Adrenals and Adenohypophysial axis Flashcards
Where are the adrenal glands sat relative to other organs? (x3)
Above the kidney. Right adrenal gland is below the liver. Left adrenal gland is below the spleen.
What are the two parts of an adrenal gland?
Inner medulla. Outer cortex.
What veins do both adrenal glands drain into?
This is based on where they are sat. Left adrenal drains into the renal vein (and then the inferior vena cava). Right adrenal drains directly into the vena cava.
What is the nature of the number of veins and arteries that supply the adrenals?
They are supplied by MANY arteries that perfuse across the entire gland. But only ONE vein that takes everything away.
What are the different zones of the adrenal cortex? (x4 parts)
Adrenal cortex split into different zones (refer to photo).
Adrenal medulla, reticularis, fascitulata, glomerulosa
What class of hormones do the cortex and medulla secrete?
Adrenal medulla produces catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline). Each part of the adrenal cortex produces different corticosteroids.
What is the gross anatomy of the adrenal glands?
Refer to photo. Main things to notice are the thick capsule that surrounds the adrenals, and the tributary (meaning branch) of the central vein. This means blood found in the cortex has to filter through the layers to get to the central vein.
What catecholamines are produced in the medulla, and in what proportions? (x3)
Adrenaline 80% (aka epinephrine) Noradrenaline 20% (aka norepinephrine) Dopamine (very small amount)
What cells in the medulla secrete the catecholamines?
Chromaffin cells.
What corticosteroids groups are produced in the cortex? (x3) List the major hormones for each. (x1, x1, x2)
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone is the major mineralocorticoid) Glucocorticoids (cortisol is the major one) SOME sex steroids: these are androgens and oestrogens.
What zones of the cortex produce each corticosteroid hormone?
Zona glomerulosa – produces aldosterone. Zona fasciculata and zona reticularis – produce cortisol (and androgens and oestrogens).
What chemical is each adrenal hormone derived from? (x2)
Cholesterol is the precursor for sex steroids and cortisol – because the hormones are steroid hormones. Amines are the precursor for adrenaline!
What is the carbon structure of each of the four cortical hormones?
Mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids are called C21 steroids because they have 21 carbons. Androgens and oestrogens – cleave more off the cholesterol backbone to produce the gonadal hormones – Androgens are therefore C19, and oestrogen C18 steroids.
How is cholesterol delivered to the relevant areas of adrenal cortex for synthesis of the corticosteroids?
- Lipoproteins deliver cholesterol into the adrenal cortical cell cytoplasm and stores as fatty acid esters. 2. When the right signal comes along, cholesterol is liberated by esterase and delivered into the mitochondria by StAR protein.
What causes different hormones to be synthesised in each zone on the adrenal cortex?
There are different enzyme balances present in the mitochondria of each zone of the adrenal cortex. This alters what hormone is synthesised from cholesterol (aldosterone, cortisol, or sex steroids).
What is the synthesis pathway of cortisol and aldosterone? Where is there a deviation in the pathway and why?
The differences in intermediates are highlighted!
CORTISOL: CHOLESTEROL –> Pregnenolone –> 17alpha-progesterone –> 11-deoxycortisol –> CORTISOL.
ALDOSTERONE: The enzyme that converts pregnenolone to 17alpha-progesterone is not present, and the pathway of pregnenolone is DIVERTED by another enzyme!
CHOLESTEROL –> Pregnenolone –> Progesterone –> 11-deoxycorticosterone –> Corticosterone –> ALDOSTERONE.
What enzyme converts corticosterone to aldosterone?
Aldosterone synthase.
How do the enzymes compare between the aldosterone and cortisol pathway?
The enzymes that convert Progesterone –> 11-deoxycorticosterone –> Corticosterone in the aldosterone synthesis pathway are THE SAME as the enzymes that convert 17alpha-progesterone –> 11-deoxycortisol –> CORTISOL.
You can see that the products in both pathways are somewhat similar.
The ONLY enzymes that differ are found in the steps: Pregnenolone –> Progesterone AND Corticosterone –> Aldosterone!
