Administration of Justice Offenses Flashcards
Virginia has two distinct perjury statutes, called the…
“one occasion” and “two occasions” statutes.
The “one occasion” statute provides that a person is guilty of perjury if..
- willfully swears falsely
- regarding a material matter
- while under a lawfully administered oath.
To be convicted under the “one occasion” statute, there must be:
- 2 witness’ testimony to D’s stmt being false, or
- One witness’ testimony to D’s stmt being false, with corroborated evidence.
The “two occassions” perjury statute provides that…
person is guilty of perjury if she:
- knowingly and
- with intent to testify falsely,
- gives differing testimony
- regarding the same material matter
- while under oath on two separate occasions.
What is subornation of perjury?
Inducing another to give false, material testimony.
What is bribery?
A corrupt offer of a givt to a public official or candidate with the intent to influence official acts.
Is bribery a misdemeanor or felony under Virginia law?
Accepting a bribe is also a crime if…
the recipient is a public emloyee, public official, or candidate for public office.
What is Obstruction of Justice?
- attempt to intimidate witness, officer of the court, judge, etc…
- Knowingly make false stmts to cop investigating someone else for a crime
What is Falsely Reporting a Crime?
- knowingly give false reports with intent to mislead the police.
- faking a crime with intent to mislead someone else into reporting it
- call police w/o just cause and with intent to interfere with law enforcement operations.
What is Concealing or Compounding an Offense?
- Taking money to conceal/not prosecute an offense, or
- conceal/destroy evidence w/ intent to hinder prosecution against someone charged with crime ag. anothee.
- close family exception
What is Fleeing from a Law Enforcement Officer?
To prevent a law enforcement officer with or without a warrant from lawfully arresting you.