Give two Manual Techniques for Airway Management?
- Head-tilt chin-lift method
- Jaw-thrust method
What are the two harmful effects of gastric distention during artificial ventilation?
- Aspiration and/or Obstruction
- Distended abdomen will prevent complete lung expansion
When mouth-to-nose ventilation is recommended(AHA)
- Ventilation through victim’s mouth is impossible (e.g the mouth is serously injured)
- The mouth canot be opened, victim is in water.
- Inadequate mask seal.
Why would lying supine position likely worsen respiratory distress?
Abdominal contents can impinge on the diaphragm.
What is the most common cause of upper airway obstruction in adults?
• The tongue
How long should suctioning be performed?
Not more than 10 seconds
Indications for OPA?
Semi-conscious with no gag.
What are the common complications of rescue breathing?
- Hyperinflation of the lungs.
- Gastric distention
- Aspiration
- Hyperventilation
Give contra-indications for nasal cannula?
- Poor respiratory effort
- Sever hypoxia
- Apnea
How many ml’s of air do you need to produce visible chest rise ,by using a bag mask ventilation?
500 to 600ml