Adnexal & Oncology Flashcards
What is adnexal?
Adnexal means appendages, medically it refers to orbit, eyelids and lacrimal system
What are the categories of Adnexal tumours? [2]
Orbital (including lacrimal)
What are the common types of benign eyelid tumours? [3]
Squamous cell Papilloma
Basal Cell Papilloma
What are the common types of malignant eyelid tumours? [4]
90-95% Basal Cell Carcinoma (Split into nodular, ulcerative & Infiltrative)
2-5% are squamous cell carcinoma
1-2% are sebaceous Gland Carcinoma
Malignant Melanoma
How we ddx between different benign eyelid tumours? [3]
Squamous cell papillomas may be pedunculated or sessile & have a raspberry texture
Basal Cell Papillomas are greasy, brown, flat and oval/round
Melanocytic Naevus are asymmetrical, irreuglar bordered, variegated in colour and growing.
How do we ddx between different types of malignant eyelid tumour? BCC, SCC, sebaceous gland ca
Basal cell carcinomas are non-pigmented & elevated with a pearly, rolled irregular border and telangectasia. Can be nodular, ulcerative or infiltrative
Squamous cell carcinoma is a scaly surface over thick plaque, growing in weeks rather than months and arises from pre-existing actinic keratosis (rough scaly patch from sun damage)
Sebaceous gland Carcinomas are yellowish due to lipid content and cause blepharitis and recurrent chalazion
What are blepharitis and chalazion?
Blepharitis - Inflammation around the edge of the eyelids
Chalazion is a swelling in the Meibomian glands due to blockage from inflammation
What structures can be involved in an orbital tumour? [3]
Lacrimal gland
Extrinsic Eye Muscles
Nerves, Blood Vessels
What are the common types of orbital tumours?
Benign [3]
Malignant [5]
- Capillary, Cavernous Hemangioma
- Pleomorphic Adenoma
- Optic Nerve Glioma
- Lymphoma
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Lacrimal Gland Carcinoma
- Osteosarcoma, Liposarcoma
- Primary Melanoma
Presentation [3]
Mx [4]
Lid margin inflammation
Ax: staph, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea
- bilateral grittiness
- redness, crusting, sticking in the morning with scales on lashes
- may also have assoc. conjunctivitis or keratitis
Diluted baby shampoo, hot compresses, massage
Topical abx
Artificial tears
Lid hygiene
Types [2]
Hordeolum externum: staph infection or abscess in lash follicle that may also involve glands of Mall (sweat) and Zeis (sebaceous), pointing outwards
Hordeolum internum: abscess of Meibomian gland, points inwards
Mx: hot compress for 5-10 min several times a day
Presentation [2]
Mx [2]
Ax: chronic inflammation of Mebomium gland
- Painless (unless recurrently inflamed or infected
- Granular mass
- surgical incision and curettage, intra-lesion steroid injection
Ax [2] Mx [2]
Ax: cosmetics, eye drops
- Avoidance
- Topical steroids
Ophthalmic shingles
Ep, Ax, pathophysiology [2], risk factors [3]
Ax:re-activation of varicella zoster virus
Px:after chickenpox, VZV lies dormant in sensory ganglia until becomes reactivated and spreads across dermatome
RF:increasing age, immunocompromised, trauma to affected area
Ophthalmic shingles
Presentation [3]
Mx and timing [2]
- vesicular rash in ophthalmic division of CN V
- pain and systemically unwell
- nasociliary branch involvement (nose tip = Hutchinson’s sign)
- oral ACICLOVIR (more effective if given before vesicles crust reduces incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia and uveitis complications)
Eyelid malposition
Classification and ddx [2]
Ax: degeneration of lid fascial attachments and their muscles
Entropion: lashes turned inwards causing rubbing and irritation of cornea (assoc. lid laxity and inferior retractor weakness)
Ectropion: lower lid eversion causes eye watering (misalignment of drainage punctum) and irritation, especially if muscles lax secondary to CN VII palsy
Mx: surgical correction
Acute causes [2]
Chronic causes [4]
Define: lacrimal gland inflammation
Acute: mumps, glandular fever
Chronic: inflammation (may be granulomatous) due to sarcoidosis, leukaemia, lymphoma, TB or amyloidosis
Ax [2]
Presentation [2]
Ax: canaliculi inflammation secondary to herpes or actinomyces
Sy/Si: stenosis and watering (epiphora)
Acute causes [1] and presentation [3]
Chronic causes [2] and presentation [3]
Define: acute or chronic inflammation of lacrimal sac
Ax: secondary to sac or nasolacrimal duct obstruction
- Acute causes - periorbital cellulitis
- suppurative with pain, tenderness and swelling; associated with periorbital cellulitis
- Chronic causes - atresia or occlusion of nasolacrimal duct
- epiphora +/- regurgitating pus spontaneously or after injury, mucocele (thinning and swelling of sac)
Dacrocystitis Mx Acute vs Chronic
Acute:hot compresses, abx +/- surgical drainage
Chronic:dacrocytsorhinostomy (if canaliculi patient)
Dry eyes
Causes [8]
Mx [2]
- mebomitis
- conjunctival keratinisation
- trachoma
- burns
- Sjogren’s
- CN VII palsy
- debilitating disease
- vitamin A deficiency
Investigation: Schirmer’s test
Mx: artificial tears, punctal plugs