Adult CPG Flashcards
Perfusion status assessment
A WPD, 60-100, >100SBP, A+O to time and place
B - CPC, 50-100, 80-100SBP, A+O to time and place
I - CPC, <50 or >100bpm, 60-80SPB, either A+O or ACS
Ex poor - CPC, <50 or >100bpm, <60SBP, altered or unconscious
No perfusion - CPC, no pulse, unrecordable BP, unconscious
Resp status
appearance speech sounds and auscultation resp rate resp rhythm wob HR skin conscious state
Eyes- opening - spont, to voice, to pain, none
Verbal - orientated, confused, inappropriate words, incomprehensible sounds, none
motor - obeys commands, localises to pain, withdraws to pain, flexion to pain, extension to pain, none
Trauma time critical
- Vital signs major trauma criteria
HR <60 or > 120 RR <10 or >30 SBP <90mmHg SpO2 <90% if >or = 16 years - GCS <13 if < or = 15 years - GCS <15
Trauma time critical
- specific injuries meeting potential major trauma criteria
Blunt injuries
- serious injury to a single body region such that specialised care or intervention may be required or such that life, limb or ling-term quality of life may be at risk
- significant injuries involving one or more body region
Specific limb injuries
- limb amputation or limb threatening injury
- suspected SCI or spinal #
- burns >20% TBSA (>10% if =15) or suspected resp tract burn
- high voltage (>1000v) burns injury
- serious crush injury
- major compound # or open dislocation
- # to 2 or more of femur/tibia/humerous
- # pelvis
Time critical guideline
- high risk criteria for major trauma
assess for MOI - motor/cyclist impact > 30kmph - high speed MCA >60kmph - pedestrian impact - ejection from vehicle - prolonged extrication - fall from height >3m - struck on head by object falling >3m explosion and co-morbidities age<12 or >55, OR pregnant, OR significant underlying medical condition
Mental health assessment
observe - safety, appearance, behaviour, affect(mood)
Listen - speech, thought process, cognition
Discuss - thought content, self harm, perceptions, environment (risk factors)
Clinical flags
- red flags
HR >120 RR >30 SBP <90 SpO2 <90% - unless chronic hypoxaemia GCS <12 (<15 if age = 15 years)
Clinical flags
-specific conditions
first presentation seizure
anaphylaxis (including resolved, possible anaphylaxis or post adrenaline)
acute coronary syndrome (even resolved)
ectopic pregnancy
primary obstetric issue
sudden onset headache
unable to walk (when usually able to walk)
post-tonsillectomy bleeding (of any amount) up to 14 days post-op
** clinician must be contacted where pt refuses transport**
Clinical flags
- yellow flags
- pt meeting this criteria must be advised to attend hospital or GP within two hours via own transport arrangements
- ongoing pt or carer concern
- infection not responding to community based care
- immunocompromised with suspected infection
- surgical procedure within past 14 days
- significant unexplained pain
- syncope (asymptomatic, normal VSS, normal ECG)
- abdominal pain
AND pt must: - have capability to attend hospital
- be read referral advice script
Oxygen therapy
- Severe hypoxemia or critical illness
severe - SpO2 < 85% critical illness - cardiac or respiratory arrest - major trauma/head injury - shock - severe sepsis - anaphylaxis - status epilepticus - ketamine sedation manage 10-15L NRB/ BVM (inad tidal vol), titrate to 92-96% once pt is haemodynamically stable - consider SGA if SpO2 remains <85%
Chronic hypoxaemia
COPD (high O2 may be detrimental due to hypercapni resp failure) Neuromuscular disorders cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis severe kyphosis obesity --> titrate O2 flow to SpO2 of 88-92%
Regardless of SpO2
toxic inhalation exposure decompression illness cord prolapse postpartum haemorrhage shoulder dystocia cluster headaches -->NRB 10-15L/min
SGA contraindication
- intact gag reflex or resistance to insertion
- strong jaw tone or trismus
- suspected epiglottitis or upper airway obstruction
Size 3 - 30-60kg
Size 4 - 50-90kg
Size 5 - 90+kg
SGA precautions
inability to prepare the pt in the sniffing position
pts who require high airway pressures
paediatric pts who may have enlarged tonsils
vomit in the airway
- side effects - correct placement does not prevent passive regurgitation or gastric distension
Indications for IFS
Indication GCS <10
- hyperglycaemia with BGL reading “high”
- frail or elderly resp failure - COPD/APO
- pts with GCS <10 and requiring intubation but contraindicated for suxamethonium and AAV support is unavailable
- clinical situations where difficult airway guideline is not possible
- non functional capnography
- traumatic brain injury
Indications for RSI
GCS <10 with
- Non TBI - CVA or sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
hypoxic brain injury - post hanging, near drowning, ROSC
- resp failure unless frail or elderly - young asthmatic
- Suspected airway burns
OD with any of:
- Suspected TCA OD
- difficult extrication
- prolonged Tx time (>30/60)
- SpO2 unable to be maintained >90%
severe hyperthermia - >39.5 despite 10/60 active cooling
Status epilepticus
other indications:
- severe pain that is unable to be mangaged, irrespective of GCS
- GCS >10 with suspected airway burns (consult)