Adult Medical Directives - 2023 Flashcards
Ornge Transport Medicine
What is the SBARR patch format?
- The problem and the reason I am calling the physcian
- A brief clinical summary
- My assessment of the problem
- What do I want to do?
- Acknowledge the information given

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What is an intubation attempt?
Insertion of a laryngoscope or flexible scope into the mouth, past the lips, for the purpose of pass an endotracheal tube.
First Pass success is not disqualified by necessary adjustments to the glottic view (ie 30 second drills) or the depth of the endotracheal tube.
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What are the organizational goals for intubation?
- Successful intubation on the first attempt
- No desaturation (SpO2 < 90%)
- No hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg)(MAP< 65 mmHg)
- No other airway complications
- Vomiting/Aspiration
- Hypoventilation
- Airway trauma caused by intubator
- Misplacement of tracheal tube
- Bradycardia
- Cardiac arrest
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Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI)
An advanced airway procedure involving the near simultaneous administration of a potent sedative followed by a neuromuscular blocking agent, allowing airway manipulation and endotracheeal intubattion.
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Describe Preintubation Positioning.
- Ear to sternal notch (sniffing position)
- Head of bed up 30 degrees
- Head of patient up to head of bed
- Reverse trendeleburg in
- High BMI
- Late Pregnancy
- Spinal immobilization
- 360 degree access to patient
- Head at or just above belt/belly level

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Post Intubation Checklist
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Stepwise approach to preoxygenation strategies
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E-V-L-I approach
Epiglottoscopy - follow tongue to the epiglottis.
Valleculoscopy - placing the tip of the blade in the epiglottis and engaging the hypoepiglottic ligament to lift the epiglottis.
Laryngoscopy - manipulating the thyroid cartilage and head lift to bring the volcal cords into better view.
Intubation, with bugie and endotracheal tube delivery.
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30 Second Drills
- NECK - External Laryngeal manipulation of the thyroid cartilage
- HEAD - Extra head lift - right hand under the occiput lifting the patient’s head
- HANDS - Extra head lift - both hands lifting the laryngoscope blade
- SCOOP - Lift epiglottis with laryngoscope blade tip
- PULL BACK - Obtain a purposeful grade II view with VL to decrease delivery angle of the endotracheal tube
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Distal Hold up
30 - 40 cm
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What is the critical saturation threshold
Saturations </= 92%
Should ventilate patient with optimized bag valve mask as necessary to re-oxygenate to over 95%
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What is optimized bag valve mask ventilation?
- 2 person BVM, two thumbs down face mask seal, pulling face into mask
- Jaw thrust
- BVM with flush rate oxygen + Nasal oxygen 15 LPM
- Oropharyngeal and two nasopharyngeal airways
- PEEP valve and waveform capnography
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Universal Airway Algorithm.
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What is the directive for Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Spray for Intubation?
10 mg/spray on the pharynx, hyopharynx
Max cumulative dose of 5mg/kg or 400 mg
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What is the directive for Ketamine (Ketalar) for Intubation?
Induction dose
- 0.5 - 2 mg/kg IV over 30 seconds
- Use 0.5 mg/kg in patient exhibiting signs of shock (Shock Index > 0.8)
Reduced titration dose
- 10 - 30 mg IV q 60 seconds
- Goal 2 mg/kg within 5 minutes
- Used for crashing pre-arrest patient, poor cardiovascular reserve or potential difficult airway for awake intubation
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HR/Systolic Blood Pressure
Normal SI 0.5 - 0.7
SI of 0.8 or greater predicator for decompensation following RSI.
What is the directive for Midazolam (Versed) for Intubation?
Induction dose
- 0.1 mg/kg IV (to a max of 8 mg)
- Contraindicated if MAP < 80
Reduced titration dose
- 1 -2 mg every 3 - 5 minutes (to a Max of 8 mg)
- Potentially difficult airway in awake intubations
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What is the directive for Etomidate (Amidate) for Intubation?
0.2 - 0.3 mg/kg IV
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What is the directive for Propofol (Diprivan) for Intubation?
1.0 - 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
Contraindicated if MAP < 100
- Respiratory apnea and hypotension may occur with rapid induction
- Avoid in elderly or hypovolemia or poor cardiovascular reserve
- Phenylephrine should be used to support BP if hypotension occurs
- Should be avoided in hypotension with head injury
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What is the directive for Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Intubation?
1 - 2 mcgs/kg IV/IO
MAP > 80
Reduced titration dose
- 25 - 50 mcg IV q 3 - 5 min
- Elderly
- Decreased LOC
- Maximally sympathetically stimulated and poor cardiovascular reserve
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What is the directive for Succinycholine (Anectine) for Intubation?
1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
2.0 mg/kg (Shock Index > 0.8)
Contraindicated With:
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Hyperkalemia (known or concern)
- Myopathies/Muscular dystrophies
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis
- Guillian-Barre Syndrome, botulism
- Burns > 2nd degree over 10% BSA > 24 hours until healed
- Stroke with hemiparesis, spinal cord injury > 72 hours until 6 months post injury
- Severe intra-abdominal sepsis > 72 hours until resolution
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What is the directive for Rocuronium (Zemuron) for Intubation?
1.2 mg/kg IV/IO
1.5 mg/kg IV/IO (Shock Index > 0.8)
Rocuronium is the preferred paralytic in the majority of patients.
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What is the directive for Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)?
Treatment of Hypotension associated with Sedation
MAP < 65
MAP < 80 (high ICP, Ischemic stroke or spinal cord injury)
100 micrograms IV/IO q 3 minutes prn
Max 3 doses (300 micrograms)
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Transport of Tracheostomy Patient
Major issues
Tracheostomy > 7 days
Sutured in place 2 sutures per side
Trach Secured with tie around neck
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