Adult Dermatology Flashcards
Rectangular/polygonal lichenfied patches
Lichen simplex chronicus
Velvety, warty surface with “stuck on” appearance
Seborrheic keratosis
Silvery scales on bright red, well-demarcated plaques
Satellite pustules
Tinea intertrigo
“Herald” patch, with “Christmas tree” rash eruption on trunk
Pityriasis rosea
white, curd-like plaques on the oral mucosa and tongue
oral moniliasis (thrush)
Beefy red, well-circumscribed patches
Tinea intertrigo
Cracking/maceration between toes
Tinea pedis
Scaling on lateral edges of feet
Tinea pedis
Circular patches of fine scale, hair loss, “black dot”
Tinea capitis
Fine “powdery” scales
Tinea versicolor
KOH –> “spaghetti & meatballs”
Tinea versicolor
Resistant to griseofulvin
Tinea versicolor
Honey colored crusts
Slightly elevated, hardened red lesion that is well circumscribed
Legs are the most common site
Changing mole
Malignant melanoma
Red man syndrome
CTCL, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis
Flexural surfaces, not well demarcated
Atopic dermatitis
round, oval plaques with a red,scaly leading edge
tinea corporis
treatment is oral griseofulvin (with dairy)
tinea capitis
dome shaped papule with central umbilication
viral cause - molluscum contagiosum
grouped vesicles on an erythematous base
herpes simplex (I or II)
vesicular eruption in a unilateral, dermatomal pattern
varicella zoster
Metastasis is rare in this form of skin cancer.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
pearly/waxy border with arborizing vessels
cigarette paper scale
Sezary cells
erysipelas can be treated with what antibiotic?