Why is corticosterone in the ALDOSTERONE pathway, considered inactive CORTISOL?
The enzymes that convert Progesterone –> 11-deoxycorticosterone –> Corticosterone in the aldosterone synthesis pathway are THE SAME as the enzymes that convert 17alpha-progesterone –> 11-deoxycortisol –> CORTISOL.
This is also why Corticosterone in the ALDOSTERONE pathway is described as an INACTIVE cortisol.
Why sex steroids synthesised in such low amounts in the adrenals?
The reason why you have only a few sex steroids is because the enzymes that are needed to synthesise them (shown in blue) are very low in the mitochondria.
What is the synthesis pathway of the sex steroids?
Only pay attention really to the enzymes in blue, and the substrates. I think that this was covered in the gonads lectures anyway.
Why are adrenal corticosteroids stored in the blood?
Lipid soluble – so blood is the store of the hormones produced in the adrenal cortex. Lipid soluble means they readily move out of the cell.
What three ways are corticosteroids stored in the blood?
CBG – corticosteroid binding globulin is a specific binding globulin. Stores aldosterone and cortisol. Albumin binds very weakly, but because there’s so much, an appreciable portion of each corticosteroid is still bound. Free and unbound.
What are the proportions that cortisol and aldosterone are found stored in the blood? What pharmacological application is there of this?
Don’t remember exactly, just need to UNDERSTAND it – as Dr B said. Aldosterone: 40% FREE, 15% CBG, 45% Albumin. Cortisol: 10% FREE, 80% CBG, 10% Albumin. Just understand, at least, that Cortisol is largely protein-bound; aldosterone is not.
Small changes in protein binding have a huge impact on the effect of Cortisol!
What receptors do cortisol and aldosterone interact?
Cortisol: Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) AND the Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). Cortisol is not very selective. Aldosterone: Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR).
How do the concentrations of aldosterone and cortisol differ in the blood?
There is a 1000-fold difference in the concentration of aldosterone and cortisol in the blood. Cortisol: 140-690 nmol/l; Aldosterone: 140-560pmol/l. Cortex produces MORE cortisol than aldosterone.
Are there any changes in the daily levels of cortisol or aldosterone in the blood?
Cortisol levels decrease. In the morning, it is elevated!
Considering the levels (and change in levels) of cortisol and aldosterone in the blood and what receptors each hormone binds to, what can be implied about the respective effects of cortisol and aldosterone? What is the point of aldosterone!?
Cortisol is 1000-times higher than aldosterone in the blood, and cortisol does the same receptor activating work as aldosterone. So, aldosterone is constantly out-competed!
Why is aldosterone relevant in the body?
An enzyme – 11B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 – makes aldosterone relevant! This enzyme breaks cortisol down to cortisone (which is the inactive form of cortisol). Certain tissues possess a lot of this enzyme which means cortisol cannot get out of these tissues. This makes aldosterone relevant because aldosterone is the only hormone that can get into those tissues and bind to the MR.
What organs are the site where aldosterone has a major effect? (x2)
Kidneys – this is the important one to remember! Placenta – because cortisol has very negative effects on the foetus. These areas contain very high levels of the cortisol inhibitory enzyme – 11B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
What is the stimulus that triggers the release of aldosterone production and secretion?
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
What are the stages of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?
- Renin is produced by the granular cells in the kidney.
- Renin circulates in the systemic circulation which interacts with angiotensinogen – also circulating in the blood (produced in the liver).
- This produces angiotensin I.
- Certain tissues (e.g. lung) contain angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). So, when angiotensin I reaches a tissue containing this enzyme, angiotensin I is converted into angiotensin II.
- Angiotensin II carries out the effects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. In our case, it activates aldosterone production in the adrenal cortex.
What stimuli increase aldosterone production in the adrenal cortex? (x3)
Angiotensin II. High K+. Low Na+.
Where are granular cells found?
Granular cells line the afferent arterioles that enter the Bowman’s capsule.
