Administrative Duties Flashcards
SMDR Daily responsibilities
potable water halogen sick call log (submitted to CO) situational and routine exams immz health record maintenance inspection of food service attendants walk through of berthing and messing eight o clock reports to the CO
SMDR Weekly responsibilities
safety/sanitation walkthrough
bacti testing
medical training IAW Long Range Training Plan
TMIP-M computer system re index and backup
SMDR Bi weekly responsibilities
stretcher bearer training
pest control/survey/spray-results in TMIP
SMDR Monthly responsibilities
very outstanding supply requisitions via MOV
Conduct food Service sanitation inspection DD 2973 to CoC
SMDR quarterly responsibilities
conduct habitability sanitation inspections pursuant to NAVMED P 5010
report of potable water system inspection
controlled substance inventory and report
validate current CBRN inventory and command demographics on the Joint Medical Asset Repository (JMAR) web site (formally SLEP)
Drills and Exercises
Training report to Training Officer
SMDR Semiannual responsibilities
shipboard sanitation control exception certificate (SSEC)
Shipboard Sanitation Control Certificate (SSCC)
Operational and safety checks by Bio Medical Equipment Tech (BMET) on all medical department equipment
Complete an inventory of all emergency Authorized Medical Allowance List (AMAL) gear and equipment
Conduct a health and dental record audit
Mass casualty drill
SMDR annual responsibilities
Submit Long Range Training Plan
submit Ionizing radiation
request assistance tom local MTF to conduct required Radiation Health Audit
conduct bulkhead to bulkhead inventory
annual calibration x ray equipment as required
retire files per current Nay directives
Conduct medical/dental records
Quality Assurance definition
is a structured systemic process for evaluating the entire spectrum of clinical care provided by an organization with a designated process for the resolution of previously unidentified or unresolved problems
purpose of QA
to improve quality of health care through problem identification and resolution
focus is on clinical problems
goals of QA
maintain a high level of unit wellness to meet mission needs
improve quality of health care given by all providers
QA responsibilities for Fleet Commanders
assumes overall program oversight and coordination
establish memorandum of understanding (MOU)/ Memorandum of Agreement (MOA with geographic BUMED facilities to obtain needed to support/assistance
establish protocols for battle group commanders to monitor and control medical care within TYCOM lines during operation
QA responsibilities for Type Commander
exercise overall control and accountability for the program
QA records maintenance
reporting requirements
QA responsibilities for Force Medical Officer
IDC program Director, appointed in writing by United States Fleet Forces Command (USFFC)
appoints sufficient physician supervisors to ensure adequate oversight of the IDCs clinical activities
ensure a viable training program is maintained by each operation group (COMDESRON, COMCRUDESGRU, etc)
provides a structured orientation for physician supervisors, outlining administrative and supervisory responsibilities
monitors and ensures compliance with QA directives
How often do we do health record maintenance?
How often do we do immunizations?
How often do we do stretcher bearer training?
bi weekly
How often do you do CSIB?
quarterly. Monthly if used.
How often is a habitability inspection?
How often is Mass Casualty Drills?
How often do we do health record verification?
How often do we do emergency AMAL inventories?
How often do we do bulkhead to bulkhead inventory of medical storerooms?
What is the purpose of a MFR?
to “CYA”
Who exercises control and accountability for QA program?
Type Comander (TYCOM)
If a patient is beyond your scope of care, who shall you inform first?
Commanding Officer
Who should you seek for consultation for a questionable case/patient?
Medical Officer
What instruction delineates scope of care for an IDC?
Who countersigns all the SF 600’s by junior HMs?
How soon after deployment is the Post Deployment After Action Critique submitted to Fleet Commanders?
30 days
Chapters of the COMNAVSURFINST 6000.1 series
1- General 2. Training 3. Fiscal/Supply Management 4. Health Care 5. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Afloat 6. Medical Planning 7. Blood Program Appendices
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 covers the Medical Department Organizational Manual?
Chapter 1, General
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 covers AD women wellness exam?
Chapter 4, Health Care
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 talks about dental records?
Chapter 4, Health Care
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 talks about Calcium Hypochlorite storage?
Chapter 5, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Afloat
Which READ-E does the Command Readiness Assist Visit (CRAV) happen?
