Adjudicative ADR (END) Flashcards
What does END stand for?
Expert (or Neutral) Determination
What is END?
a process in which an expert (or neutral) is appointed to make a determination on the issues referred to him by the appointing parties.
END is a determinative process, rather than a facilitative process (mediation) or an advisory evaluative process (ENE)
When is END used?
It is most commonly used in cases of a technical nature where the parties are likely to benefit from a determination by an appropriate expert such as an accountant, surveyor, or engineer.
Is an expert always needed for END?
It is not always the case that an expert needs to be appointed to carry out a determination. In appropriate cases, the parties can agree that the determination is carried out by an independent third party.
Where a panel of neutral third parties determine the issues, who will accompany them?
A lawyer
When may a dispute be referred to END?
The parties may contractually bind themselves, in advance of a dispute arising, to use END to resolve a dispute.
Alternatively, after the dispute has arisen, the parties may select EN D as the most appropriate ADR process to resolve the dispute.
What governs the relationship between the parties and he expert, the obligations of the expert, and the circumstances in which the decision will be final and binding?
These matters will be primarily governed by the terms of the contract by which the expert is appointed.
Is END final and binding?
The parties usually agree that the determination is final and binding on them, typically this is recorded in the contract.
If this is not expressly stated in the clause, the court may imply such a term.
The parties may also agree that the determination is only binding on them for a temporary or interim period
What do the terms ‘final’ and ‘binding’ mean?
‘Final’ means the decision cannot be reviewed or appealed
‘Binding’ means that the parties must comply with the determination.
How does the role of an expert differ in END and in court proceedings?
In END, the expert is acting as the decision-maker, not a witness.
In court proceedings, an expert acts a witness, and the ultimate decision-maker will be the judge.
Who picks the expert for END?
The parties
Give three circumstances where END is generally useful.
cases of a highly technical nature
commercial disputes
disputes that arise during assessment of costs when the main proceedings have been concluded
What will the parties typically have to send to the expert?
- written submissions setting out their case on each of the issues
- copies of all relevant documents (the parties should cooperate to produce an agreed bundle of documents if possible)
What is the nature of the decision of END?
In END the parties will usually agree that the decision will be binding on them and, where this is so, the court will uphold the decision unless there are grounds for setting it aside.
The outcome of END is a contract which is drawn up by the expert.
The decision does not take the form of an award or an order, unlike arbitration.
What may happen if a party does not comply with an expert determination clause in the contract?
END clauses, if clearly and unambiguously drafted, will be upheld by the courts, and such clauses will generally prevent the parties having recourse to the courts to resolve their dispute.
If one party refuses to comply with an expert determination clause in the contract, the other party may be entitled to damages for breach of contract.
What may happen if a party issues court proceedings when there was a contractual agreement that END would be used in case of a dispute?
The court has the discretion to stay court proceedings issued by a party who failed to use the contractually agreed machinery in the contract to determine the dispute.
If a party issues court proceedings when there was a contractual agreement to use END, where does the burden lie in proving which dispute resolution should be used?
The burden will be on the party seeking to litigate the dispute to show grounds why the claim should not be stayed.
What may the court take into consideration when exercising its discretion as to whether a claim should be stayed to invoke contractually agreed END?
- the extent to which the parties have complied with the requirements in any pre-action protocol
- whether the dispute is suitable for determination by END
- the costs of END compared to the costs of litigation
- whether the dispute could be resolved more quickly by court proceedings than by requiring the parties to use END
- whether a stay would accord with the overriding objective
Can the determination in END be challenged?
The court will give primary consideration to the terms of the contract in ascertaining whether the determination can be challenged.
If the parties agree that their dispute should be resolved by END and that the expert’s decision is to be conclusive and binding, then provided the expert has done exactly what he was instructed to do, the report, whether or not it contained reasons for the decision, can generally not be challenged by seeking to set it aside in court proceedings.
How can a party challenge the decision in END?
A challenge to the decision will usually be made by issuing Part 8 proceedings.
What can the court do if it sets aside the decision of the END?
It may make the determination itself or direct a new expert to be instructed to determine the matter.
Other than challenging the decision in END, what can Part 8 proceedings be used for (in relation to END)?
Part 8 proceedings may be issued in advance of END to decide any disputes about the interpretation of the END clause, or to resolve disagreement about matters that should be referred to the expert pursuant to the clause.
How is the decision of END enforced?
It is basically enforced as a contract. A failure by one side to honour the decision amounts to a breach of contract and proceedings can be issued in relation to the breach.
In those proceedings, the court can make an order giving effect to the decision of the expert, and if there are no valid grounds for challenging the decision, summary judgment is likely to be granted to enforce the decision.