Admin and Justice Flashcards
***Identify conditions that call for apprehension of a suspect.
offense triable by court-martial upon probable cause to apprehend. Probable cause exists when there are reasonable grounds to believe that an offense has been or is being committed.
*****Rights under Article 31
to remain silent
Article 31 rights advisements are required when a person subject to the UCMJ interrogates, questions, or takes a statement from another person that is subject to the UCMJ, and that person is suspected of an offense and the information sought regards the suspected offense
**How are (NJP) proceedings are conducted
Be present at the NJP
• Be informed of their Article 31 rights and to be silent in regards to any questions that
might tend to be incriminatory
• Be informed of the information/evidence to be used
• Be accompanied by a spokesperson
• To examine documents or physical objects that may be used as evidence
• To present evidence in extenuation and mitigation
• To have witnesses present
• To have the proceedings public
***Types of NJP punishments and their limitations.
Admonition and reprimand. is considered to be punitive.
Restriction. Restriction is the least severe form of deprivation of liberty. .
Correctional custody. .
Extra duties. include fatigue duties.
Reduction in grade. severe forms
Forfeiture of pay.
**NJP appeals process
to higher authority and within 5 days in writting
**5 limitations
Double punishment prohibited.
Increase in punishment prohibited.
Multiple punishments prohibited.
Statute of limitations. more than two years
Relationship of nonjudicial punishment to administrative corrective measures.
Limitations to OIC NJP
only to enlisted personnel
who cannot refuse NJP
Marine ebarked on a vessel
UCMJ Punitive Articles
UCMJ Punitive Articles 77-134
can njp authority be delegated
can you arrest in quarters and do restriction at same time
who cannot refuse NJP
Marine embarked on a vessel
bread and water limitation
E3 and below no more than 3 days
***(OIC) and O3/Captain NJP authority limitations
7 days of correctional custody, 7 days of forfeitures, reduction in grade by one rank, 14 days of extra duties, 14 days of restriction.
extra duty limitation
2 hours
****Commanders options after decision
Remission, cancel any part of punishment
Suspension, - suepend, after 6 moths goes away
Setting Aside - if injustice commited, restores rights
Mitigation, bring down punishment
appeal has to be within
5 days
All commissioned, warrant, petty, and noncommissioned officers may also apprehend persons subject to the code who take part …….
in quarrels, frays, or disorders, wherever they occur.
do you have a right to counsel
jagman not required
marine corps …you better make attenpt otherwise njp cannot be used for court martial
If the service member does not demand trial by court-martial within a reasonable time after notice….
nonjudicial punishment authority may proceed.
Field grade officers i
30 days of correctional custody, 2 months forfeiture a half a month’s pay, reduction in rank by one grade, 45 days of extra duties, and 60 days of restriction.