ADP 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession Flashcards
Which publications cover Army Leadership?
ADP 6-22 and FM 6-22
What is the Army profession? OR What does it mean to be a profession of arms?
A trusted vocation of Soldiers and Army civilians whose collective expertise is the ethical design, generation, support, and application of landpower; serving under civilian authority; and entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people.
What is the Army ethic?
The set of enduring moral principles, values, beliefs, and laws that guide the Army profession and create the culture of trust essential to Army professionals in the conduct of missions, performance of duty, and all aspects of life.
What is Leadership?
The activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
What are the attributes of a Leader?
Presence, Intellect, and Character.
What are the competencies of a leader?
Leads, Develops, Achieves.
The Army profession develops and demonstrates military expertise in which four broad fields of knowledge?
Leader and human development. Moral-ethical. Geo-cultural and political. Military-technical.
What are the characteristics of the Army Profession?
Trust. Honorable service. Military expertise. Stewardship. Esprit de corps.
What are the roles of Trusted Army Professionals?
Honorable servants. Army experts. Stewards of the profession.
What are the Army values?
Loyalty. Duty. Respect. Selfless service. Honor. Integrity. Personal courage.
What are the consistent factors of Leadership?
The leader. The led. The situation. Communication.
What are the three categories of Army leaders?
Officers. Noncommissioned officers. DA Civilians.
What are the levels of leadership?
Direct. Organizational. Strategic.
What are the character attributes of a leader?
Army Values. Empathy. Warrior Ethos. Discipline. Humility.
What are the attributes of a Leader’s presence?
Military and professional bearing. Fitness. Confidence. Resilience.