Adrenal Flashcards
Functions of adrenal cortex
Functions of glucocorticoids
Affects carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism
Functions of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
Renin angiotensin aldosterone system
Activates Na/K pump in distal tubule
Reabsorption of Na and water
Stimualtion of glucocorticoid and androgen release
CRF from hypothalamus
ACTH from pituitary
Cortisol and androgen from adrenal glands
Corticotrophin releasing factor
Released from hypothalamus
Cushing’s syndrome
Clinical state
Excess glucocorticoid
Loss of normal feedback mechanisms
When is cortisol secretion usually highest
On waking up
Causes of Cushing’s syndrome
Oral steroids
Cushing’s disease
Ectopic ACTH production
Adrenal adenoma
Cushing’s disease definition
ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma
Leads to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
Causes of ectopic ACTH production
Small cell lung cancer
Carcinoid tumours
Sx of Cushing’s syndrome
Weight gain
Proximal muscle weakness
Signs of Cushing’s syndrome
Moon face
Buffalo hump
Striae / bruises
Impaired glucose tolerance
Specific sign of ectopic ACTH production causing Cushing’s syndrome
Skin pigmentation
Ix for Cushing’s syndrome
Raised plasma cortisol
Overnight dexamethasome suppression test
24 hr urinary free cortisol
48 hr dexamethasone suppression test
48 hr high dose dexamethasone suppression test
Overnight dexamethasome suppression test
Dexamethasone 1 mg at midnight
Serum cortisol at 8 am
Normal: cortisol < 50 mmol/L
Cushing’s: failure to suppress cortisol
48 hr dexamethasone suppression test
Dexamethasone 0.5mg/6hrs for 2 days
Serum cortisol at 0 and 48 hrs
Cushing’s: failure to suppress cortisol
48 hr high dose dexamethasone suppression test
Dexamthasone 2mg/6hrs
Pituitary cause: cortisol suppression
Other cause: little suppression
Mx of Cushing’s disease
Remove pituitary adenome
Mx of iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome
Stop steroids
Mx of ectopic ACTH producing Cushing’s syndrome
Remove causative tumour
Mx of adrenal adenoma causing Cushing’s syndrome
Nelson’s syndrome
Skin hyperpigmentation
Post adrenalectomy
Loss of negative feedback
Raised ACTH
Addison’s disease definition
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency
Cortisol and Aldosterone deficiency
Causes of Addison’s disease
Adrenal metastases
Opportunistic infections in HIV
Adrenal haemorrhage