Readiness Evaluation 3 (READ-E 3)
What is evaluated during the CRAV?
evaluations of collaterals… e.g. Suicide Prevention, SAPR,..
What portion of Basic Phase does MRD come out to inspect?
Material (M-1)
What are all the parts of Basic Phase?
Administrative Review (A-1) Material (M-1) Training (T-1) Assessment (As-1) Certification (C-1)
When does Basic Phase begin?
when the ship meets exit criteria after successful completion of a yard period with Contractor Sea Trials or when directed by TYCOM.
During what phase of the ship is the Readiness Evaluation 1 self assessment?
Sustainment Phase
Who is leading the assessment of material conditions during READ-E2?
TYCOM lead assessment. FSO-M training is not normally part of this.
purpose of READ E3
READ E 1 validation
Safety Survey
What is inspected during M-1?
Emergency AMALs
- IDC bag
- MO response kit
- Jr HM kit
- Mass Casualty Box
- First Aid boxes
- Boat Boxes
Who receives the Level of Knowledge exams during T1?
All DC qualified personnel, must get an 80%
What is demonstrated during Assessment (As-1)?
MTT will demonstrate the ability to Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief (PBED) drill scenarios.
What is the periodicity of the Medical Readiness Inspection?
within 90 days of a major deployment of every 18 months.
who conducts the MRI?
where are inspection checklists located for an MRI?
How many sections of the MRI checklist?
6 sections
what are the 6 sections of the MRI checklist?
1-admin n training 2-supplies and equipment 3-emergency medical preparedness 4- ancillary services 5- Environmental Health 6- Occ health
How often is the DRI?
every 18 months of 120 days
Grading criteria for C status determination after an MRI?
> 90% full ready
80% Substantially ready
70% marginally ready
<69% not ready.
how often are follow up reports submitted to TYCOM after MRI outlining progress made towards correction?
every 30 days
Final disposition report is due to TYCOM after an MRI no later than when?
6 months
an MRA is conducted when?
3-6 months prior to an MRI
How often do we drill Battle Dressing Stations?
Which logs do the SMDR keep?
MFR's Sick Call Log Training Log Heat Stress Log STI log Potable Water log Pest Control log Temperature Log Medical Waste/Disposal log Consultation log
Where can you find list of homeports of ships and squadrons?
Standard Navy Distribution List (OPNAVNOTE 5400)
Where can you find concise procedures for drafting and preparation of DON GENADMIN messages?
Navy Telecommunications Users Manual (NTP-3 Series)
What is the instruction number for the Navy Correspondence Manual?
SECNAVINST 5216.5 Series
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 talks about drugs that need custodial care?
Chapter 3, Fiscal/Supply Management
What chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 deals with 3M?
Chapter 3, Fiscal/Supply Management
Which Chapter of the COMNAVSURFORINST 6000.1 deals with prevmed inspection and reporting procedures?
Chapter 5, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Afloat
What inspection provides a report to congress?
What instruction governs NAVOSH programs?
OPNAVINST 5100.19 Series
What two areas of the NAVOSH programs are we concerned with?
Heat Stress
Hearing Conservation
What is your IMR status if you are Dental Class 2?
Fully Medically Ready
What is the periodicity of INSURV?
prior to commissioning, every 5 years, prior to decommissioning
What is your IMR status if you have an overdue PHA?
Medical Readiness Indeterminate
When would you present and discuss medical services provided ashore?
When would you talk about locations of casualty boxes with the crew?
INDOC, during required orientation tour of the ship.
How many stretcher bearers are assigned to the BDS?
Medical Department personnel shall complete final qualification in basi DC and 3M within how many months of checking in?
6 months
The Short Range Training plan covers what period of time?
3 months and include all training events for each department.
When will there be all hands training, planning, and implementation?
Stretcher Bearer is training is required every how often?
two weeks
Specialty training includes topics primarily given to personnel involved with what type of activities?
Food Service Potable Water Barber Shop Laundry CHT systems
What should be discussed during the MTT brief?
purpose of exercise and scenario overview safety precautions terminal/enabling objectives review of time line of events description of procedures safety walk through
safety walkthrough must be conducted how long prior to any drills?
one hour.