Adrenaline Flashcards
Adrenaline - Drug Class
Adrenaline - Pharmacology
Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a naturally occurring catecholamine which primarily acts on Alpha and Beta adrenergic receptors. The actions of these receptors cause an increase in heart rate (B1), increase in the force of myocardial contractions (B1), increase in the irritability of the ventricles (B1), bronchodilation (B2) and peripheral vasoconstriction (A1).
Adrenaline - Metabolism
The majority of circulating adrenalin is metabolised by sympathetic nerve endings. It is subject to the process of mitochondrial enzymatic breakdown by monoamine oxidase at the synaptic level.
Adrenaline - Indications
- Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
- Severe life threatening bronchospasm OR silent chest (patients must only be able to speak in single words AND/OR have haemodynamic compromise AND/OR an ALOC)
- Cardiac Arrest
- Croup (with stridor at rest)
CCP - Shock unresponsive to adequate fluid resuscitation (excluding hemorrhagic cause)
CCP - Bradycardia with poor perfusion (unresponsive to Atropine AND/OR TCP)
Adrenaline - Contraindications
Adrenaline - Precautions
- Hypertension
- Hypovolaemic shock
- Concurrent MAOI therapy
Adrenaline - Side Effects
- Palpitations/Tachyarrhythmias
- Tremor
- Hypertension
- Anxiety
- Pupil dilation
Adrenaline - Presentation
- Ampoule 1mg/1mL (1:1,000)
- Ampoule 1mg/10mL (1:10,000)
Adrenaline - Onset, Duration & Half-life
Onset - 30 seconds IV, 60 seconds IM
Duration - 5-10 minutes
Half-life - 2 minutes
Adrenaline - Schedule
1mg/1mL - S3 1mg/10mL - unscheduled
Adrenaline - Routes of administration
Adrenaline - Adult dose - Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
IM - 300microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.
NEB - 5mg. Single dose only. May be administered for facial or tongue swelling thought to be allergic in origin. IM or IV adrenaline must be administered.
Adrenaline - Paed dose - Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
IM - > (or equal to) 6yo - 300microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.
IM - <6yo - 150microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.
NEB - 5mg. Single dose only. For facial or tongue swelling thought to be allergic in origin. If stridor present IM or IV must be used.
Adrenaline - Adult dose - Severe life-threatening bronchospasm OR silent chest
IM - 300microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.
Adrenaline - Paed dose - Severe life-threatening bronchospasm OR silent chest
IM - > (or equal to) 6yo - 300microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.
IM - <6yo - 150microg. 5 min intervals. No max dose.