Admin / Legal / Ethical Flashcards
Describe approach to access block
1) Investigation. Gather information.
2) Establish priorities. Who is critically ill.
3) Delegate. Maintain oversight. Correct staff to correct areas.
4) Escalate. ED, exec. Discuss with ambulance clinician.
5) Safety & support. Early senior decision making. Escalate concerns. Staff have breaks
6) ED actions.
- Target: ED beds, resus beds.
- Pts safe to move from resus, ICU TF.
- SSOU WR. Senior review for DC
- private, DC lounge, HITH
- Doctor at triage
7) Plan. Review again 2 hrs. Plan for next shift
Handover in major disaster
METHANE Major incident declared ? Exact location? Type of event Hazards Access and egress Number of casulaties Emerg services present and required
External emergency preparation
Space, People, Equipment, Drugs, Other services, post-disaster
Space - clinical, triage, waiting, ambulance
People - retain, other teams, form teams, briefing.
- clinical: trolleys with relevant equipment, trolleys, chairs. PPE.
- non-clinical: torches, radios, phones
Drugs: analgesia, antibiotics
Others: ED director, executive, media, security
Post-disaster: restock, debrief
Steps in open disclosure
Factual explanation
Expression of regret
Explain further investigations, treatments, likely consequence
Steps to prevent recurrence
Responding to a complaint
Acknowledge - express regret, contact person/process, consent to meet?
Investigate - med record, staff involved.
Notify, report, document - other units, staff, complaints, legal, MDO
Respond - in person meeting / with consent.
Criteria for Mental Health Act involuntary treatment
Apparent mental disorder
At risk to self or others
Significant consequences of not recieving treatment
Not able to access less restrictive treatments
End of life care - priorities in discussion
Understanding of current condition / illness
Function - eating, dressing, social
- FRAILTY: fatigue, ambulation, LOW, weakness, poor activity
Quality of life
Advanced care plan
Current situation and outcome
Management of symptoms
To bedside, family, religious/social needs
Specific to procedure / treatment
Without coersion
Have capacity (Understand, retain, weigh up, communicate)
Discharge against medical advice
Address concerns of patient (ie withdrawral)
Involve family / friends
Assess capacity and risk
Outpatient follow up / alternative treatment
Clinical debrief
Reasons: learn and reflect, improve processes, identify staff at risks.
Prepare - location, current staff Delivery - psychological safety, objectives - overview of case - positives - changes / improvement - actions and key learnings - discuss supports available Post debrief - allocation of of tasks - documentation
Management of violent patient
DOC to identify and treat medical/psychiatric causes
Maintain safety. Quiet area, no weapons. Access and egress.
Verbal discussion (assessment of orientation, medical hx, trauma, psych hx, behaviour, content of speech ie threats)
Offer oral sedation
Involve family / friends
Physical restraint, 5 points, staff safe, team leader, 1 voice. Explain.
Chemical restraint.
O2, monitoring, IV, BSL, ECG, CT.
Principle of duty of care
Legal requirement
- relationship exists between pt and staff
- avoid acts of omissions leading to pt being harmed
- duty of care to assess for medical / psychiatric causes.
Approach to impaired colleage
“I’m concerned ___, I care and I want to help”.
Confidential unless serious risk to yourself or mandatory reporting.
Work - enjoyment/satisfaction
Home - family, partner, finances
MH - mood, sleep, enjoyment, D&A, suicide / SH.
X has happened, safety risk
- mandatory reporting
- director
- time off
- support: GP, family, EAP.
Approach to struggling trainee
“Noticed you are struggling” “usually something else”.
Confidential unless serious risk to yourself or mandatory reporting.
Work - enjoyment/satisfaction, clinical, colleages.
Home - family, partner, finances
MH - mood, sleep, enjoyment, D&A, suicide / SH.
- identify areas for improvement, goal setting. Support plan.
- time off
- support: GP, family, EAP.
Cessation of CPR
20 min CPR
No ROSC / viable rhythm established
No reversible factors that would change outcome
- preexisting illness preventing meaningful recovery
- no response @20 min effective ACLS