What are the stimuli that increase renin production in the kidneys? (x3)
Renal perfusion pressure: if blood pressure in afferent arteriole in nephron drops, this is sensed by the granular cells, and renin production increases. Sympathetic nerves directly innervate these cells – when activated, renin production also increases. Macular densa cells are within the distal convoluted tubule (which runs very close to the afferent arteriole). These macular densa cells are sodium sensors, which when low in this fluid, stimulates renin production.
What is the system that controls the production and release of cortisol?
Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis.
How does the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis modulate levels of cortisol?
Hypothalamus – CRH (corticotrophin-releasing hormone) acts on anterior pituitary. Anterior pituitary releases adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). ACTH carried in blood, and stimulates relevant zones of adrenal cortex and cortisol is released. Cortisol negatively feedbacks on the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus.
Where in the kidney does aldosterone carry out its role?
It acts in the late distal convoluted tubule, towards the collecting duct.
What happens normally in the area of the nephron that the aldosterone interacts?
Normally, water and sodium move into the blood. Sodium diffuses down its concentration gradient into the distal tubule cell, and is pumped into the blood by sodium-potassium ATPase. ATPase actively pumps sodium into the blood (and pumps potassium into the distal tubule cell, which then diffuses into the tubule lumen). This active pumping maintains the concentration gradient of sodium in the tubule cell.
What is the mechanism of action of aldosterone in the kidney?
Interacts with MR receptors! Increases number of sodium channels and number of sodium-potassium ATPases in the distal convoluted tubule cells. This increases its ability to reabsorb sodium back into the blood. THIS INCREASES BLOOD PRESSURE!
What system is aldosterone’s mechanism closely linked to? Why?
ADH (Vasopressin) initiates aquaporin insertion and greater reabsorption of water back into the blood. The vasopressin system is linked to the aldosterone system of sodium reabsorption. Because water will only move across if there’s an osmotic gradient produced by the sodium. This is also why the macular densa cells can activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
How fast is aldosterone and cortisol? Why?
Aldosterone and cortisol are steroid hormones and slow acting because they interact with the nucleus and affect transcription. This means that their effect takes a while, but effects are large.
How does cortisol interact with receptors at its PHYSIOLOGICAL level?
Fully binds to the MR (unless in the kidney where enzymes deactivate cortisol) and partially activates the GR.
What are the four actions of cortisol when it is present at a physiological level?
LIVER: cortisol ensures glucose is readily available in the blood AND there’s lots of stores. So, overall, cortisol has its most profound effect on GLUCOSE – it is a GLUCOcorticoid. SKELETAL MUSCLE AND FAT: it stops glucose from being stored peripherally. BRAIN: pro-memory. SAME ACTIONS AS ALDOSTERONE (in organs other than the kidney): increase BP.
How does cortisol act on the liver? (x2)
Cortisol tries to make sure that there is glucose readily available AND there’s lots of stores. So, increases gluconeogenesis AND glycogenlysis in the liver! Gluconeogenesis is increased by increasing number of enzymes – e.g. PEPCK. Glycogenolysis is increased by upregulating the number of enzymes that do this.
How does cortisol act on the skeletal muscle and fat tissue? (x2)
It also stops glucose being stored peripherally. Cortisol decreases blood flow to these areas AND stops glucose or free fatty acids from getting into these tissues. So, GLUT-4 goes down (transports glucose into the skeletal muscle). Lipoprotein lipase decreases which stops storage of fatty acids in fat tissue.
Where and how does cortisol act on the brain?
Cortisol ALSO is pro-memory. Stress (and cortisol) wants to enhance memory (think of it from a survival perspective). Hippocampus – there’s an area called the dentate gyrus where memories are laid down. Serotonin innervation promotes granule cell division and this memory formation. At physiological levels, cortisol increases the capacity to respond to serotonin by upregulating serotonin receptors.
How does cortisol interact with receptors at a supra-physiological level? When do supra-physiological levels occur and what does it even mean?
Supra-physiological means greater than normal levels and occurs in stress. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis is distorted, and cortisol levels are therefore higher than normal. There is maximum GR AND MR activation.
What are the supra-physiological effects of cortisol? (x3)
Has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects – cortisol controls and dampens inflammation and immune activity when it is no longer needed (this is important). Has an anti-memory effect when supra-physiological chronically.
