ADOS vs ADOS-2 Flashcards
Lord et al (2012) to replace original Lord et al (1989)
What does it do?
• Opportunities to exhibit behaviours of interest through standard ‘presses’ for communication/interaction.
‘Presses’ planned social occasion where a particular type of behaviour is likely to appear
Murray (1938)
- Do not use phrased speech
- Some phrased speech but not verbally fluent,
- Verbally fluent and playing with toys is age-appropriate
- Verbally fluent adolescents/adults (conversation).
PLUS Toddler Module: Non-verbal mental age of at least 6 months (Lack of phrased speech is due to development not impairment)
Who reviewed supporting evidence for ADOS-2 changes?
McCrimmon (2014)
Accuracy and efficacy of ADOS-2
McCrimmon (2014) Same/IMPROVED 1-3 and toddler
New comparison score for modules 1-3 (Compare to children diagnosed, need for metric of severity independent of age, intellectual ability, language)
Allows the test user to compare a child’s overall level of autism spectrum-related symptoms to that of children diagnosed with ASD who are the same age and have similar language skills and comparison over time.
Gotham (2009)
Changes to procedure/insruction
Clearer, dynamic assessment to ensure that interaction is natural
Evidence for ADOS-2: Internal consistency
Cronbach’s alpha values 1-3 and toddler high for SA and moderate for RRB.
Evidence for ADOS-2: Content + construct validity.
Item-total correlations (item-domain)
Almost all items across algorithms for 1-3 and toddler modules correlated more significantly with their assigned domain (SSA or RRB) than with eachother (supports the use of these items in assessing impairments in these domains).
Evidence for ADOS-2: Content + construct validity Logistic regressions (contribution of SSA and RRB domains to diagnostic decision)
Logistic regressions revealed that both SSA and RRB domains made significant independent contributions to prediction of diagnosis. Overall total score produced highest predictive value, supporting the use of this score in diagnostic decisions.
Limitations :(
4 not updated, training videos not updated
Sample limitations (white causasian male, Japanese and Nigeria eye contact)
Moran (2007)
Galanti (2004)