Adjustments to Profit Flashcards
Allowable expenditure
General rules
- expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the trade
Capital expenditure
* Allowed except payments relating to land, building and cars
* Proceeds on sale of capital assets taxable as trading income
* Disallowed
* Allow repairs and maintenance
* Disallow improvements and enhancement
* Disallow deprecation
* Disposal of fixed asset = add back
* Profit of fixed asset = deduct
Private Usage
Only business proportion allowable, add back private use proportion
Disallowable expenditure
Apporpriation of profit
- payment of salary to a sole trader/ partner
- any private expenses (income tax or NIC)
- payment of unreasonable salary to family member (above MV)
all disallowed
Extertainment/ Gifts
Disallow gifts:
* without business name
* food/ drink or vouchers
* cost > £50
Allow gifts:
* to employees
* of trade samples
* disallow customer entertaining
* allow staff entertainment
Donations and subscriptions
* small local charities
* trading stock
* used P&M to charities/ educational establishments
* subscriptions to trade and professional assocations
* national charities
* political donations
Disallowed, except parking fines incurred by employee on a business activity
- Allowed interest paid on business loans
- Disallowed interest on late payment of tax and other non- business loans
Legal and professional fees
Employee payments
- Allowed earnings paid to employees if paid within 9 months of end of accounting period
- Allowed pension contributions if within accouting period
Car leasing and rental costs
* Generally allowable
* 15% of lease payments for polluting cars (>50g/km) disallowed
* no deduction for any provision as no payment of cash
* disallowed general provisions
* increase in provision disallow
* decrease in provision allow
Bad debts
* automatic bad debt relief - no adjustment required
* Allow trade bad debts
* Disallow non trade bad debts e.g. loans to employees written off
Private use in TTP (long question 2)
- no adjustment needed for private expenses - any costs related to employees are fully deductible for the business