Administration - Obtaining the grant Flashcards
What is a grant of representation
Confirms the PRs authority to act and their title to the deceased’s assets which pass under the will or intestacy. PRs need to obtain the assets, the asset holders will not usually release the assets until they’ve seen the grant. Additionally in order to sell assets the PRs will usually have to show proof of their title to the assets.
Different grants of representation
1) Grant of probate
2) Grant of letters of administration with the will annexed
3) Grant of (simple) letters of administration
Grant of probate
The deceased left a valid will which appoints executors one or more of whom is able and willing to act. The executors will obtain a grant of probate using form PA1P
Grant of letters of administration with the will annexed
The deceased left a valid will but there are no persons able or willing to act as executors or a partial intestacy. Administrators will obtain a grant of letters of administration with the will annexed using form PA1P. NCPR 20 determines who the administrators will be - usually the residuary beneficiary
Grant of (simple) letters of administration
The deceased left no will. Administrators will obtain a grant of (simple) letters of administration using for PA1A. NCPR 22 determines who the administrators will be - usually the main beneficiaries on intestacy.
How many PRs do you need
One PR may obtain the grant and act alone. However, if they are selling land then the purchaser will insist on a receipt from all the trustees being at least two in number to overreach
Assets which may pass to the PRs without a grant
This is useful when the deceased’s family needs funds immediately or for paying IHT
1) Assets which do not exceed £5,000
2) Chattels (all moveable property)
3) Cash
4) Joint property - passes through survivorship to surviving joint tenant
5) Insurance policies if assigned or written in trust for others
6) Pension benefits
Form IHT400
Only need this if it is not an excepted estate. No grant of representation can be issued until this is submitted. It is an inventory of the assets to which the deceased was beneficially entitled and of their liabilities. It is the form for claiming reliefs and exemptions and calculating the IHT payable
Excepted estates
3 types:
1) Low value estates - below £325,000 but can be increased if their spouse hasn’t used all their nil rate band
2) Exempt estates - gross value does not exceed £3 mill and there can be no liability to inheritance tax because of a spouse or a civil partner exemption or a charity exemption which brings the estate below the IHT nil rate band
3) Deceased was never domiciled in the UK
When is IHT payable
6 months after the end of the month in which the deceased died
Options for raising IHT payable before the grant
1) Direct payment scheme - British Banker’s Association and building Societies’ Association will allow PRs to pay IHT directly from deceased’s accounts
2) Life assurance - asking the life assurance company to release funds
3) Assets realisable without production of the grant e.g assets no more than £5000
4) Loans from beneficiaries
5) Bank borrowing
6) National savings and government stock
7) Heritage property in lieu of tax
Burden and Incidence of IHT
PRs are liable for the inheritance tax due on the chargeable transfer made on death
Executors applying for a grant of probate - Who can apply for the grant
One executor may obtain a grant and act alone. A person appointed as an executor but who at the testator’s death lacks capacity to make decisions cannot apply. Where one of several executors is a minor the other(s) being adults probate can be granted to the adult executor with power reserved to the minor to take a grant at a later date
Executors applying for a grant of probate - Renouncing the right to take the grant
Persons appointed as executors may renounce their rights to take the grant. Rights as executor cease and the administration of the estate proceeds as if the executor had never been appointed. Executors can renounce only if they have not intermeddled in the estate. Intermeddling = notifying deceased’s bank of the death.
Administrators applying for a grant of letters of administration with the will annexed - Order of priority
NCPR 20:
1) The executor
2) Any residuary legatee or devisee holding in trust for any other person
3) Any other residuary legatee or devisee
4) PRs of these residuary beneficiary
5) Any other beneficiary - prefer vested interest over contingency
6) PRs of these beneficiaries