Moderate to severe pain
- 40 - 60 kg
- 15 mg/kg PO/PR q 4 hours
- > 60 kg
- 975 - 1000 mg PO/PR q 4 hours prn
- Max 75 mg/kg or 4 grams in 24 hours
No patch required
Contraindicated if Acetaminophen administered within last 4 hours
What is the pain directive for Fentanyl?
MAP > 70
MAP > 80 (ICP, ischemic stroke or spinal injury)
25 - 50 mcg IV/IO q 10 minutes prn
MAX 300 micrograms
No patch required
What is the pain directive for Morphine?
MAP > 70
MAP > 80 (ICP, ischemic stroke or spinal injury)
2 - 4 mg IV/IO q 20 minutes prn
MAX 10 mg
No patch required
What is the pain directive for Ketamine?
Ketamine is not a first line agent for analgesia in normotensive patients but can be considered early for multiple trauma patients or those with concerning hemodyanmic status
0.1 mg/kg IV/IO q 5 minutes prn
MAX 0.5 mg/kg IV/IO
MAP > 60
Intubated patients should have the sedation score titrated to what level?
- 4
Intubated patients should have the pain score titrated to what level?
0 - 2
What is the directive for Fentanyl for intubated and ventilated patients?
Pain Management
MAP > 70
MAP > 80 (ICP, ischemic stroke or spinal cord injury)
1 - 3 mcg/kg/hr
50 - 100 mcg IV/IM q 5 min
MAX 3 mcg/kg/hr