What do supra-physiological effects of cortisol tell us about the association between stress and getting ill?
When people are stressed, cortisol levels increase, exert supra-physiological effect, there is immunosuppression, and people fall ill.
What stimuli exacerbate the axis and induce supra-physiological levels of cortisol? (x3)
Stress, caffeine, and alcohol increase cortisol levels.
What does cortisol do at a supra-physiological level to the brain?
If you have excessive, long-term GR activation, you go from a pro to an anti-memory effect. Hippocampus gets smaller and cortisol destroys the hippocampus and decreases capacity for long-term memory formation.
What is POMC? What is it cleaved to form? (x3)
It is a precursor. It is cleaved to form several smaller PEPTIDES – ACTH, MSH and endorphins.
What disease is associated with adrenal failure?
Addison’s aka primary adrenal failure.
What disease is associated with excess cortisol?
Cushing’s syndrome?
What disease is associated with excess aldosterone?
Conn’s syndrome.
What are the two common causes of primary adrenal failure?
Most common cause in UK is autoimmune, where the immune system tries to wipe out the adrenal cortex. TB is the most common cause worldwide.
What happens to the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in primary adrenal failure?
CRH increases in the hypothalamus because no negative feedback control for cortisol. Pituitary starts secreting lots of ACTH and hence MSH. Cortisol levels fall. Similar effect in aldosterone.
What happens to levels of sodium and potassium with primary adrenal failure?
Low sodium and HIGH potassium levels in the blood because there are small numbers/no ATPase pumps in the distal convoluted tubule.
What are the symptoms of primary adrenal failure? (x4) Explain each.
Pigmentation (tanning) across the whole body (skin, hair, mucous membranes…). This is because of high levels of ACTH. Means there’s also high MSH, a hormone which in high levels results in tanning. Blood pressure falls, because body cannot retain sodium, so body cannot also reabsorb as much water. Progressive muscular weakness, because of lowering sodium levels.
Autoimmune vitiligo may coexist – different autoimmune condition where immune system takes out skin cells which results in patches of skin with no pigmentation.
How is primary adrenal failure treated? (x3)
Rehydrate with normal saline will increase blood pressure. Give dextrose (sugar) to prevent hypoglycaemia which could be due to glucocorticoid deficiency. Give hydrocortisone or another glucocorticoid – effective replacement for cortisol.
What are the causes of Cushing’s syndrome? (x4)
Taking excess steroids. Pituitary-dependent Cushing’s DISEASE. This is Cushing’s SYNDROME caused by a pituitary adenoma (tumour). [Cushing’s Disease is caused by adenoma. Cushing’s Syndrome is all causes.] Ectopic ACTH (lung cancer) – makes ACTH in the wrong place. Adrenal adenoma or carcinoma that makes excess cortisol.
What is a general explanation of most symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome?
Cortisol upregulates enzymes that synthesise fat and LESS protein!
What are the symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome? (x9 – x3 and x2) Explain each.
Impaired glucose tolerance – type 2 diabetes: increased cortisol increases blood glucose. Blood pressure goes up – hypertension: because cortisol also affect osmotic balance. Central obesity (particularly of the abdomen and face; sparing the limbs) – because of increased central fat storage. REMEMBER, cortisol decreases PERIPHERAL storage.
□ Moon face
□ Buffalo hump – fat between shoulder blades
□ Stomach
Thin skin: results in easy bruising and poor wound healing – proteins that make up skin are not synthesised.
Stretch marks (striae): as you get fatter, the proteins that synthesises the skin properly do not work, and you get purple stretch marks.
Proximal myopathy – muscle weakness.
Mental changes: depression because cortisol has an effect on the brain that we don’t understand.
Osteoporosis because bone proteins lost.
Acne and hair growth: from ACTH induced adrenal androgen excess.
What is the cause of Conn’s syndrome?
Aldosterone producing adenoma. Tumour in adrenals that produces too much aldosterone.
What are the clinical features of Conn’s syndrome? (x3)
High blood pressure. Peripheral oedema because patient takes in lots of salt and fluid into the blood. Low potassium.